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Background/Fundamental Causes of World War I Militarism: building up of military due to rivalry w/ other countries. Imperialism: taking over other lands.

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Presentation on theme: "Background/Fundamental Causes of World War I Militarism: building up of military due to rivalry w/ other countries. Imperialism: taking over other lands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background/Fundamental Causes of World War I Militarism: building up of military due to rivalry w/ other countries. Imperialism: taking over other lands to gain wealth from resources, workers, consumers Nationalism: intense loyalty to one’s country or group Alliances: countries agree to defend one another if attacked.

2 Background/Fundamental Causes of World War I M_______: building up of military due to rivalry w/ other countries. I_________: taking over other lands to gain wealth from resources, workers, consumers N______: intense loyalty to one’s country or group A_____: countries agree to defend one another if attacked.

3 Immediate Cause of WWI Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, next in line to the throne of Austria- Hungary—Ferdinand and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist. Austria declared war on Serbia. Allies on each side piled in to the war. The two sides were called the Central Powers ( Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire) and the Allies (Great Britain, France, Russia, & eventually the U. S.) Have students create flip chart of two sides at this point.

4 Immediate Cause of WWI Assassination of Archduke F____ F_____, next in line to the throne of Austria- Hungary—Ferdinand and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist. Austria declared war on Serbia. Allies on each side piled in to the war. The two sides were called the C_______P_____(Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire) and the A____ (Great Britain, France, Russia, & eventually the U. S.) Have students create flip chart of two sides at this point.

5 The Two Sides in WWI: Allies (or Allied Powers) Serbia Russia France Great Britain Central Powers Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire

6 U. S. ENTERS WORLD WAR I 1915 1917 Germany declares… 1917 Zimmerman Note: U. S. President Woodrow Wilson…


8 1915 Germany (a Central Power) sinks Lusitania— attack with a U- Boat (submarine)

9 1915 Germany (a C____ Power) sinks L______— attack with a U- Boat (submarine)

10 1917 Germany declares that it will sink any ships headed for countries on the Allies side

11 1917 _____ declares that it will sink any ships headed for countries on the A____ side

12 1917 Zimmerman Note: Germany ( a Central Power) sends a telegram to Mexico—if Mexico will join Central Powers and fight against U. S., Mexico gets back land it previously lost to the U. S.

13 1917 Z______ Note: G____ ( a C____ Power) sends a telegram to M_____—if M_____ will join C_____Powers and fight against U. S., M____ will get back land it previously lost to the U. S.

14 As result of Zimmerman note & Germany’s sinking of several U. S. cargo (merchant) ships, U. S. President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to Declare War on Germany, April, 1917.

15 As result of Zimmerman note & Germany’s s____ of several U. S. c____ (merchant) ships, U. S. President W____ W_____ asks Congress to Declare War on G____, April, 19_ _.

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