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LS100 Unit One Seminar Kaplan University John Gray.

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Presentation on theme: "LS100 Unit One Seminar Kaplan University John Gray."— Presentation transcript:

1 LS100 Unit One Seminar Kaplan University John Gray

2 Welcome to LS100 and to Kaplan University. Feel free to send email at any time: The laptop will be with me in Chicago, Aug 4-7. Graduation is Aug 7.

3 LS 100 Please post your brief bio under our discussion for unit one. New units begin each Wednesday. It is vital to observe due dates as the course moves along.

4 In law and legal studies, communication is very important. Always run spell-check and grammar- check. Grammar check should be set to U.S. English.

5 Avoid contractions in formal writing. Avoid slang in formal writing. Avoid idioms in formal writing. What are some examples of each of these? Kentucky and “I don’t care to.” example…

6 Visit the online writing center when needed. We are in the word business as we do legal work.

7 Deadlines are crucial in legal work. Missing a statute of limitations is malpractice for the lawyer of record in the case. Statutes of limitations for initial filing of cases are in state or federal codes and extensions cannot be granted.

8 The calendar… Master the use of a calendar, if possible, in outlook, or some other computer or email system. Time management is crucial in legal work.

9 Are there any questions about the syllabus? Be sure to read each unit, and to begin posting on the discussion board, as early in each Kaplan unit as you can --- this means on Wednesdays each week.

10 Questions/comments/thanks, JG

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