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Meet Your Teachers Mrs. Audrey McCray Math Room 119 Mrs. Audrey McCray Math Room 119 Mrs.

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2 Meet Your Teachers Mrs. Audrey McCray Math Room 119 Mrs. Audrey McCray Math Room 119 Mrs. Emily Fields Reading & Language Arts Room 117 Mrs. Emily Fields Reading & Language Arts Room 117 Mrs. Jenny Brown Science & Social Studies Room 120 Mrs. Jenny Brown Science & Social Studies Room 120

3 Curriculum Highlights Math Students will use the Investigations program for math. The students must learn a great deal from teacher instruction and exploration because there is NOT a textbook! To supplement each lesson, the students are provided with a workbook in which we focus on one session at a time in each unit. It is very necessary that the students keep these workbook pages in their binder to use EVERY DAY! Students are encouraged to know all of their basic facts to enhance their success in math.

4 Curriculum Highlights Reading We will be using the Wonders reading program by McGraw-Hill. We will start Unit 1 Week 1 on Monday, Aug. 10. We will continue to do traditional testing this year, but will also utilize other types of assessments such as activities in Literature Circles and weekly in-class projects based around the skill for the week.

5 Curriculum Highlights Language Arts We will be using the Grammar and Writing lessons that are included with the Wonders reading series. We’ll cover many aspects of grammar including nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and sentence structure. In Writing we’ll use the Writing Process to practice the different types of writing, which include narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive. We also learn about figurative language such as idioms, metaphors, and similes.

6 Curriculum Highlights Science We have four hands-on AMSTI science kits in 4 th grade: Animals (dwarf African frogs, fiddler crabs, millipedes) Electric Circuits The Physics of Sound Motion & Design To cover the remaining standards, we will use the science textbook and other materials. Students will earn grades in Science from worksheets, tests, projects, interactive notebooks, and more

7 Curriculum Highlights Social Studies You will learn about Alabama History in 4 th grade. The textbook covers from prehistoric times to present day, and covers major historical events in our country and the impact they had on Alabama. You will complete several history projects in class this year. Projects topics include Native Americans, wars, famous people, and more. Project styles will vary.

8 Field Trip Info 4 th grade has taken a field trip to Alabama’s capitol in Montgomery for many years. This is a fun and educational trip that highlights some of the history of our state. We typically go to one or two other locations while in Montgomery, such as the 1 st White House of the Confederacy or the Rosa Parks Museum. However, since there are so many wonderful historical places to visit in our capital city, we are planning to take TWO field trips to Montgomery this year! We will take one in first semester and one in second semester. Student conduct is the determining factor in whether or not these field trips will take place. Last year we did not get to go on a field trip because of the overall behavior of that group of students! We hope that does not happen again this year! *Although conduct is no longer a grade on the report card, students will still be held accountable for their behavior. (More on this on the next slide.)

9 Conduct The 4 th grade teachers have high expectations for our students, both academically and behaviorally. Appropriate behavior is a MUST at school so that all students can feel safe and accepted and be free to learn without distraction. We expect our students to work hard and to be responsible and kind. Misbehavior: Verbal warnings and reminders will be given as needed, but if a student does not correct their misbehavior, negative consequences will occur. Some of those consequences may include time-out from recess, sitting separately at lunch, and/or filling out a form whereby the student can reflect on his or her behavior choices. This form must be signed by a parent and returned the next day. Parents will receive a Behavior Report in the Wednesday Folder each week showing their child’s behavior choices from the previous week. Appropriate Behavior: Students will be rewarded with a variety of positive consequences for being well-behaved and following expectations.

10 Grading Policy Students earn grades based on their performance; they are not given grades. Beginning in 4 th grade, Science and Social Studies grades are no longer easy S/N/U grades. They are now A-F grades just like Reading, Math, and Language Arts. Enterprise City Schools use the following grading scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F

11 Homework Policy Homework assignments are written on the board in each class every day. It is the students’ responsibility to write their homework assignments down. You must write them down in red pen. Homework assignments are due the next day, unless specified differently by the teacher. Ample time is given in class to complete classwork, but if a student does not use time wisely in class, they may be instructed to finish this work at home. It will be due the following day, just like any other homework. Students will have negative consequences for continual failure to complete homework or classwork.

12 Special Classes Mrs. Connors conducts whole group guidance lessons once a month. Mrs. Hagins meets every other week with our students for music class. All students have P.E. every day with Mrs. Grimes & Mrs. Thompson.

13 Stay Connected with “The Creek” Website: Facebook: Twitter: @RRetherford1 School-Wide Remind (updates from Mr. R.): Send the message @harran to 917-746-3324 4 th Grade Remind: **ALL PARENTS NEED TO SIGN UP FOR THIS ONE** Send the message @hce15164th to 81010

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