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Manheim Township High School By: Clare Wirth, Lauren Lennox, Pamela Acero, and Joseph Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Manheim Township High School By: Clare Wirth, Lauren Lennox, Pamela Acero, and Joseph Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manheim Township High School By: Clare Wirth, Lauren Lennox, Pamela Acero, and Joseph Miller

2 Conestoga Watershed, which is a part of the Susquehanna Sub- basin, in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, that uses the Conestoga River as its major waterway Manheim Township High School Lancaster, PA Manheim Township HS Susquehanna River

3 Stream Study We visited the Little Conestoga Creek in East Petersburg, PA And in Overlook Park

4 ocal/4/254860 LOCAL NEWS “Pennsylvania – and especially heavily farmed Lancaster County – are linchpins in any successful cleanup”

5  What are the indicators of a healthy stream?  What did we speculate on the health of our stream?



8 Velocity of flow data tableMeasurement Distance1 m Time7.73 sec Final Velocity0.129 m/sec

9 Stream Physical StudyMeasurement Length1 Meter Width7.64 Meters Average Depth.6 Meters Time7.73 sec Flow.9 Final Volume.56 m 3 /sec

10  Ammonia – 0.1 m/l  Nitrates – 8 m/l  Phosphates – <1 mg/L  pH – high = slightly basic  Hardness – 600-800 ppm  Dissolved Oxygen – 5.6mg/L  Turbidity – 20 JTUs

11  Ammonia - animal waste and fertilizer  Nitrates - animal waste and fertilizer  Phosphates - animal waste and fertilizer  pH - limestone runoff from quarry  Hardness - limestone runoff from quarry  Dissolved Oxygen – cold and rushing over rocks  Turbidity - inconclusive

12 Major GroupsT/F/S Craneflies (Trueflies)F Blackflies (trueflies)T AlderfliesF Crayfish (Crustaceans) T Sowbugs (Crustaceans) F Scuds (Crustaceans)F SnailsT LeechesT T= tolerant of pollution F= fairly tolerant S= sensitive to pollution

13 Water Quality Rating: Fair

14  Natural Wetland 1  Natural Wetland 2  Man-Made Wetland Importance of Wetlands  Flood control  Absorb pollutants  Provides Habitats

15  What are the issues?  What are we doing about the issues?  Essential Questions

16 Thanks to: ◦ Mrs. Feerrar ◦ Mrs. Holsinger ◦ Mrs. Metcalf ◦ Mrs. Myers ◦ Mrs. Zima ◦ MAGPI Fellows and Mrs. Greiner Thanks to: Manheim Township Educational Foundation Grant (MTEF)

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