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Language points Module 1 Book 7. 1.put v. 1) 做成,放置,委托,加诸 It’s time to put an end to the meeting. You won’t succeed with the work if you don’t put your.

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Presentation on theme: "Language points Module 1 Book 7. 1.put v. 1) 做成,放置,委托,加诸 It’s time to put an end to the meeting. You won’t succeed with the work if you don’t put your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language points Module 1 Book 7

2 1.put v. 1) 做成,放置,委托,加诸 It’s time to put an end to the meeting. You won’t succeed with the work if you don’t put your mind to it. Never put your trust in a stranger. I didn’t break the window, but everyone has put the blame on me.

3 2) 叙述,表达 His ideas were cleverly put. I want to know how to put it in French. 2.nature n. What is the ~ of the new chemical ? It’s not in her ~ to do anything rude; she’s polite by ~. It’s only human ~ to like money. 性质 天性,本性

4 3.aggressive adj. He is an ~ person and likely to start a fight. If you want to be a successful businessman, you must be ~ and not worry about other people’s feelings. 好攻击的 积极的,进取的,有创劲的

5 4.dominate He has authority, but he doesn’t try to dominate others. Price tends to dominate all other considerations. 控制 占重要地位

6 5.unlike adj.& prep. as ~ as chalk and cheese She’s very ~ her mother.They are completely ~. It’s ~ him to be late;he’s usually on time. unlikely adj. They’re ~ to marry. It seems ~ that they’re in. 截然不同 不象,不同 未必的,多半不会的

7 6.risk He risked his life when he saved the child at the risk of \at risk to 冒 …… 危险 a risk that---- There is a risk that the fire would break out again. risk doing 冒险干 …… By doing that he risked losing his job.

8 5.parallel adj.n.& v. My feelings in this matter are ~ to yours. No one has ~led his success in business. Your experience ~s my own. 类似的,相似的 相等,匹敌 与 … 相似

9 6.adequate adj. We took ~ food for the short holiday. We had ~ food but none to waste. I hope you will prove ~ to the job. The performance was ~, though hardly exciting. He doubted her adequacy for the job. 足够的,刚好足够的, 胜任的,差强人意的

10 7.absorb vt. 吸收(液体);承受;承担 We will not absorb these charges. 我们不能承担这些费用。 吸取(知识);占有 This job absorbs all of my time. 这件工作占有了我的全部时间。

11 The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. 作家全神贯注地进行写作, 忘了弹去 雪茄烟的烟灰。 to absorb the full meaning of a remark 理解一句话的全部意义

12 To follow and absorb a newspaper article is a little bit hard as it requires a high level of mental involvement. 读懂一篇文章比较吃力, 因为需要高度 的脑力活动。 吸引;使专心;使全神贯注 to absorb in study 专心研读 并吞;兼并 to absorb the small states 兼并小国

13 8.appoint v. We must ~ a new teacher soon. The appointed him (to be/ as) chairman. We must ~ a committee. Let’s ~ a day to have dinner together. 任命,派;组建;约定

14 She wasn’t at the appointed meeting place. He will only see you by appointment. I have an appointment with the doctor. 约定的;指定的 约定 约会

15 9.whereas conj. They want a house, ~ we would rather live in a flat. Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house. 但是,可是,而,却

16 10.commit v. ~ a crime / error He was found guilty and committed. The evil murderer was committed to the flames. 他被发现有罪而下狱。 罪恶的杀人犯被下令处以火刑。

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