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How to modernise a teaching hospital in an uncertain world Phil Jones 9th November 2006 Wakefield.

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2 How to modernise a teaching hospital in an uncertain world Phil Jones 9th November 2006 Wakefield

3 in several not so easy lessons…….


5 Key Drivers for Change Payment by Results Patient Choice Our Health, Our Care, Our Say White Paper European Working Time Directive 18 week waiting time target

6 Connecting for Health in London Led by BT and partners CRS was IDX Carecast now Cerner No Cerner product yet deployed PACS = Philips Many tactical solutions London has +++ £££ problems


8 Choose & Book

9 Key issues are The end of the paper record? Single electronic patient record? Accessible through a single integrated system “Martini” access Will the supplier deliver the functionality required Clinical buy-in

10 To challenge current assumptions regarding the way we work To identify how technology & new ways of working can be implemented to improve patient care Promote Team working To develop a vision of how St Mary’s should operate in 3-5 years time, including the benefits and how we will know we have achieved the vision.

11 Key Objectives Provide coherent, strategic overview to improvement projects Ensure improvement projects are necessary & appropriate Target limited resources most effectively Use new technology & new ways of working to deliver valued, tangible benefits to patients Embed culture of continuous improvement at St Mary’s NHS Trust

12 TSM Reporting Structure

13 Leading Transforming St Mary’s Cohort of 12 – aim for c.50 Empowering Leaders to deliver the changes and improvements that SMH has signed up to Multi-professional/Multi-disciplinary Coaching others to coach – embedding principles into the organisation

14 Projects I Improving Patients Journey 18 Week Waits PACS St Mary’s 24/7 Redesigning the Med/Sec role CRS Transformational leadership Order Comms & Electronic Discharge Real-time data recording

15 Projects II Theatres and instrument tracking Switchboard automation Intensive Care rebuild (including systems and processes) Information Governance

16 Carry on regardless! Thank You Any Questions?

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