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Cause and Effect Learning Objective: Distinguishing between cause and effect in expository text Today we will be distinguishing between cause and effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Cause and Effect Learning Objective: Distinguishing between cause and effect in expository text Today we will be distinguishing between cause and effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause and Effect Learning Objective: Distinguishing between cause and effect in expository text Today we will be distinguishing between cause and effect in expository text. cause effect

2 Check for understanding! What two things are we distinguishing today in language? What type of text are we going to use? causeeffect EXPOSITORY

3 What will happen if you received all 4s on your report card?

4 A Cause is why something happens The girl had to miss recess because she did not do her homework The boy missed the bus because he overslept. Janice studied hard for the test as a result she received an A.

5 The girl had to miss recess because she did not do her homework The boy missed the bus because he overslept. Janice studied hard for the test as a result she received an A. Effect is what happened

6 The Importance of Cause and Effect Good readers are able to distinguish cause and effect relationships to understand why things happen in stories

7 How can we tell the difference or distinguish between cause and effect? cause To see if something is a cause ask yourself why did it happen? effect To distinguish effect ask yourself what happened? sinceas a resultbecause of becausethereforedue to consequentlyfor this reasonso Clues words that signal cause and effect

8 Rockets The invention of the rocket has had amazing benefits for human life. For instance, weather satellites carried into space by rockets can warn people about bad weather. Many lives threatened by storm can be saved. As another example, rockets can carry robot probes into space. People can explore not only the Earth but also other planets in the solar system. Rockets can carry communications satellites into orbit. Millions of people from all over the world are able to talk to one another, join in scientific research, and do countless other useful activities together. Because of the rocket and communications satellites, the world has almost become one country.

9 Sentence strips activity CauseEffect weather satellites carried into space by rockets can warn people about bad weather. Many lives threatened by storm can be saved. rockets can carry robot probes into space People can explore not only the Earth but also other planets in the solar system. Rockets can carry communications satellites into orbit. Millions of people from all over the world are able to talk to one another, join in scientific research, and do countless other useful activities together.

10 “Cassie’s Crash” Independent Practice Cause and Effect

11 Closing What was our learning objective?

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