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1 FY 16 IMPROVING TEACHER AND PRINCIPAL QUALITY: P-16 EDUCATION PARTNERSHIPS TITLE II, PART A Friday, November 13, 2015 Technical Assistance Workshop for.

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1 1 FY 16 IMPROVING TEACHER AND PRINCIPAL QUALITY: P-16 EDUCATION PARTNERSHIPS TITLE II, PART A Friday, November 13, 2015 Technical Assistance Workshop for 2015-2016 grant applications K-12 Mathematics and Science Priorities

2 2 NCLB State Priorities (p2) Increasing teacher content knowledge through partnerships that offer content institutes and workshops, particularly in Mathematics and Science. Offering professional development to support the Common Core Mathematics and Next Generation Science Standards

3 Why should you be interested in STEM Education? To enhance students’ learning of mathematics and science, and to increase the number of students who pursue careers in knowledge-based fields in order for Arkansas to improve economically and to compete in the nation and the world.

4 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DEADLINES Letter of Intent to Apply–use Appendix I on page 22 Friday, December 4, 2015 Grant Proposal Due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 22, 2016

5 5 FUNDS AVAILABLE $500,000

6 Focus of NCLB (p.1) Increase teacher content knowledge through content institutes Increase teacher knowledge about data driven decision-making in the classroom with relevant formative assessments. 6

7 7 PRIORITY FUNDING (p.2) Collaborative professional learning communities that support activities in K-12 Science (including engineering design) to improve teacher quality and student achievement Professional learning that is sustained, intensive, and long-term Professional learning that increases teacher effectiveness

8 8 INTENT OF THE LEGISLATION IS TO SUPPORT PROJECTS THAT: 1. Provide long-term, sustained high-quality professional learning opportunities, 2. Provide access to teachers statewide, including teachers in high-need local school districts, and 3. Result in change of teacher practice in the classroom that increases student performance in content areas.

9 9 EXAMPLES (p.2) Content workshops, institutes, graduate courses in core academic subjects of mathematics orscience. Use of instructional technology within a content workshop Use of research-based curriculum Use of manipulatives and visuals Differentiated instruction for diverse learners


11 11 ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIPS (p.2) Eligible partnerships SHALL include:  Institution of higher education  College (School) of Education  College (School) of Arts and Sciences  A high-need local education agency (LEA)

12 12 HIGH-NEED LEA (p.2) (a) An LEA that serves not fewer than 10,000 children from families with income below the poverty line, OR for which not less than 20 percent of the children served are from families with incomes below the poverty line; AND (b) An LEA for which there is a high percentage of teachers not teaching in the academic subjects or grade levels that the teachers were trained to teach, OR for which there is a high percentage of teachers on emergency, provisional, or temporary certification.

13 13 High-need LEA (pp 21-22) Exclusively must use U. S. Census data to determine the high-need LEA See APPENDIX H for list of school districts that are eligible pe/data/schools/data/2013.html

14 Appendix H (p. 20) Turn to page 21 in the RFP. The list of schools meet both criteria listed on page 2. This list is compiled from the census data for 2013 and using ADE data on teachers teaching out-of-field. (see handout) 14

15 15 SCHOOL DISTRICT CHARACTERISTICS http://ArkansasEd.org information on characteristics of districts, test scores, teacher quality behind/nclb-grant-information information about the Title II, Part A grant competition Be sure to summarize LEA data in a table for all school districts in your area

16 16 Other partners may include: University STEM Centers Community Colleges Education Renewal Zones Education Service Cooperatives Additional local school districts A non-profit organization of demonstrated effectiveness in improving the quality of teaching

17 17 ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS (p.3) Eligible participants SHALL include:  K-12 mathematics and science teachers who teach in Arkansas public schools  Private school mathematics and science teachers in Arkansas  Out-of-state teachers who pay ALL expenses on their own  A participant must have an intent to teach in 2015-16 form on file with the project director  THESE COURSES ARE NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE WHO WILL NOT TEACH NEXT YEAR.

18 18 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (p3) Results of a current, comprehensive needs assessment using student and teacher assessment and demographic data Multiple evaluation components Description of methodology based on scientifically-based research Pre- and post-testing of CONTENT required

19 19 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (p3) A minimum of 20 participants 45-48 content, immersion contact hours and 12-15 follow-up, implementation hours in learning communities-face-to- face (60 total hours for the same 20 or more teachers) Teachers, administrators, the evaluator and other personnel must be included in the planning (document dates, location and signatures)

20 20 Assessment and Accountability (p4) ADE Website: links to HIVE ACTAAP ADE Website – curriculum frameworks EPAS Explore, Plan, ACT ACSIP School Improvement Planning

21 21 Current Testing Results (p4) End-of-Course Examinations (most current year) Be sure to check the ADE website for professional development guidelines

22 Arkansas Mathematics and Sciences Standards For the Fy16 projects, you must relate the grant to the Arkansas K-12 Science Frameworks and/or the Arkansas Mathematics Standards where applicable You must also stress the Mathematics and/or Science Practice Standards 22

23 Teachers welcome help!! How many of you have been in an mathematics or science classroom to mentor or observe in the past year? What did you observe? Did the teacher ask you for help? What suggestions did you make to the teacher? 23

24 24 Pre-planning for the proposal Identify Areas of Need-What do the teachers know and what can they do? (examples??) Decide from a needs assessment what content strands or specific content skills the grant request will support. (examples??)

25 25 Planning for the proposal Identify the Desired Results-What do you want the teachers to know and be able to do? Invite your internal evaluator to help brainstorm with you and design how you will know when you have the desired results. Determine acceptable evidence.

26 26 Planning for the proposal Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction-What needs to be done to help teachers learn the required knowledge and skills? Plan for a minimum of 60 contact hours.

27 27 GOAL Write a goal that states expectations outcomes, number of teachers and timeframe.

28 28 APPLICATION PROCEDURES (pp 5-8) 1. Cover sheet – Appendix A (p 13) Use the current one on the website. 2. Abstract – Appendix B (2 pages)- used for publicity (pp 14-15) 3. Table of Contents 4. Memorandum of Agreement – Appendix C (p 16)

29 29 APPLICATION PROCEDURES cont. (pp 6-8) 5. Project Narrative – maximum 10 pages, 12-font, double-spaced, numbered pages A). Document demonstrated need, measurable goals and objectives, demographics of districts and teacher and student data; describe the partners and the planning process

30 30 APPLICATION PROCEDURES cont. (p 7) 5. B). Describe the plan of operation  Topical outline of scope and sequence (these should be aggregated to a common syllabus)  Two person teaching team –the best is a professor and a practicing teacher. No larger.  Action plan – use Appendix G (p 20)  Administrative operating procedures  Scientifically-based research  follow-up activities – 2 face-to-face during the school year of 6 hours each. NO follow-up via email, internet, moodle, etc.

31 31 APPLICATION PROCEDURES cont. (p 7) 5. C). Special populations –Explain the instructional design description that meets the needs of ALL students (explain differentiated instructional techniques) Explain the teacher recruiting strategies, timeline, advertisement Provide information about how principals and other administrators are included in the project in meaningful and substantial ways.

32 32 APPLICATION PROCEDURES cont. (p 7-8) 5. D). Evaluation plan - describe proposed methods for identifying outcomes, include pre- and post test instruments (10 questions max, evaluation questions, and/or surveys) E). Resources and Cost effectiveness - institutional resources, matching resources, administrative support, vitae for project staff (2 pages max per person), institutionalization of project

33 33 APPLICATION PROCEDURES cont. (p 8) 6. Attachments/appendices Budget and budget justification–Appendix D/E Vitae - MAXimum 2 pages each person Current References-bibliography Action Plan – Appendix G (p 19) Written coordination with off-site locations Copyright/license release Certificate of Assurances – Appendix F (p 18) Audit report (most recent institution’s A-133)

34 ENDING GRANT ACTIVITIES This grant cycle runs from about March, 2016 until December 31, 2016. Be sure that all follow-up activities are completed before December 2016. NO grant activities may take place in Spring 2017. Project and financial reports are due by December 31, 2016. DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENTION!!! 34

35 35 What Rules Apply to the Use of NCLB funds? No Child Left Behind Act New Uniform Guidance replaces most EDGAR and OMB regulations The FY15-16 Request for Proposals State financial guidelines

36 36 What are the basic cost criteria? Allowable to the purposes of the activities to meet the goals and objectives Necessary and reasonable Not for general purposes

37 37 FUNDING GUIDELINES (p 4) Tuition support up to $1,200 per teacher for a 3- hour graduate course and additional $300 in stipends for the 12 hours of follow-up OR If no tuition support is given, then $1,500 per teacher can be awarded for the 60 hours (10 six hour days)- NOTE: A 1099 federal form is generated and teachers must pay taxes. (priority is given to those who also award graduate credit at no cost to the grant; faculty costs are allowed) Teacher pays for all fees and graduate admission costs (the grant shall charge a registration fee of $200.00 to cover these as well as food, additional printing and materials) Tuition may not be used as matching funds

38 38 FUNDING GUIDELINES (p 5) No major equipment purchases allowed 8% indirect costs allowed on modified direct costs Maximum $300 for participant books and materials Maximum consultant fee - $600 per day Project director cost - $2,500 Project evaluator – at most 5% of the direct costs in the grant External one-day evaluator - $400 for visit and $200 for report plus travel expenses

39 39 What types of costs can generally be considered eligible?  Personnel Services Operating Expense (look out for supplanting) Instructional Materials (watch for supplanting) Travel-mileage Instructional equipment (ex. calculators) Consultants Tuition and stipends as described previously

40 40 What types of costs are not eligible? Student Expenses or direct assistance to K-12 students Entertainment or door prizes Awards and memorabilia Individual memberships Memberships with organizations that lobby College fees Fines and penalties Insurance/self-insurance Travel out of the United States-48 states

41 41 What types of costs are not eligible? Expenses that supplant Audits except single audit Contributions and donations Contingencies Facilities and furniture General advertising Alcohol Fundraising General administration

42 42 When can funds be obligated? EDGAR says that a sub-grantee of the state may not obligate funds until the later of: – The date the state may obligate funds OR – The date that the sub-grantee submits its application to the state in substantially approvable form.

43 43 When are funds considered obligated? Type of CostObligation occurs Equip. & suppliesPO date Work of employeesWhen work is done Contracted servicesDate agreement signed UtilitiesWhen used RentalWhen used TravelWhen travel is taken (Time sheets and contracts must be used for work done by staff or consultants; This includes matching components.)

44 44 Questions and Answers May Federal funds be used to support a program that was supported last year with non-federal funds? NO. This would be supplanting— Exception: – Must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis – If it would be impossible to continue the activity without the federal funds, then it may not be supplanting.

45 45 Questions and Answers Can NCLB funds be co-mingled with other funds to offer professional development programs? Funds may not be co-mingled so that they lose their identity. Expenditures must be traceable to the source of funding. However, programs can be co- funded to maximize the available funds.

46 46 LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS Local school districts have over $22,000,000 in No Child Left Behind Funds. Partnerships must include some monetary support from the local school districts. (examples-travel, materials, stipends…)

47 47 SPECIAL RULE “No single partner in an eligible partnership receiving a grant under NCLB may use more than 50% of the grant funds made available to the partnership.” The PROJECT DIRECTOR will file a 50% rule report at the end of the grant.

48 48 UNIFORM GUIDANCE See agenda resources iform-guidance/index.html

49 49 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Demographics/project data: January 31 and July 31 Bi-annual Expenditure reports: February 15 and August 15 Final expenditure report: February 15, 2017 Final Project Director’s report: December 31, 2016 Evaluator’s report: November 30, 2016

50 Reporting Function Institutions NOT providing required reports by ADHE in accordance with the federal regulations will jeopardize future funding opportunities. Please meet all deadlines for reporting. 50

51 51 NCLB Non-Regulatory Guidance Title II, Part A Access the Non-Regulatory Guidance at slation.html Current as of October 5, 2006 Definitions and explanations (See sections B, C and D)

52 52 SCIENTIFICALLY-BASED RESEARCH Scientifically-based teacher quality research is research that applies rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge relevant to improving student academic achievement.

53 53 REVIEW PROCESS Reviewed in the Department of Higher Education for completion of all application materials (high-need LEA definition) Reviewed competitively by an expert panel widely representative of state agencies, higher education institutions, K-12 schools, professional organizations, and business Reviewed using a rubric – Appendix K DO NOT ATTACH THE RUBRIC TO YOUR PROPOSAL.

54 54 AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT Awards will be announced around March 15, 2016, subject to availability of federal funds

55 55 Grant Awards First installment-25% of award amount Additional payments-cost- reimbursement only-detailed financial report must be submitted as well as ALL narrative, demographic, and evaluator reports

56 56 ADMINISTRATION OF GRANT  Each grant must have an internal evaluator and an evaluation plan  Each grant must plan for an external evaluator provided by ADHE  All records must be kept for 5 years  No-cost extensions and budget transfers may be granted with a written request

57 57 POINT OF CONTACT The point of contact for the grant is the PROJECT DIRECTOR. The project director must assume ALL responsibility for program administration, financial details, completion of forms and reports, and following all requirements and guidelines. The project director must attend all meetings called by the funding agency.

58 58 CREDIT AND DISCLAIMER (p. 10) This phrase must be included on all flyers, brochures, notices, and workshop materials: “This project is funded in part by a federal grant under Title II of the No Child Left Behind Act (P.L. 107-110) administered by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. $ ____ (__%) of the cost of the project was financed with federal funds. $____ (__%) was provided by non-federal sources.”


60 ENDING GRANT ACTIVITIES This grant cycle runs from about March, 2015 until December 30, 2016. Be sure that all follow-up activities are completed before December 2016. NO grant activities may take place in the Spring 2017. Project and financial reports are due by December 30, 2016. DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENTION!!! 60

61 61 ELECTRONIC GRANT SUBMISSION DEADLINE Written narrative, proposed budget, appendix A, B, and G and other attachments 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY, January 22, 2016

62 62 NCLB Title II, Part A PROGRAM DIRECTOR Dr. Suzanne Mitchell 423 Main Street, Suite 400 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-371-2062

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