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 To-day on land more 6 bln of inhabitants and a tendency to bigger population increase of planet is marked. However, the increase in the number of population.

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Presentation on theme: " To-day on land more 6 bln of inhabitants and a tendency to bigger population increase of planet is marked. However, the increase in the number of population."— Presentation transcript:


2  To-day on land more 6 bln of inhabitants and a tendency to bigger population increase of planet is marked. However, the increase in the number of population does not conform quality of people's health, as demonstrated by world statistics. Doctor of common practical work has to propagandize the healthy way of life, and as one of fundamental frequency components the it - the healthy maternity, battle over improving of living standard of population, bringing up of healthy and full-fledged younger generation.

3  “relay protection is condition of complete physics, mental and social well-being, and is not easy diseases absence and diseases in all questions over reproductive system and its function”. UN  World statistics.  - lethality from complications of pregnancy and births 500 thousand annually  Lethality of infants 9, 6 million /Year  Up to 5 summer age 4, 8 million /Year  Number of artificial abortions 40-60 million.  Of them illegal 25-30%  One of most Grosny findings in statistic relay protections is the maternal mortality - the woman death from conception moment up to 40 days after births of children.  Findings of maternal mortality on 100 thousand. Viviparities:  - US 8, 0  - Great Britain 12, 0  - Japan 2, 0  - Kazakhstan 77, 3  - Kirgizia 43, 0  - Tajikistan 82, 0  - Turkmenia 56, 0  - Uzbekistan 26, 4  The causes of maternal mortality (incineration facilities ) are numerous, however, in all mills on statistic WHO the equal tendency for reasons ms. is marked.

4  Bleeding  Hypertension (gestosis )  Septic conditions  Pathologic labors  Complicated by abortions  Ranking among such findings there is still a variety of other characteristics, determining the quality relay protections.  On WHO figures:  Fact RH  Incineration facility at age> 35 years 5 time> than in young  Down's disease  19 - 35 years - 1: 1000  35 years - 30: 1000  intergenetic interval about 30 %  Labors amount = abortions amount  extragenital diseases about 60 - 70 % of fertile age  Given the fact that the findings incineration facilities is in no doubt and other complications straight such finding as the fertility are interlinked with.

5  There are several issues to consider when deciding which method of contraception is right for you.  Once you’ve read this information, go to your GP or local contraceptive (or family planning) clinic to discuss your choices.  And remember, the only way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to use a condom every time you have sex. Other methods of contraception prevent pregnancy but don't protect against STIs.  Sexual health charities Brook and FPA have developed an interactive tool that can help you find out which methods of contraception may be best for you. The tool asks questions about your health, lifestyle and contraceptive preferences. All the answers you give are completely confidential and cannot be linked back to you. The tool is available on both charities' websites:  FPA: My contraception tool  Brook: My contraception tool

6  The list below shows how effective each of the 15 different methods is, and how often you need to use them or think about them (frequency of use).   The effectiveness of each method is worked out by calculating how many women get pregnant if 100 women use the method for a year. For example, if a particular contraceptive method is 99% effective, one woman out of every hundred who uses it will get pregnant in a year.   Some methods listed below, such as the Pill, include the term ‘if used correctly’. This is because people who use these methods have to use them every time they have sex, or remember to take or apply them every day, week or month. If the method isn’t used correctly it won't be as effective.

7  Contraceptive injection (renewed every three months).  Contraceptive implant (up to three years).  Intrauterine system, or IUS (up to five years).  Intrauterine device, or IUD, also called the coil (up to five years).  Female sterilisation (permanent).  Male sterilisation (permanent).

8  Contraceptive patch (renewed each week for three weeks in every month).  Vaginal ring (renewed once a month).  Combined pill (taken every day for three weeks out of every month).  Progestogen-only pill (taken every day).  99% effective if used according to teaching instructions:  Natural family planning (operates on a monthly basis).  98% effective if used correctly:  Male condom (every time you have sex).  95% effective if used correctly:  Female condom (every time you have sex).  92-96% effective if used correctly:  Diaphragm with spermicide (every time you have sex).  Cap with spermicide (every time you have sex). 

9  If you’re a well-organised person with a reasonably regular routine, then you have a wide choice of contraception. This is because you're less likely to forget about your contraception, for example forgetting to take a pill or to reapply a patch.  You may want to use a method that you only need to use when you have sex, such as the male and female condom, or you may prefer a method that you need to take every day, such as the Pill. Or you may want to consider methods such as the patch, injection or implant, which you don’t need to use every day or each time you have sex.  The list below shows how often you need to use, replace or take each contraceptive method. Once you've looked at the list, ask your GP, or doctor or nurse at your local clinic, for more details.

10  Conservation RH is complex of medico-social actions, comprising the entire a number of problems.  Conservation RH include:  Consultation-Information, enlightenment and services in service field of pregnant, woman in births, parturient women  Breast feeding  Maternal health and child  Warning and fertility treatment  Warning disease, transmitted by the genital tract  Hygienic of sex life  Responsible attitude toward its RH

11  Natural methods: (ENP  - Calendar method  - Magnetic tape  - Coitus interruptus  Navy  Barrier methods  - Condom  - Caps, diaphragms  - Spermicides  Voluntary surgical sterilization  - Pipes Okklyuzziya  - Vasectomy  Hormonal contraception  Oral (Coca, FTC  Injection (IR)  Norplant Implants

12  Methods that are used each time you have sex:  Male and female condoms.  Diaphragm or cap.  Methods that are taken every day:  Pill (the combined pill or the progestogen-only pill).  Methods that are replaced every week:  Contraceptive patch.  Methods that are replaced every month:  Vaginal ring.  Methods that are renewed every three months:  Contraceptive injection.  Methods that are renewed up to every three years:  Contraceptive implant.  Methods that are renewed up to every five years:  Intrauterine device (IUD).  Intrauterine system (IUS).

13  Some contraceptives can affect your periods. Some may make your periods lighter or more infrequent. Others may make your periods heavier or more irregular. Ask your GP, or doctor or nurse at your local clinic, for more details.  Contraceptives that can make your periods lighter include:  the Pill (the combined pill or the progestogen- only pill),  contraceptive patch,  intrauterine system (IUS), and  vaginal ring.

14  Smokers can use most types of contraception, but if you’re a smoker and you’re over 35 years old, some contraceptives (such as the combined pill or the vaginal ring) might not be suitable for you. Ask your GP, or a doctor or nurse at your local clinic, for more details.   If you're over 35 and you smoke, you can consider the following types of contraceptive:  intrauterine device (IUD),  intrauterine system (IUS),  contraceptive implant,  contraceptive injection, and  progestogen-only pill. 

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