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Published byConstance Alexander Modified over 9 years ago
AP Psychology Alice F. Short Hilliard Davidson High School
Learning Chapter 6 AP Psychology Alice F. Short Hilliard Davidson High School
Chapter Preview Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning
Observational Learning Factors That Affect Learning Learning and Health and Wellness
Types of Learning learning - a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience behaviorism – a theory of learning that focuses solely on observable behaviors, discounting the importance of such mental activity as thinking, wishing, and hoping associative learning / conditioning – learning that occurs when we make a connection, or an association, between two events observational learning – learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates another’s behavior
Types of Associative Learning
classical conditioning – learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response operant conditioning – (a.k.a. instrumental conditioning) a form of associative learning in which the consequences of behavior change the probability of the behavior’s occurrence operant references behavior of the ORGANISM
Classical Conditioning: Terminology
helps to explain involuntary behavior unconditioned stimulus (UCS) unconditioned response (UCR) neutral stimulus (NS) conditioned stimulus (CS) conditioned response (CR)
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov
Classical Conditioning: Terminology
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) – a stimulus that produces a response without prior learning unconditioned response (UCR) – an unlearned reaction that is automatically elicited by the unconditioned stimulus neutral stimulus (NS) – a stimulus that does not elicit an unconditioned response conditioned stimulus (CS) – a previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a conditioned response after being paired with the unconditioned stimulus conditioned response (CR) – the learned response to the conditioned stimulus that occurs after conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus pairing
Classical Conditioning: Procedure
acquisition UCS produces a UCR (reflex) neutral stimulus (NS) paired with a UCS after pairings, NS produces a CR the NS has become a CS contiguity – time between CS and UCS contingency – is CS regularly followed by the UCS?
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov
Unlearned/Reflexive UCS – meat powder UCR – dog salivates NS – sound of Pavlov’s bell (prior to pairings with meat powder) Learned CS – sound of Pavlov’s bell CR – dog salivates
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Generalization CRs may appear after various NS that are similar to the CS Discrimination CRs appear after the CS but not after other CSs discrimination generally learned by presenting other CSs without the UCS
Classical Conditioning
Extinction CR is weakened by presenting the CS without the UCS Pavlov rang the bell but did not present food, and the dog stopped salivating Spontaneous Recovery CR recurs after a time delay and without additional learning when Pavlov rang the bell the next day, the dog salivated Renewal recovery of the CR when organism is placed in novel context
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning: Applications
Phobias Watson and Rayner (1920) – Little Albert white rat (CS) paired with loud noise (UCS) Counterconditioning associate CS with new, incompatible CR CS paired with new UCS aversive conditioning – a form of treatment that consists of repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus antabuse – a drug treatment for alcoholism since 1940s
Classical Conditioning: Applications
placebo effect – the effect of a substance or procedure (such as taking a pill) that is used as a control to identify the actual effects of a treatment (example: drop in pain) immune (disease) and endocrine (hormones) responses immunosuppression – a decrease in the production of antibodies, which can lower a person’s ability to fight disease sympathetic nervous system (part of autonomic nervous system that responds to stress) taste aversion between taste and nausea unique (only 1 pairing required) advertising – associative learning drug habituation – decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentation preparing – body “braces” self
A SHORT Time to Ponder How might parents and schools accidently condition undesirable behaviors? Relate this to immunosuppression. Could you condition yourself to eat healthy? How? What routines do you have that might be triggering unconscious conditioned responses? Think habituation and preparing.
A SHORT Activity With a partner or group of three, create a table or diagram in your spiral to explain the placebo effect using classical conditioning terminology. With the same partner or group of three, create a table or diagram in your spiral to explain the advertising of a specific product using classical conditioning terminology.
Operant Conditioning operant conditioning – (a.k.a. a form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change the probability of the behavior’s occurrence operant references behavior of the organism better explains voluntary behaviors the consequences of a behavior change the probability of that behavior’s occurrence
Operant Conditioning Thorndike’s Law of Effect B.F. Skinner
consequence strengthens or weakens a S – R connection behaviors (reactions) followed by positive outcomes are strengthened behaviors (reactions) followed by negative outcomes are weakened not technically operant conditioning “trial and accidental success” B.F. Skinner expanded on Thorndike’s work named operant conditioning shaping (reward approximations of the desired behavior) “You have permission to be as smart as a seeing eye dog.” - Mr. Hickey
B.F. Skinner “I did not direct my life. I didn't design it. I never made decisions. Things always came up and made them for me. That's what life is.” “Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything.” “The consequences of an act affect the probability of its occurring again.” “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” “Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.”
Skinner Box
Skinner Box (1930s) Developed by B. F. Skinner, a Skinner box is a chamber that contains a bar or key that an animal can press or manipulate in order to obtain food or water as a type of reinforcement. recorded each response provided by the animal recorded unique schedule of reinforcement that the animal was assigned design of Skinner boxes varied depending upon the type of animal and the experimental variables. chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified. purpose of a Skinner box -could carefully study behavior in a very controlled environment. Example determine which schedule of reinforcement led to the highest rate of response in the study subjects - removes human error
B.F. Skinner 4 Ways to Shape Behavior
positive reinforcement negative reinforcement positive punishment negative punishment
Comparing Operant Procedures
Operant Conditioning: Reinforcement
reinforcement – the process by which a rewarding stimulus or event (a reinforcer) following a particular behavior increases the probability that the behavior will happen again Reinforcement increases behavior. positive reinforcement increases behavior negative reinforcement increases behavior Positive Reinforcement behavior followed by rewarding consequence rewarding stimulus is “added” example: telling joke – listener laughing Negative Reinforcement aversive (unpleasant) stimulus is “removed” example: putting on gloves cold gone
Operant Conditioning: Reinforcement
positive reinforcement increases behavior negative reinforcement increases behavior
Principles of Reinforcement: Avoidance Reinforcement
Avoidance Reinforcement – an organism's learning that it can altogether avoid a negative stimulus by making a particular response …by making a particular response, a negative stimulus can be avoided Example: previously failed test studying a lot in the future avoid future failing grades
Principles of Reinforcement: Learned Helplessness
Learned Helplessness - an organism’s learning through experience with unavoidable negative stimuli that it has no control over negative outcomes …an organism learns it has no control over negative outcomes Example: student fails in school whether studies or not student gives up on studying if student studied now would be successful (different class, gained additional skills, etc.) but continues to give up on trying
2 Types of Reinforcers Primary Reinforcers Secondary Reinforcers
innately satisfying pleasurable w/o learning examples: food, water, sexual satisfaction Secondary Reinforcers learned / conditioned reinforcer become satisfying through experience (learning) repeated association with a pre-existing reinforcer token economy – behaviors are rewarded with tokens (such as poker chips or stars on a chart) that can be exchanged later for desired rewards (such as candy or money) examples: grades, paychecks
Schedules of Reinforcement
Generalization (in operant conditioning) performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation stimulus “sets the occasion” for the response responding occurs to similar stimuli Discrimination (in operant conditioning) responding appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be reinforced stimuli signal when behavior will or will not be reinforced Extinction (in operant conditioning) behavior decreases when reinforcement stops Spontaneous Recovery
Schedules of Reinforcement
schedule of reinforcement – specific patterns that determine when a behavior will be reinforced Continuous Reinforcement Partial Reinforcement (vocabulary) fixed set variable not set / unpredictable ratio # interval time
4 Schedules of Partial Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio (FR) reinforcement follows a set # of behaviors not used in casinos (problem / beat system) Variable Ratio (VR) reinforcement follows an unpredictable # of behaviors (e.g., an average) used in casinos: consistent, but not predictable resistant to extinction Fixed Interval (FI) reinforcement follows behavior that occurs after a set amount of time has elapsed behavior increases before anticipated event example: elections Variable Interval (VI) reinforcement follows behavior that occurs after an unpredictable amount of time has elapsed example: pop quizzes
Schedules of Reinforcement
Punishment punishment decreases behavior. Positive Punishment
behavior followed by aversive consequence aversive (unpleasant) stimulus is “added” Negative Punishment rewarding stimulus is “removed” example: timeout; jail (freedom removed)
Punishment punishment – a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur
Comparing Operant Procedures
Controversy Over Punishment
corporal punishment used by 70-90% of parents in the U.S. correlational research studies problems associated with punishment why should parents avoid spanking? is physical punishment necessary?
Operant Conditioning: Timing of Consequences
immediate versus delayed reinforcement immediate versus delayed punishment immediate versus delayed reinforcement and punishment obesity; smoking; drinking
Operant Conditioning: Applied Behavior Analysis
behavior modification work and school performance training autistic children to instruct individuals on effective parenting to enhance environmentally conscious behaviors (recycling, not littering) to promote workplace safety to improve self control
Observational Learning
learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates behavior (modeling) Albert Bandura – Social Cognitive Theory four processes attention retention motor reproduction reinforcement vicarious reinforcement vicarious punishment
Observational Learning: Bandura’s Model of Observational Learning
observational learning – learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates another’s behavior
Albert Bandura… and Bobo Clowns, which are creepy…
Bobo doll experiment (1961, 63) - experiments conducted by Albert Bandura studying children's behavior after watching an adult model act aggressively towards a Bobo doll There are different variations measured the children's behavior after seeing the model get rewarded, punished or experience no consequence for beating up the bobo doll empirical demonstration of Bandura's social learning theory It shows that people not only learn by being rewarded or punished itself (behaviorism), they can learn from watching somebody being rewarded or punished, too (observational learning) important because they sparked many more studies on the effects of observational learning practical implication, e.g. how children can be influenced watching violent media
Cognitive Factors in Learning: E.C. Tolhman (1932)
purposiveness – the idea that much of behavior is goal-directed studying behavior does not illustrate purpose (college, etc.) Purposive Behavior in Humans goal directed goal setting self-regulation and self-monitoring
Cognitive Factors in Learning
expectancy learning information value expectancies – acquired from people’s experience with their environment latent learning / implicit learning – unreinforced learning that is immediately reflected in behavior latent = stored cognitively evident when you walk around a new setting to get a “lay of the land” DISCUSSION: How can latent learning and learning the “lay of the chapter” influence success in AP Psychology?
Cognitive Factors in Learning: Insight Learning
insight learning – a form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden insight into or understanding of a problem requires thinking “outside the box”… or “outside the bun” setting aside previous expectations and assumptions Wolfgang Kohler the stick problem the box problem
Cognitive Factors in Learning: Wolfgang Kohler and Insight Learning
the box problem and the stick problem
A SHORT Time to Ponder: Cognitive Factors in Learning
Do cognitions matter? Does learning involve more than environment-behavior connections?
Other Factors in Learning
Biological Constraints instinctive drift – the tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning preparedness – the species-specific biological predisposition to learn in certain ways but not in others taster aversion in humans fear of snakes in most animals (b/c they are creepy)
Other Factors in Learning
Cultural Influences classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning = universal culture influences degree example: Mexican American students prefer observational learning; Euro-American students direct instruction influences content (geography, religion, etc.)
Other Factors in Learning: Psychological Constraints
mindset: fixed v. growth mindset – the way our beliefs about ability dictate what goals we set for ourselves, what we think we can learn, and ultimately what we do learn fixed mindset – believe that their qualities are carved in stone and cannot change failure = lack of ability … still failing growth mindset (incremental theory) - believe their qualities can change and improve through their effort failure = what you need to learn … showing growth developing a growth mindset Understand that you intelligence and thinking skills are not fixed but can change. Become passionate about learning and stretch your mind in challenging situations. Think about the growth mindsets of people you admire. Begin now.
Learning and Health and Wellness
Factors influencing degree of stress predictability of stressor control over stressor improvement of (reduction in) stressor outlets for frustration
Chapter Summary Explain what learning is.
Describe classical conditioning. Discuss operant conditioning. Understand observational learning. Discuss the role of cognition in learning. Identify biological, cultural, and psychological factors in learning. Describe how principles of learning apply to health and wellness.
Chapter Summary Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Classical Conditioning association between two stimuli terminology: CS, CR, UCS, UCR generalization and discrimination extinction and spontaneous recovery phobias and counterconditioning
Chapter Summary Operant Conditioning Observational Learning
stimulus - response - consequence positive and negative reinforcement positive and negative punishment schedules of reinforcement Observational Learning attention, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement
Chapter Summary Cognitive Factors in Learning
purposive behavior insight learning Other Factors in Learning biological, cultural, psychological constraints Learning and Health and Wellness variables aggravating stress
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