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Highlights (2011-2015) PEAG Meeting, Suva, Fiji 16-19 November, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights (2011-2015) PEAG Meeting, Suva, Fiji 16-19 November, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights (2011-2015) PEAG Meeting, Suva, Fiji 16-19 November, 2015

2 What was covered in the 2014 PEAG Meeting? 1.What is North-REP? 2.Modality /structures 3.Interventions 4.Impacts 5.Partnerships 6.Achievements, challenges & targets 7.Post North-REP

3 What we will cover in the 2015 PEAG meeting? Highlights 2011 to 2015 What would we do again? What would we do differently? What was not planned? Achievements

4 What would we do again?

5 Multi-country Programme Funds from the EU (EDF-10) National Indicative Programme 3 Financing Agreements between the EU and the Countries (RMI, FSM & Palau) 1 Contribution Agreement between EU and SPC Implementing partner is SPC Partnership between the EU, RMI-FSM-Palau and SPC

6 Hardware – RE Solar PV micro-grids

7 Hardware – RE Solar PV Stand-alone Systems at public facilities

8 Hardware – RE Solar PV Home Systems

9 Hardware – RE Grid connected systems – solar PV

10 Hardware – RE Grid connected systems - hydropower

11 Hardware – EE Retrofitting of buildings through the Development Bank

12 Hardware – EE Retrofitting of government buildings

13 Workshops, sharing experience …….

14 Hands-on training

15 Awareness and education

16 Institutional Arrangements Financial accounts Revenue collection Energy Act O&M approaches MOAs – host of equipment vs utility ownership Tariff setting Maintenance schedule

17 Multi-stakeholder involvement Governments (e.g. in the FSM, 5 governments) Government entities Power utilities Local educational institutions (e.g. Palau Community College) NGOs (WUTMI – women united towards Marshall Islands) Other projects (e.g. ADMIRE & SEDREA) Other regional organizations (e.g. PPA) Financial institutions (e.g. National Development Bank of Palau)

18 Procurement modalities Turn-key (supply & install) Supply of equipment only Supply of equipment and training on installation Installation by local power utilities Installation outsourced but separate from supplier of equipment

19 Forward Looking Palau Energy Act Policy Review Wind resource monitoring Coconut resource assessment Satowan (Chuuk, FSM) engineering design for a solar-diesel hybrid system ACSE – project development document on net metering for small scale grid connected RE systems

20 What would we do differently?

21 Better integration of energy with livelihood activities


23 Better rewarding community assistance

24 Transportation arrangements Sustainability approaches Meeting demands (small community projects – e.g. up to US$50k – linking to proposal /project development training) Bridging into next funding cycle(s) Fostering of more partners (co- funding) and synchronizing implementing timeframes

25 What was not planned?

26 Typhoon /Hurricane

27 North-REP = EUR15.49m 3 PICTs = total population of approx. 300,000 Affects 12% of the total population of the 3 PICTs 1.8MW of renewable energy (RE) – new installations 17,000 people access to basic electricity for the first time 20,000 people improved access Public facilities: 5 health Centres & 15 Schools – first time access Contribution to meeting the National Energy Policy targets Institutionalization of RE course on grid connected PV Access to finance: EE retrofitting loans programme for residential & commercial buildings In Summary – achievements

28 Thank You

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