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Published bySheryl King Modified over 9 years ago
Econ 805 Advanced Micro Theory 1 Dan Quint Fall 2007 Lecture 4 – Sept 18 2007
1 Today: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions For Equilibrium Problem set 1 online (due 9 a.m. Wed Oct 3); email list Last lecture: integral form of the Envelope Theorem holds in equilibrium of any Independent Private Value auction where The highest type wins the object The lowest possible type gets expected payoff 0 Today: necessary and sufficient conditions for a particular bidding function to be a symmetric equilibrium in such an auction Time permitting, stochastic dominance
2 Today’s General Results Consider a symmetric independent private values model of some auction, and a bid function b : T R + Define g(x,t) as one bidder’s expected payoff, given type t and bid x, if all the other bidders bid according to b Under fairly broad (but not all) conditions: “everyone bidding according to b” is an equilibrium b strictly increasing and g(b(t’),t’) – g(b(t),t) = t t’ F N-1 (s) ds
3 Necessary Conditions
4 If everyone bids according to the same bid function b, And b is strictly increasing, Then the highest type wins, And so the envelope theorem holds So what we’re really asking here is when a symmetric bid function must be strictly increasing With symmetric IPV, b strictly increasing implies the envelope theorem
5 When must bid functions be increasing? Equilibrium strategies are solutions to the maximization problem max x g(x,t) What conditions on g makes every selection x(t) from x*(t) nondecreasing? Recall supermodularity and Topkis If g(x,t) has increasing differences in (x,t), then the set x*(t) is increasing in t (in the strong set order) For g differentiable, this is when g / x t 0 But let t’ > t; if x* is not single-valued, this still allows some points in x*(t) to be above some points in x*(t’), so it wouldn’t rule out equilibrium strategies which are decreasing at some points
6 Single crossing and single crossing differences properties (Milgrom/Shannon) A function h : T R satisfies the strict single crossing property if for every t’ > t, h(t) 0 h(t’) > 0 (Also known as, “h crosses 0 only once, from below”) A function g : X x T R satisfies the strict single crossing differences property if for every x’ > x, the function h(t) = g(x’,t) – g(x,t) satisfies strict single crossing That is, g satisfies strict single crossing differences if g(x’,t) – g(x,t) 0 g(x’,t’) – g(x,t’) > 0 for every x’ > x, t’ > t (When g t exists everywhere, a sufficient condition is for g t to be strictly increasing in x)
7 What single-crossing differences gives us Theorem. * Suppose g(x,t) satisfies strict single crossing differences. Let S X be any subset. Let x*(t) = arg max x S g(x,t), and let x(t) be any (pointwise) selection from x*(t). Then x(t) is nondecreasing in t. Proof. Let t’ > t, x’ = x(t’) and x = x(t). By optimality, g(x,t) g(x’,t) and g(x’,t’) g(x,t’) So g(x,t) – g(x’,t) 0 and g(x,t’) – g(x’,t’) 0 If x > x’, this violates strict single crossing differences * Milgrom (PATW) theorem 4.1, or a special case of theorem 4’ in Milgrom/Shannon 1994
8 Strict single-crossing differences will hold in “most” symmetric IPV auctions Suppose b : T R + is a symmetric equilibrium of some auction game in our general setup Assume that the other N-1 bidders bid according to b; g(x,t) = t Pr(win | bid x) – E(pay | bid x) = t W(x) – P(x) For x’ > x, g(x’,t) – g(x,t) = [ W(x’) – W(x) ] t – [ P(x’) – P(x) ] When does this satisfy strict single-crossing?
9 When is strict single crossing satisfied by g(x’,t) – g(x,t) = [ W(x’) – W(x) ] t – [ P(x’) – P(x) ] ? Assume W(x’) W(x) (probability of winning nondecreasing in bid) g(x’,t) – g(x,t) is weakly increasing in t, so if it’s strictly positive at t, it’s strictly positive at t’ > t Need to check that if g(x’,t) – g(x,t) = 0, then g(x’,t’) – g(x,t’) > 0 This can only fail if W(x’) = W(x) If b has convex range, W(x’) > W(x), so strict single crossing differences holds and b must be nondecreasing (e.g.: T convex, b continuous) If W(x’) = W(x) and P(x’) P(x) (e.g., first-price auction, since P(x) = x), then g(x’,t) – g(x,t) 0, so there’s nothing to check But, if W(x’) = W(x) and P(x’) = P(x), then bidding x’ and x give the same expected payoff, so b(t) = x’ and b(t’) = x could happen in equilibrium Example. A second-price auction, with values uniformly distributed over [0,1] [2,3]. The bid function b(2) = 1, b(1) = 2, b(v i ) = v i otherwise is a symmetric equilibrium. But other than in a few weird situations, b will be nondecreasing
10 b will almost always be strictly increasing Suppose b(-) were constant over some range of types [t’,t’’] Then there is positive probability (N – 1) [ F(t’’) – F(t’) ] F N – 2 (t’) of tying with one other bidder by bidding b* (plus the additional possibility of tying with multiple bidders) Suppose you only pay if you win; let B be the expected payment, conditional on bidding b* and winning Since t’’ > t’, either t’’ > B or B > t’, so either you strictly prefer to win at t’’ or you strictly prefer to lose at t’ Assume that when you tie, you win with probability greater than 0 but less than 1 Then you can strictly gain in expectation either by reducing b(t’) by a sufficiently small amount, or by raising b(t’’) by a sufficiently small amount (In addition: when T has point mass… second-price… first-price…)
11 So to sum up, in “well-behaved” symmetric IPV auctions, except in very weird situations, any symmetric equilibrium bid function will be strictly increasing, and the envelope formula will therefore hold Next: when are these sufficient conditions for a bid function b to be a symmetric equilibrium?
12 Sufficiency
13 What are generally sufficient conditions for optimality in this type of problem? A function g(x,t) satisfies the smooth single crossing differences condition if for any x’ > x and t’ > t, g(x’,t) – g(x,t) > 0 g(x’,t’) – g(x,t’) > 0 g(x’,t) – g(x,t) 0 g(x’,t’) – g(x,t’) 0 g x (x,t) = 0 g x (x,t+ ) 0 g x (x,t – ) for all > 0 Theorem. (PATW th 4.2) Suppose g(x,t) is continuously differentiable and has the smooth single crossing differences property. Let x : [0,1] R have range X’, and suppose x is the sum of a jump function and an absolutely continuous function. If x is nondecreasing, and the envelope formula holds: for every t, g(x(t),t) – g(x(0),0) = 0 t g t (x(s),s) ds then x(t) arg max x X’ g(x,t) (Note that x only guaranteed optimal over X’, not over all X)
14 But… Establishing smooth single-crossing differences requires a bunch of conditions on b We can use the payoff structure of an IPV auction to give a simpler proof Proof is taken from Myerson (“Optimal Auctions”), which we’re doing on Thursday anyway
15 Claim Theorem. Consider any auction where the highest bid gets the object. Assume the type space T has no point masses. Let b : T R + be any function, and define g(x,t) in the usual way. If b is strictly increasing, and the envelope formula holds: for every t, g(b(t),t) – g(b(0),0) = 0 t F N-1 (s) ds then g(b(t),t) g(b(t’),t), that is, no bidder can gain by making a bid that a different type would make. If, in addition, the type space T is convex, b is continuous, and neither the highest nor the lowest type can gain by bidding outside the range of b, then everyone bidding b is an equilibrium.
16 Proof. Note that when you bid b(s), you win with probability F N-1 (s); let z(s) denote the expected payment you make from bidding s Suppose a bidder had a true type of t and bid b(t’) instead of b(t) The gain from doing this is g(b(t’), t) – g(b(t), t) = t F N-1 (t’) – z(t’) – g(b(t),t) = (t – t’) F N-1 (t’) + t’ F N-1 (t’) – z(t’) – g(b(t),t) = (t – t’) F N-1 (t’) + g(x(t’),t’) – g(x(t),t) Suppose t’ > t. By assumption, the envelope theorem holds, so = (t – t’) F N-1 (t’) + t t’ F N-1 (s) ds = t t’ [ F N-1 (s) – F N-1 (t’) ] ds But F is increasing (weakly), so F N-1 (t’) F N-1 (s) for every s in the integral, so this is (weakly) negative Symmetric argument holds for t’ < t So the envelope formula is exactly the condition that there is never a gain to deviating to a different type’s equilibrium bid
17 Proof. All that’s left is deviations to bids outside the range of b With T convex and b continuous, the bid distribution has convex support, so we only need to check deviations to bids above and below the range of b Assume (for notational ease) that T = [0,T] If some type t deviated to a bid B > b(T), his expected gain would be g(B,t) – g(b(t),t) = [ g(B,t) – g(b(T),t) ] + [ g(b(T),t) – g(b(t),t) ] The second term is nonpositive (another type’s bid isn’t a profitable deviation) We also know g(x,t) = t Pr(win | bid x) – z(x) has increasing differences in x and t, so for B > b(T), if g(B,t) – g(b(T),t) > 0, g(B,T) – g(b(T),t) > 0 So if the highest type T can’t gain by bidding above b(T), no one can By the symmetric argument, we only need to check the lowest type’s incentive to bid below b(0) (If b was discontinuous or T had holes, we would need to also check deviations to the “holes” in the range of b) QED
18 So basically, in well-behaved symmetric IPV auctions, b : T R + is a symmetric equilibrium if and only if b is increasing, and b (and the g derived from it) satisfy the envelope formula
19 Up next… Recasting auctions as direct revelation mechanisms Optimal (revenue-maximizing) auctions Might want to take a look at the Myerson paper, or the treatment in one of the textbooks If you don’t know mechanism design, don’t worry, we’ll go over it Meanwhile, since there’s time…
20 A Few Slides on Second-Order Stochastic Dominance
21 When is one probability distribution less risky than another? Two random variables X and Y with the same mean, with distributions F and G Three conditions to consider: 1. “Every risk-averse utility maximizer prefers X to Y”, i.e., E u(X) E u(Y) for every nondecreasing, concave u, or - u(s) dF(s) - u(s) dG(s) (also called SOSD) 2. “Y is a mean-preserving spread of X”, or “Y = X + noise”: r.v. Z s.t. Y = d X + Z, with E(Z|X) = 0 for every value of X 3. For every x, - x F(s) ds - x G(s) ds Rothschild-Stiglitz (1970): 1 2 3
22 What does this tell us? Risk-averse buyers greatly impact auction design – changes equilibrium strategies – we’ll get to that in a few lectures (Maskin and Riley) Risk-averse sellers have less impact – equilibrium strategies are the same, all that changes is seller’s valuation of different distributions of revenue Claim. With symmetric IPV, a risk-averse seller prefers a first-price to a second-price auction
23 Proof: we’ll show revenue in second-price auction is MPS of revenue in first-price Recall that revenue in a second-price auction is v 2, and revenue in a first-price auction is E(v 2 | v 1 ) Let X, Y, and Z be random variables derived from bidders’ valuations, as follows: X = g(v 1 ) Z = v 2 – g(v 1 ) Y = v 2 where g(t) = 0 t s dF N-1 (s) / F N-1 (t) = E(v 2 | v 1 = t) Note that Y = X + Z, and E(Z | X=g(t)) = E(v 2 | v 1 = t) – E(v 2 | v 1 = t) = 0 So Y is a mean-preserving spread of X, so any risk-averse utility maximizer prefers X to Y But X is the revenue in the first-price auction, and Y is the revenue in the second-price auction – Q.E.D.
24 A cool proof SOSD “ - x F(s) ds - x G(s) ds everywhere” We’ll use the “extremal method” or “basis function method” We’ll rewrite our generic (increasing concave) function u(s) as a positive sum of basis functions u(s) = - w( ) h(s, ) d with w( ) 0, where these basis functions are themselves increasing and concave Then we’ll show that X SOSD Y if and only if - h(x, ) dF(x) - h(y, ) dG(y) for all the basis functions (“Only if” is trivial, since h(s, ) is increasing and concave; “if” just involves multiplying this inequality by w( ) and integrating over )
25 A cool proof SOSD “ - x F(s) ds - x G(s) ds everywhere” We’ll do the special case of u twice differentiable. Our basis functions will be a constant, a linear term, and the functions h(x, ) = min(x, ) Claim is that u(x) = a + bx + 0 (-u’’( )) h(x, ) d Note that -u’’( ) is nonnegative, since u is concave To see the equality, integrate by parts, with db = -u’’ d , a = h: a db = a b – b da = –h(x, )u’( )| =- – - –u’( ) 1 <x d = –xu’( ) + constant + - x u’( ) d Since X and Y have the same mean, - (a+bx) dF(x) - (a+by) dG(y)
26 A cool proof SOSD “ - x F(s) ds - x G(s) ds everywhere” So all that’s left is to determine when - h(s, ) dF(s) - h(s, ) dG(s) Integrate by parts: u = h(s, ), dv = dF(s), LHS becomes h( , ) F( ) – h(- ) F(- ) – - F(s) h s (s, ) ds = – 0 – - F(s) 1 s< ds = – - F(s) ds Similarly, the right-hand side becomes – - G(s) ds So E s~F h(s, ) E s~G h(s, ) - F(s) ds - G(s) ds So X SOSD Y if and only if this holds for every
27 (I don’t expect to get to) First-Order Stochastic Dominance
28 When is one probability distribution “better” than another? Two probability distributions, F and G F first-order stochastically dominates G if - u(s) dF(s) - u(s) dG(s) for every nondecreasing function u So anyone who’s maximizing any increasing function prefers the distribution of outcomes F to G (Very strong condition.) Theorem. F first-order stochastically dominates G if and only if F(x) G(x) for every x.
29 Proving FOSD “F(x) G(x) everywhere” Proof for differentiable u. Rewrite it using a basis consisting of step functions (s) = 0 if s < , 1 if s Up to an additive constant, u(s) = - u’( ) (s) d To see this, calculate u(s’) – u(s) = - u’( ) ( (s’) – (s)) d = s s’ u’( ) d So F FOSD G if and only if - (s) dF(s) - (s) dG(s) for every
30 Proving FOSD “F(x) G(x) everywhere” But - (s) dF(s) = Pr(s ) = 1 – F( ) and similarly - (s) dG(s) = 1 – G( ) So if F(x) G(x) for all x, E s~F u(s) E s~G u(s) for any increasing u “Only if” is because (x) is a valid increasing function of x
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