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PEOPLESOFT PROJECT UPDATE Financial Area Representatives Meeting 3-9-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PEOPLESOFT PROJECT UPDATE Financial Area Representatives Meeting 3-9-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEOPLESOFT PROJECT UPDATE Financial Area Representatives Meeting 3-9-2011

2 PeopleSoft Project Management UT System Project Manager - Brian Cartee UTSA Clay Curtsinger, Project Manager Jacquelyn Kyle, HCM Project Lead Recruitment Pending, Financials Project Lead

3 PeopleSoft Project Update Additional Progress to Report  Cedar Crestone named as Implementation Partner  Backfill recruitments posted

4 PeopleSoft Project Update  Will use a “Shared Services” approach – one database and one common rule set for participating UT institution to consolidate redundant IT & business service areas  UTD is now live on PeopleSoft for HCM and FMS and has processed their first semi-monthly paycheck in Feb.  UTSA, UTEP, UTPB, and UTT will transition their DEFINE system data to PeopleSoft’s Financial Mgmt System (FMS) and Human Capital Mgmt (HCM) system  UTPA and UTB’s transition to PeopleSoft TBD  PeopleSoft implementation project overseen by UT Systems Shared Services, comprised of representatives from each participating UT institution UT Shared Services Data Center is located at UT System Regional Data Center in Arlington (ARDC)

5 PeopleSoft Project Update How Shared Services PeopleSoft Project will be managed and governed?

6 PeopleSoft Project Update Progress to Report, continued  Project Location – University Heights Bldg IV, Suite 600 (next to Legal)  Also, new home to Budget & Management Reporting/DEFINE Administrative Services offices  Includes a training facility

7 PeopleSoft Project Update Work in Progress  Project team appointments & definition of roles  Appointments for Steering Committee  Project scope refinement  60 Day Plan  Data Conversion planning  Kick off Meeting

8 PeopleSoft Project Update Your Assistance is needed  Project Name Ideas?  HR Data Review  Consolidation/inactivation of unnecessary or duplicated accounts

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