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1 On Target and In Time Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 On Target and In Time Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 On Target and In Time Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

2 2 Bibliographic Management Quality, standards, record formats for all types of materials Current & retrospective cataloguing Performance measurement of bibliographic databases

3 3 Bibliographic Management Currency Surveys Quality Studies And Other UKOLN projects Committee membership Consultancy work

4 4 Currency Surveys BNB MARC Currency Survey Multi-Source Currency Survey LISU/UKOLN Acquisitions Trends Study

5 5 BNBMARC Currency Survey Availability of records in the BNB files Survey parameters For cataloguing - since 1980 For ordering - since 1988

6 6 Sample details Who provides the samples? How big is the sample? What data is collected?

7 7 What it measures Overall hit rate Proportion of CIP records in hit rate 6 month recheck and imprint coverage Information on records not found

8 8 Current performance Cataloguing Academic libraries sample 79% Public libraries sample 89% Ordering Academic libraries sample 78% Public libraries sample 86%

9 9 Trends Tracking April 1997 sample CIP records CIP proportions Movement of hit rate

10 10 Multi-Source Currency Survey Bibliographic records are used for: Recording the national imprint Stock selection and ordering Inter Library Loans Queries They are created and supplied/bought by various bodies

11 11 Participants British Library Bibliographic Data Services Book Data - BookFind CD ROM Whitaker - BookBank CD ROM BLCMP CURL LASER OCLC SLS Unity

12 12 Findings Items not found on any database Sectoral hit rate differences Specific limiting factors

13 13 Findings Post 1995 imprints 1st year 62% (A) and 82% (P) 2nd year 82% (A) and 84% (P)

14 14 Findings Frequency of update Monthly CD’s - 90% + Quarterly updates - 88%

15 15 Acquisitions trends study All currency survey data is retained Record of UK library acquisitions since 1980 LISU/UKOLN collaboration

16 16 Resources Records from the currency survey database Additional data subject - physical format - price Stock retention study

17 17 Study focus areas Date of publication Binding format Subject areas Stock retention

18 18 Additional data What is needed Subject data Physical format data Price data Obtaining the data

19 19 Stock retention Select samples (libraries) Contact libraries Libraries check samples Categories Title still in stock (original copy) Title still in stock (replacement copy) Title withdrawn from stock

20 20 Quality Studies CLSCP Catalogue Quality measurement Other work

21 21 CLSCP Copyright Libraries Shared Cataloguing Programme Recording the UK imprint British Library - 70% of titles Copyright agency libraries - - 6% of titles each

22 22 Quality control 6 separate departments Large number of staff involved Harmonisation of practice Overall level of quality Identify recurring errors Provide feedback

23 23 Monitoring Monitoring body Trinity College, Dublin UKOLN Monitoring frequency Monthly Annual snapshot

24 24 Samples Sample size Checklist of error categories Accuracy Consistency Fitness for purpose

25 25 Trends Errors found are few 008/260 data mismatch Filing indicator errors Omitted/duplicated fields

26 26 Catalogue quality self-assessment Ideal performance measurement indicators are: Easy to undertake Easy to calculate performance levels Make limited demand on staff time Is there a methodology available?

27 27 Overall catalogue quality Catalogue to Stock check Stock to Catalogue check Item to record (specific element) checks

28 28 Samples Sample A generated from the catalogue Sample B generated from sample A

29 29 Samples Whole catalogue sample Catalogue sub-section sample

30 30 Pilot site Originally Essex Any volunteers? –Size of sample –When

31 31 Other work Retroconversion studies (1995 and 1996) Cambridge study BLCMP study The future

32 32 Cambridge University Use and understanding of catalogues Use of catalogue guides Type of searching Understanding catalogue data

33 33 Retroconversion HE sector survey 1994-95 Non-HE sector survey 1996 Making the Most of Our Libraries

34 34 BLCMP Quality of records Before/After editing pairs Types of edit

35 35 The Future Currency Surveys More collaboration

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