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© Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "© Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Developing Safe Software for Robots PG SafeBots III Stefan Dziwok Christian Heinzemann Jörg Holtmann Oliver Sudmann

2 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Software Engineering Group Our fields of research: Model-based software engineering Safety analyses Tool development Numerous industrial cooperations, e.g. with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer 2 Projektgruppe Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik July 11, 2011PG SafeBots III

3 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Software in Every Day Life 3 !!! Tom likes his new car Tom brakes by wire Tree approachingTree approaching.Tree approaching.. Tree approaching... ? Access violation at address 0x47110815 Press Space to exit _ July 11, 2011PG SafeBots III

4 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Model-based Software Engineering 4 July 11, 2011PG SafeBots III

5 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Model-based Software Engineering 5 July 11, 2011 Formalization of requirements on software needed for automatic analyses and simulation Usage of scenario-based approach Important for safety-critical software: timing requirements Formalization of requirements on software needed for automatic analyses and simulation Usage of scenario-based approach Important for safety-critical software: timing requirements PG SafeBots III

6 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Model-based Software Engineering 6 July 11, 2011 Specify system model with components and protocols for communication based on given requirements Goal: reuse well-defined components and protocols to save time and money Problem: Finding appropriate components and protocols that fulfill the requirements Specify system model with components and protocols for communication based on given requirements Goal: reuse well-defined components and protocols to save time and money Problem: Finding appropriate components and protocols that fulfill the requirements PG SafeBots III

7 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Model-based Software Engineering 7 July 11, 2011 Verify correct implementation of communication behavior by reused components and protocols Synthesize behavior automatically for newly developed components Verify correct implementation of communication behavior by reused components and protocols Synthesize behavior automatically for newly developed components PG SafeBots III

8 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Model-based Software Engineering 8 July 11, 2011 Development process changes during the project Depends on the system model Goal: guide the developer through the process Integration of process engine and IDE Development process changes during the project Depends on the system model Goal: guide the developer through the process Integration of process engine and IDE PG SafeBots III

9 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer What you get Experience in software development Experience a realistic software development process Be part of the FUJABA community: Paderborn, Antwerpen, Tartu, Kassel, Darmstadt,... Assistance in current research Chance to publish scientific papers Teamwork Self-organized work in small teams Evaluation platform: BeBots Social events (barbecue, New Years Party, …) Work in the software engineering lab (20 workplaces, coffee, nice people,…) 9 July 11, 2011 Project group Mauritius had a paper at the ICSE 2009 in Vancouver Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite IBM Real-Time Innovation Award Winner 2008 PG SafeBots III

10 © Software Engineering Research Group, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE Universitiy of Paderborn Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Organization supervisors: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Stefan Dziwok (, E3.145) Christian Heinzemann (, E3.148) Jörg Holtmann (, E1.111) Oliver Sudmann (, E3.343) First meeting official meeting Early october softwaretechnik/lehre/lehrveranstaltungen/projektgruppen/pg-safebots- iii.html 10 July 11, 2011 Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Christian Heinzemann If you are interested: Please ask us after the talk or contact us via email. Stefan DziwokJörg Holtmann Oliver Sudmann PG SafeBots III

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