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ECN 4 – topic 4 Chemistry effects on ignition
Evatt Hawkes University of New South Wales, Australia Fourth Workshop of the Engine Combustion Network, Kyoto, Japan, 6 September 2015
Background: ECN3 recap All models over-predicting ID in spray flames.
Spray flame ignition delay results from ECN3 Shock tube ignition delay results from ECN3 All models over-predicting ID in spray flames. Closest available shock-tube data suggested the problem could be the chemistry mechanisms which appear to over-predict ID at low T.
Session Objectives Prior to ECN4:
Try to improve our predictions of ignition delay, focussing on spray A Try to pin down whether the problems are with the chemistry or elsewhere (TCI and other sub-models, numerics) Working with chemical kinetics experts improve and validate chemical kinetic sub-models having manageable size At ECN4: Comparisons of different models (kinetic and otherwise) in prediction of experimental ignition delay Shock tube data as well as spray A Quantitative comparisons of species relevant to ignition Understand the reasons behind any differences ignition behaviour, and any interesting features of these ignitions
Talk outline Motivation and objectives Discussion of chemistry models
Comparison to new shock tube data Features of the modelled ignitions Comparisons of model and experiment for ID and LOL for Spray-A parametrics Spatial comparison at early times Conclusions & recommendations
Chemistry mechanisms Mechanisms available at ECN3 (manageable sized ones) Luo: 106 species (topic 5 baseline), reduction of detailed LLNL mechanism (Sarathy et al) by UConn and ANL Luo, Z., Som, S., Sarathy, S.M., Plomer, M., Pitz, W.J., Longman, D.E., and Lu, T., Development and validation of an n-dodecane skeletal mechanism for spray combustion applications, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 18(2), 2014: Pei, 88 species, further reduction of Luo mechanism by UConn for UNSW; mechanism gives almost identical results to Luo and can be considered the same. Pei, Y., Hawkes, E.R., Kook, S., Goldin, G.M, Lu, T., Modelling n-dodecane spray and combustion with the transported probability density function method, Combust. Flame 162(5), 2015: Narayanaswamy: 255 species, started with LLNL, updated kinetics for small hydrocarbons, lumping+reduction and revised some rates to improve high T performance Narayanaswamy, K., Pepiot, P., Pitsch, H., A chemical mechanism for low to high temperature oxidation of n-dodecane as a component of transportation fuel surrogates, Combust. Flame 161, 2014: 866–884.
Chemistry mechanisms New mechanisms since ECN3
Wang: 100 species, ERC Wisconsin, based on earlier Ra and Reitz mechanism; note that rates were optimised to shock-tube data for n-decane Wang, H., Ra, Y., Jia M., Reitz, R.D., Development of a reduced n-dodecane-PAH mechanism, and its application for n-dodecane soot predictions, Fuel 136 (2014) 25–36. Yao: 54 species, reduction and re-optimisation of LLNL by Uconn and ANL; note that spray A was included in the optimisation targets. Yao, T., Pei, Y., Zhong, B.-J., Som, S., Lu, T., A hybrid mechanism for n-dodecane combustion with optimized low-temperature chemistry, 9th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, May 17-20, 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio. Polimi: 96 species; reduced mechanism based on comprehensive Polimi detailed mechanism A. Frassoldati, G. D’Errico, T. Lucchini, A. Stagni, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, A. Onorati, E. Ranzi, Reduced kinetic mechanisms of diesel fuel surrogate for engine CFD simulations, Combustion and Flame, in press. Cai: 57 species from Aachen – reduction and re-optimisation of Narayanaswamy mechanism Cai. L., Kroger, L., Pitsch, H., Reduced and Optimized mechanism for n-Dodecane Oxidation, 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion.
Shock-tube data φ=1 φ=2 Prior to ECN4, only data for n-C12 was for φ=1 and 20 bar, closest available conditions were n-C10 at 50 bar New shock tube data obtained from Stanford (Davidson, Hanson) and Rensselaer Poly. (Oehlschlaeger) Data reasonably consistent, though no one-to-one comparisons possible. Rensselaer n-C12 & 60 bar and Aachen n-C10 & 50 bar for φ=1 and 2 to be used for comparison to models
Performance of mechanisms
φ=1 φ=2 Luo & Pei (UConn/LLNL) based on big LLNL over-predict almost everywhere and show way too much NTC. Narayanaswamy (Aachen) improved high T results considerably compared with Luo (and LLNL not shown), but still low T under-prediction. New Yao (UConn/LLNL) mechanism under-predicts & too much NTC. Tuned to spray cases, not shock-tube cases. New Cai (Aachen) under-predicts. New Polimi under-predicts. New Wang (ERC) excellent agreement. Tuned to match the n-decane data at 50bar.
Behaviours in mixing space
Ignition delays from homogeneous reactor calculations with different mixture-fractions and initial T according to adiabatic mixing. Most reactive 900K 1100K For spray A conditions, model predicts two-stage ignition for φ up to about 2, single-stage low-T ignition for richer conditions. For higher T, lean mixtures undergo single-stage, high T ignition, while moderately rich mixtures undergo two-stage ignition and very rich mixtures undergo single-stage low-T limit ignition. Spray A conditions are very hard because high-T, low-T and NTC all involved!
Behaviours in mixing space
Simpler to order the mechanisms when most reactive mixture-fraction taken into account. Generally: Yao < Cai < Polimi < Wang < Narayanaswamy < Luo/Pei Mixture-fraction of ignition mostly consistent between Luo, Narayanaswamy, Yao; Polimi, Cai and Wang ignite richer.
Quenching behaviour Flamelet calculations with different scalar dissipation rates, spray A conditions. Ordering of ignition delays at zero dissipation rate is not the same as the quenching limit.
Spray experiments and models
no change since ECN3; used ECN3 data as presented in Section 2.1 Combustion Indicators ignition delay (ID) based on broadband chemiluminescence, lift-off length (LOL) based on OH* averaged data from Sandia, CMT, IFPEN (acknowledgements please see ECN3) Models: ANL: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL): Yuanjiang Pei, Muhsin Ameen, Sibendu Som CMT-Motores Térmicos. Universitat Politècnica de València: Eduardo Pérez, Alberto Viera, J Peraza ETH-Zurich: Sushant S. Pandurangi, Yuri M. Wright, Konstantinos Boulouchos PoliMi: Politecnico di Milano: Gianluca d’Errico, Tommaso Lucchini TUE: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven: L.M.T. Somers UNSW: University of New South Wales, Australia: Aqib Chishty, Michele Bolla, Evatt Hawkes; input from Y Pei (now ANL) USyd: University of Sydney: Fatemeh Salehi, Matt Cleary
Model contributions Group TCI model(s)* Chemistry model(s) ANL
Large-eddy simulation with well-mixed (LES) Luo et al. Yao et al. CMT Unsteady flamelet progress-variable (UFPV) Narayanaswamy et al. ETH Conditional moment closure (CMC) Polimi Multiple representative interactive flamelets (MRIF) Yao et al., Luo et al., Wang et al., Narayanaswamy et al., Polimi TUE Flamelet-generated manifold (FGM) - Manifold from homogeneous reactors or flamelet UNSW Transported probability density function (TPDF) & well mixed model (WM) All but Narayanaswamy USyd Multiple mapping conditioning LES (MMC-LES) *All models are RANS-based except ANL and USyd
Legends TCI model Kinetic mechanism Institution
Ignition delay – T variation
Trends OK but considerable scatter We are still talking about factors of two differences between model and between model and experiment This is presumably not acceptable?
Ignition delay – T variation
ECN3 ECN4 Compared with the situation at ECN2 & ECN3 there are some more accurate results
Ignition delay (log scale)
Relative errors are similar across the T range, actually slightly higher for higher T.
Ignition delay – O2 variation
Again trends OK but lots of scatter O2 trends are quite similar to T trends and will not be further discussed in detail
Luo Mechanism For ID, scatter is greatly reduced when mechanism is held fixed. Not much sensitivity to the TCI model and numerical approach. Similar to ECN2 and ECN3, models over-predict ID with Luo chemistry. (The reason for having this session.) LOL still has a lot of sensitivity even when kinetics are fixed. LOL is sensitive to TCI and/or numerical approach.
Luo Mechanism ECN3 ECN4 At ECN4, improved convergence of different modelling results at low T if chemistry held fixed Also true at higher T if ANL’s LES result not taken into account
Wang, Polimi Mechanisms
Similar to the case for Luo mechanism, when the chemistry is constrained the scatter is lower. Wang mechanism over-predicts ID but slightly better than Luo. Note that Wang mechanism gave the best results for the shock-tube data. Polimi mechanism is great for UNSW well-mixed model, slightly worse for Polimi’s MRIF. Polimi mechanism generally better than Luo.
Yao mechanism Very good results for this mechanism with 4 different models. This mechanism was tuned based on spray flame results.
Comparison to homogeneous reactors
UNSW well-mixed results compared with corresponding most-reactive homogeneous reactors (HRs) HRs generally show the same trends as the spray flame model. HRs are mostly shorter than the spray flame model. This is expected because of the finite time to form flammable mixture, strain effects, etc. However, sometimes the differences are not. Strain-rate effects (not shown, but looked at) did not seem to explain why some mechanisms seem to show more differences. E.g. Wang mechanism has the highest quenching dissipation rate but shows large differences between HR and spray flame models.
Ignition delay – T variation
Cai mechanism under-predicts. Narayanaswamy mechanism over-predicts
TCI Effect With the model constrained to one group (with two models done in the same code), ID is all about the chemistry sub-model. Similar to ECN2 and ECN3, well-mixed model (which ignores turbulent fluctuations) gives slightly longer ID that TPDF (which models full statistics of fluctuations). For mechanism that under-predict ID, this causes TPDF results to be worse than WM. The effect is pretty small though. Similar to ECN2 and ECN3, LOL is much more affected by the inclusion of TCI. LOL is less sensitive to chemistry than ID, with fixed TCI model.
RANS versus LES Similar to the comparison of TPDF and WM, comparison of RANS and LES shows ID and LOL are shorter for LES. Inclusion of fluctuations shortens ID and LOL. RANS versus LES seems to have a bigger effect than TPDF versus WM. Unclear why. Might just be 3 different codes. Could also be statistical convergence?
Error analysis ID LOL ECN2,3 ECN4 New mechanisms developed since ECN3 significantly improve ID. ID is strongly affected by chemistry. Improvement in LOL is also there but less prominent. LOL is affected by chemistry, but less strongly.
Why is it so? Analysis of Y_OH transport equation
from TPDF method – steady flame period Centreline profiles of mixture-fraction and Y_OH at ignition time Ignition occurs in a region of low gradients behind the head of the jet i.e. region of low macro-mixing between reacting fluid and cold ambient Turbulent diffusion is a significant influence Pei, Hawkes, et al. Combust. Flame, submitted
Yao mechanism Good ID results and 4 models
=> Opportunity to drill down on spatial data
Spatial structure @ 0.4 ms Formaldehyde IFPEN PLIF ANL Polimi UNSW WM
ECN4 Kyoto 2015/Flame Structure
Early stages clear differences (AR) OH CH2O OH* ECN4 Kyoto 2015/Flame Structure
Summary & conclusions ECN2/3 Between ECN3 and ECN4
All groups under-predicted ignition delay, sometimes considerably Between ECN3 and ECN4 Mechanism performance at low T, high P conditions seemed to be problematic based on available shock tube data for n-decane. Problem identified not to be in chemistry reduction but to also be present in large detailed mechanisms; not just n-dodecane but also other alkanes. A number of reduced chemistry mechanisms addressing this proliferated, some of which adjusted/optimised the low temperature rates.
Summary & conclusions ECN4 findings
New shock tube data requested and obtained. Mostly consistent with earlier n-C10 data. Still a lot of scatter in ID results – factors of two However, better convergence of results between different groups when chemistry held fixed (compared with earlier ECNs). ID seems to be mainly about chemistry and not much affected by TCI/numerical approach (consistent with ECN3 and some but not all ECN2 results). TCI effect results in slightly shorter ID. All the new mechanisms improved results for the spray flames. Yao et al. mechanism particularly good. BUT new mechanisms are now mostly under-predicting the shock-tube data. Underlying problems in detailed chemistry not fixed – are we getting the right answer for the wrong reason? Still insufficient canonical data in spray-A relevant conditions. ECN4 topic 4 “achieved objectives”, but did it do so for the right reasons?
Recommendations Observations Recommendations
ECN started on spray A fuel and conditions where there was not a lot of of fundamental data useful for validating kinetic models. Even large detailed kinetic models turned out to be inadequate, probably because they had not been tested in spray A conditions. Current approach to improve with demonstrated success is basically empirical adjustment against certain targets. If the targets emphasize spray A then of course we can get a good result, but this approach cannot be projected into new situations. Recommendations Abandon Luo mechanism as baseline. Require that all groups submit the new (TBD) baseline. Additional mechanisms optional. Seek greater engagement with chemical specialists – experiments and modelling Need more fundamental data from shock tubes, flow reactors, etc., in relevant conditions (some progress since ECN3 but not “there” yet – e.g. no reduced O2 data) Need improved detailed models which can then be reduced – probably a better approach that reducing a non-performing detailed model and “optimising” Fuels and conditions roadmap… chemists need time to generate new fundamental data and validated kinetic models – can we specify a roadmap in advance? Further drill down looking at space- and time-resolved data required to understand structural differences between models despite similar ID
Recommendations Observations Recommendations
Spray A – no fundamental data for kinetics, no validated models in conditions Detailed kinetics failing Current approach to fix = tuning Recommendations Abandon Luo mechanism as baseline. Require that all groups submit the new (TBD) baseline. Additional mechanisms optional. Seek greater engagement with chemical specialists – experiments and modelling Fuels and conditions roadmap… chemists need time to generate new fundamental data and validated kinetic models – can we specify a roadmap in advance? Further drill down looking at space- and time-resolved data required to understand structural differences between models despite similar ID
n-Dodecane Auto-Ignition at Low Temperature
Spray A: Simulation and Experiments Shock Tube: Simulation and Experiments Ignition delay was defined as the time from the start of injection to the time where the maximum rate of rise of the maximum Favre-averaged temperature occurs, which has been suggested at the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) workshops Comparison of ignition delay between experiments and computations from various numerical models[1] Comparison of ignition delay between experiment[2] and model[3] Inhibited ignition behaviors of mechanisms in spray simulation Over-prediction of ignition delay times at low temperatures [1] Y. Pei et al., Combust. Flame, 162 (2015) [2] S. Vasu et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) [3] K. Narayanaswamy et al., Combust. Flame 161 (2014)
Optimized reduced mechanism with 55 species
n-Dodecane Mechanism Reduction and Optimization Short and Accurate Mechanism for N-Dodecane Optimized reduced mechanism with 55 species Automatic model reduction + optimization Example: Short n-Dodecane mechanism based on Narayanaswamy et al.[3] Strong reduction 55 species Potential inaccuracies Optimization for various targets Excellent agreement with experiments Potential further reduction Exclusion of certain targets Quasi steady state assumption Mechanism accurate, but Accuracy through optimization Root cause of inaccuracies not fixed Comparison of ignition delay between reduced models[4,5] Compact size, optimized model performance, non-stiff [1] Z. Luo et al., Combustion Theory and Modelling 18 (2014) [2] H. Wang et al., Fuel 136 (2014) 25-36 [3] K. Narayanaswamy et al., Combust. Flame 161 (2014)
New detailed mechanism based on optimized reaction rate rules
n-Dodecane Mechanism Development Errors NOT specific for n-dodecane models Systematic errors in chemical mechanisms in literature[2] Thermodynamic data Rate rules Error compensation Mechanism improvement in three steps Revision of rate rules and thermo data by Curran[3] Optimization of rate rules for series of n-alkanes Uncertainty quantification with Bayesian framework Calibrated for C7-C11 normal alkanes Prediction improvement for C7-C11 New n-dodecane mechanism based on optimized rate rules New detailed mechanism based on optimized reaction rate rules Comparison of ignition delay between experiment[2] and model[3] Improved prediction accuracy Shorter ignition delay at low T Development of short version ongoing [1] S. Vasu et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) [2] K. Narayanaswamy et al., Combust. Flame 161 (2014) [3] J. Bugler et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 119 (2015)
Performance of mechanisms
φ=1 φ=2 Blind test… Greatly improved results for stoichiometric mixtures Similar results to small Aachen mechanism for rich mixtures, but at least there is better confidence here the reasons are right
Acknowledgements Thanks to all contributors of experimental and modelling data Special thanks to those who provided the new shock-tube data at quite short notice Matt Oehlschlaeger of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute David Davidson and Ron Hanson of Stanford University Thanks to Yuanjiang Pei (ANL), Prithwish Kundu (NCSU), and Chao Yu (UConn) for assistance with analysis of the chemical mechanisms Evatt Hawkes acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council, computing time from the National Computational Infrastructure (Australia), Intersect, and the UNSW Faculty of Engineering cluster.
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