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Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Left atrium Left Ventricle Aorta Vena Cava Right Atrium Right Ventricle.

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3 Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Left atrium Left Ventricle Aorta Vena Cava Right Atrium Right Ventricle

4  By the end of this topic you should be able to: ◦ Identify the functions of the Cardiovascular system ◦ Describe the immediate effects of exercise on the Cardio-vascular system. Heart Rate Stroke Volume Cardiac Output Blood Pressure Cholesterol

5  Using your text book to help you, complete your task sheet.  Be prepared to feedback to the group on your findings

6  Heart Rate (HR)  Stroke Volume (SV)  Cardiac Output

7  Heart Rate ◦ The number of times the heart beats per minute (bpm) ◦ Can vary considerably from person to person, ◦ Average resting HR = 72 bpm  Elite athlete e.g Lance Armstrong, Steve Redgrave, Paula Radcliffe can have significantly lower resting HR’s.  Max Heart Rate ◦ 220 - age

8  The volume of blood ejected from the heart in one heart beat.  At rest: ◦ approx 80ml  During exercise: ◦ up to 130ml

9  The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute  Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume Q HR SV

10  You have 5 minutes to research the following key term, before feeding back to another member of the group.  Blood pressure (pg 117 & 121) OR  Cholesterol (pg 123 ) Make sure you know how the exercise effects your key term. (Blood pressure/Cholesterol)

11  The force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels.  Systolic BP ◦ The maximum pressure in the arteries when the hearts contracts and pushes blood out through the aorta into the body.  Diastolic BP ◦ The pressure of the blood during the relaxation phase between heart beats. Average Blood pressure is 120/80mmHg

12 Cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty substance carried in the blood by lipoproteins. Lipoproteins come in 2 forms: – High Density (HDL) – Low Density (LDL) HDL contains more protein than fat & is referred to ‘good cholesterol’ because it carries cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver which removes it. LDL consists of mainly fat. It is the major cause of cholesterol in the blood, & it can lead to a build up of plaque which can restrict blood flow in the arteries. – Blockages result in an increase in blood pressure


14  By the end of this topic you should be able to: ◦ Identify the functions of the Cardiovascular system ◦ Describe the immediate effects of exercise on the Cardio-vascular system. Heart Rate Stroke Volume Cardiac Output Blood Pressure Cholesterol

15  Produce a table that shows: ◦ The immediate effects of exercise on the CV system ◦ The effects of regular exercise on the CV system Immediate effects of exercsieEffects of regular exercise Increased HRDecreased resting Heart Rate

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