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CUSTOMERS. Content who are customers; what types of customers there exist; factors that attract customers; attractive customer service; a code of practice;

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Presentation on theme: "CUSTOMERS. Content who are customers; what types of customers there exist; factors that attract customers; attractive customer service; a code of practice;"— Presentation transcript:


2 Content who are customers; what types of customers there exist; factors that attract customers; attractive customer service; a code of practice; polite ways of requesting for information about goods and services; polite ways of providing customers with information about goods and services.

3 Customer (client, consumer, buyer) is an organization or individual that uses, usually for money, products or services of some company.

4 Types of customers seller producer supplier final customerassembly plant wholesaler retailer for further processing or re-selling for personal needs

5 What attracts customers price qualitycustomer service yesno satisfied customer customer loyalty dissatisfied customer

6 What service attracts customers?

7 Quick service

8 Polite, courteous, helpful and competent staff

9 A wide range of goods and services provided

10 Convenient location of an outlet

11 Round-the-clock service

12 Presents and gifts

13 Discounts and discount cards

14 Additional optional service (assembly, delivery etc)

15 Providing information support and servicing over the telephone, on-line

16 A set of rules for customer service is a CODE OF PRACTICE Attractive customer service quick service polite, courteous, helpful and competent staff a wide range of goods and services provided convenient location of an outlet round-the-clock service presents and gifts discounts and discount cards additional optional service (assembly, delivery etc) providing information support and servicing over the telephone, on-line

17 Polite ways of requesting for information about goods and services To get information use DIRECT questions To ask a «difficult» question, or make your question more polite use INDIRECT questions Wh/How questions What are your opening hours? Could/Can you tell me…+ direct word order Can you tell me what your opening hours are. Yes/no-questions Do you have round-the-clock service? Could/Can you tell me…+ whether/ if Could you tell me if you have round-the-clock service.

18 Polite ways of providing customers with information about goods and services be competent, well-informed, aware of all products and services of your firm; stay polite, courteous, helpful; provide clear, accurate, specific answers; pick up the receiver not later than after the third ring; greet a client, name your company and introduce yourself.

19 Basic glossary

20 Thank you for your attention

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