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Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Recommended by Jennifer Carrillo, Viviana Ortiz, Marianna Abarca, Cody Collins, Mayra Villalobos.

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Presentation on theme: "Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Recommended by Jennifer Carrillo, Viviana Ortiz, Marianna Abarca, Cody Collins, Mayra Villalobos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Recommended by Jennifer Carrillo, Viviana Ortiz, Marianna Abarca, Cody Collins, Mayra Villalobos

2 Who is the main character? Alice 15 years old good writer and wants to be a psychologist naïve, selfish, open-minded “ After you've had it, there isn’t even life without drugs” (Anonymous 96 ).

3 Who is a supporting character? Joel 18 years old Talents, Skills, Important Traits: Three Descriptive Adjectives: helpful, smart, hard working “We studied together, then he walked me over to Dads office” (Anonymous 142).

4 What is the story about? A fifteen year old girl keeps a diary as she battles with crushes, weight loss, social acceptance, and drug abuse. Alice is trying to stop doing drugs and get respect for herself.

5 TRUTH being fully honest “I wish I were popular and beautiful” (Anonymous 11). “ I don’t know why I’ve acted like such an ass when I’ve always had it so good” (Anonymous 108).

6 Important scene There was acid in the chocolate, she tripped and fell and saw fuzzy colored lights then she saw her grandpa and being eaten by worms an the next thing the worms were eating her. This scene was chosen because it shows what is caused by doing drugs and Jan may have done that for REVENGE!

7 Drug Moment “No wonder its called speed! I could hardly control myself, In fact I couldn’t have if I wanted to. (Anonymous 37). This is important because it says how Alice feels when she takes drugs and how she acts.

8 What connections can you make to this book? - The book could be compared to the world because many people take drugs and get addicted as Alice did and ruin their life - Alice took drugs and acted crazy and is always running away. Eventually she was forced to go to a mental hospital. In the world people get like this when they take drugs.

9 Why should you read this book? -Alice is very vehement in her life, it shows about what is going on with teens. -When reading this book you will learn about Alice being a vacuous and girl in life. -This book will take you on a tempestuous ride of Alice’s world.

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