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Managing Difficult Patrons with A Course Tips and Highlights from.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Difficult Patrons with A Course Tips and Highlights from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Difficult Patrons with A LE@D Course Tips and Highlights from

2 Objectives: Apply a variety of communication techniques to positively manage various problem patron situations. Apply a number if coping techniques to be able to maintain composure in stressful problem patron situations. Determine when the problem patron cannot be satisfied and to whom and how to communicate such problems. Decide when to call for security or the police. Assist with reviewing, revising and/or creating library policies that address a variety of problem patron situations.

3 What is a “Problem Patron”?

4 manage Positively manage problem patron situations Be Prepared: Establish policy procedures for handling difficult patrons. Be Effective: Enforce rules equitably and keep Comment Cards available for patrons. Create a better patron environment: Identify and address situations that lead to patron dissatisfaction. How To:

5 manage Positively manage problem patron situations Ask the patron, “How may I help you?” Listen carefully, don’t react emotionally. Demonstrate interest in what the patron is saying. Allow the patron to finish explaining the situation. Assess, in your mind, what the patron really wants or needs. How To:

6 Cope Cope in stressful problem patron situations. Remember YOU are in control of the situation. Prepare mentally –Take a deep breath –Speak slowly in a calm tone –Be courteous and respectful –Don’t take it personally Don’t touch the patron Assess the situation and respond accordingly. How To:

7 Respond Respond to the patron Acknowledge the situation and the patron’s feelings. Paraphrase the patron’s concern. Explain any policies that address the issue. If you can solve the problem now, do so. Follow up How To:

8 Follow up Follow up with the patron and the supervisor Thank the Patron. Restate how you will address the situation. Document the incident. How To:

9 When all else fails: Abusive language or behavior should never be tolerated. If the patron continues to cause a disturbance call security. If you feel threatened or sense danger call for security.

10 Mentally Ill Disruptive Patrons Most mentally ill people are not problem patrons. In a problem situation: –Remain calm. –Never touch the patron. –Be firm and assertive –Ask them to stop the inappropriate behavior –If necessary seek assistance Get training. Things To Know:

11 Anger The angry patron generally wants to be heard. Anger is a secondary emotion stemming from something else. Be calm, authoritative and rational when speaking to an angry patron. Things To Know:

12 Teen Patrons Normal teen behavior can seem disruptive in the library setting. Being a teenager is a group activity. If possible, find teens a space where they can communicate and share ideas. Teens who enjoy the library will bring their friends. Things To Know:

13 Useful Tips for Specific Situations

14 Angry Patron Speak calmly Ask questions and paraphrase the issue Try to resolve the problem If nothing can be done, restate the current policy and share problem with a supervisor. Get patrons information for follow up.

15 Disruptive Patron Approach the patron. In a friendly way, ask them to stop the behavior. Explain the conduct policy. If they continue, follow library procedure for non- responsive patrons who cause disruption.

16 Oblivious Parent Approach with a friendly tone of voice. Point out the child’s behavior and let the parent know you are concerned for the child’s safety. Ask the parent to keep an eye on the child. Thank them for their cooperation.

17 Cell Phone Talker Post “No Cell Phones” signs where patrons can see them. If signs don’t help: –Ask politely that they silence or turn off the phone. –Ask them to finish the conversation outside.

18 Conversationalist Ask “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” If that does not end the conversation: Say you must assist another patron. Turn away. Always respond in a calm and pleasant voice. Listen until it is appropriate to interrupt.

19 Hygienically Challenged A little tricky Policy is ESSENTIAL Explain that they are welcome in the library as long as they are hygienically clean.

20 Sleepers Gently awaken by asking if they are alright Explain library policy prohibits sleeping State something like: “You are welcome to use the library and its resources as long as you are awake.

21 Internet Porn Voyeur Each public computer posts an acceptable Internet Use policy that the patron agrees to when they log in. Ask the patron to immediately cease what they are doing. If they continue, ask them to leave. If they don’t, call security.

22 Politically Connected Treat similarly to an angry patron. Focus on the issue and try to resolve it. Don’t be intimidated. Be professional and calm –If the patron states they will go to the mayor or media, so be it. Document the event and give it to your supervisor.

23 Know-It-All As always, remain calm and professional If possible, be sure to “cite the sources” of any information you provide and check two sources if possible. If the patron continues to challenge, state that you have provide answers from reputable sources.

24 Weirdo Remain calm Approach patron in a non-threatening way Ask them to not disturb the other patrons. If they do not respond, seek assistance from security. Never touch the patron.

25 For Directors and Supervisors Communicate with Staff Communicate with Staff Communicate with Patrons Communicate with Patrons Provide Training Provide Training Establish Policy and Procedure Establish Policy and Procedure Establish Parameters for Staff Establish Parameters for Staff

26 Conclusion Keep calm, be courteous and respectful Don’t take it personally Listen Identify options and alternatives for resolving the issue that satisfy the patron and uphold library policy. Talk about problem patron situations at staff meetings.

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