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AGN; the answer is blowing in the wind

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1 AGN; the answer is blowing in the wind
Nick Schurch. Chris Done, Malgorzata Sobolewska & Marek Gierlinski.

2 AGN are complex 12 years ago, a galaxy far far away…
Turner et al 1993; ROSAT and EXOSAT Netzer et al 2003; XMM-Newton 2 years ago, a galaxy far far away…

3 AGN are complex 12 years ago, a galaxy far far away…
Marshall et al 1993; BBXRT Kinkhabwala et al 2004, Matt et al 2004; XMM-Newton 2 years ago, a galaxy far far away…

4 Two problems Dynamical connections. How do we fuel the central engine?
No obvious link between the accretion disk, BLR, NLR, Torus and galaxy. Dynamical link MUST exist.

5 Two problems Dynamical connections. How do we fuel the central engine?
Page et al 2004 Dynamical connections. How do we fuel the central engine? No obvious link between the accretion disk, BLR, NLR, Torus and galaxy. Dynamical link MUST exist. Spectral components… Origin of most components ‘understood’; even if the details are not. Continuum, accretion disk & neutral reflection, emission and absorption lines, cold and warm absorption etc. Origin of the soft X-ray excess is not understood. It could be the result of… A separate spectral component (e.g. tail of thermal accretion disk emission), but… Uniform ‘temperature’ indicative of an atomic origin. 1H Fabian et al 2004

6 Two problems c Dynamical connections.
How do we fuel the central engine? No obvious link between the accretion disk, BLR, NLR, Torus and galaxy. Dynamical link MUST exist. Ross et al 2005 Spectral components… Origin of most components ‘understood’; even if the details are not. Continuum, accretion disk & neutral reflection, emission and absorption lines, cold and warm absorption etc. Origin of the soft X-ray excess is not understood. It could be the result of… Reflection off the accretion disk (atomic, ionised & realivistically blurred) but… Difficult to make enough reflected flux to explain the strongest soft excesses. c Reflected soft X-ray flux  Continuum soft X-ray flux.

7 Why is a wind an attractive idea?
Physically, a wind provides… A simple dynamical link between the regions of the unified AGN. A physical origin for the BLR and NLR. Spectrally, a wind provides… Multiple physical locations for ionised emission & absorption. A simple explanation of the soft X-ray excess based on atomic physics. An origin for the mess of complexity observed in detailed observations.

8 Why is a wind an attractive idea?
Our new picture looks like.. Strongly accelerating wind (~0.1c) … High-T, high-, very broad spectral features. Difficult to distinguish from genuine continuum emission  Soft excess? Fast wind (~103 km s-1)… Broad features, easy to spot  BLR. Slow wind (~102 km s-1) Narrow features, easy to spot  NLR

9 Winds are common in nature

10 AGN winds on large scales
Mrk 3 AGN winds revealed in UV & X-ray observations of the NLR. OIII images reveal bi-conical, clumpy structures UV emission lines all blueshifted (~500 km s-1). Chandra & XMM-Newton identified soft X-ray emission co-spatial with the UV ionization cones. X-ray emission composed of many spectral lines (Si K, SiXIII OVII, OVIII, NeIX, NeX Lyman , MgXI). X-ray lines all blueshifted (~1000 km s-1). Wide range of lines  wide range of ionisation states  wide range of densities and/or pressures..  Clumpy, photoionised, outflowing material! Mrk 78 NGC 1068 NGC 4151

11 Modelling winds: X-ray emission & absorption
The wind is composed of photoionized gas. Model emission & absorption from the photoionised gas with XSTAR Lx=1044 erg s-1, =2.4,  =1012 cm-3, NH=1023 cm-2, log()=2.7, Cf=0.5 & Vturb=100 km s-1. Include disk refection and galactic absorption… Unrealistic model No outflow velocity field Particularly important close in, where velocity gradient is high! R << R Wind is thick! Constant density gas Wind is likely to have very non- uniform density structure. R R

12 Modelling winds: The velocity field
The wind will have an outflow velocity that is a function of radius. Absorption, and emission, from gas moving at a wide range of velocities. Close to the SMBH, gravitational effects will be important. Simplest approximation is a Gaussian velocity distribution. Previous work only treated the absorption, but … Demonstrated that sufficiently broadened absorption, might reproduce the soft X-ray excess! Can this remain the case when we include the emission? Gierlinski & Done 2004

13 Modelling winds: The velocity field
The wind will have an outflow velocity that is a function of radius. Absorption, and emission, from gas moving at a wide range of velocities. Close to the SMBH, gravitational effects will be important. Simplest approximation is a Gaussian velocity distribution. Previous work only treated the absorption, but … Demonstrated that sufficiently broadened absorption, might reproduce the soft X-ray excess! Can this remain the case when we include the emission? Yes… but the lines do fill in some of the absorption. Vrad=0 – 0.2c, vrad=3000 km s-1

14 Hard to get any other way!
Modelling winds: How strong is the line emission? The line emission normalization is given by: Klines = Cf L38 DKpc-2 Cf is the covering fraction of the material. L38 is the intrinsic source luminosity, between Ryd in units of 1038. DKpc is the source distance in Kpc. Given an power-law form input continuum this becomes: Klines = Cf Dkpc-2 (4Dcm2) Kpl E-+1dE Kpl is the normalization of the input power-law  is the power-law photon index Distance dependence removed! For a given , the Klines  Kpl & Cf. Best-fit Klines, c.f. best-fit Kpl, tells us Cf. Given Cf we can calculate M and Mtotal for the wind. 1 Ryd 103 Ryd . c Hard to get any other way! Consistency Check! We expect: MwindMedd Mwind10-(12) M Mtotal MBLR 10M .

15 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess!

16 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection.

17 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection. We must be careful to get the continuum right! … Aside …

18 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection. We must be careful to get the continuum right! =1.79, no reflection, complex absorption, Iron XXVI Ly line. Eline=7.02 keV =1.55, no reflection, no complex absorption, Iron K edge, Eedge=7.3 keV.

19 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection. We must be careful to get the continuum right!

20 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection. We must be careful to get the continuum right!

21 Can we spot the fast wind?: PG1211+143
Bright (Vmag=14.38), nearby (z=0.089), Quasar (Lx~1044 erg s-1) & NLS1. Very strong soft excess! Complicated X-ray spectrum! Thermal comptonization continuum Complex absorption system, with multiple warm absorbers (Pounds et al 2003, Chartas et al 2003). Ionised accretion disk reflection. We must be careful to get the continuum right! No BeppoSAX data. No Integral data. Poor XTE data. PG1211 is faint > 10keV! 2-60 keV = 3! (Guinazzi et al 2000). We know that NLS1s have steep X-ray continua! (Porquet et al 1999).

22 Modelling PG1211+143 Thermal Comptonization continuum.
Power-law,   2.4 Accretion disk reflection. Lx/Ld  0.5 Min  0.2Medd Rinn  20Rs Two narrow, outflowing, absorption/emission systems. log()  2, 3.3 NH  1022, 1023 cm-2 Small Cf (<0.1 upper limit) Diskwind absorption/emission model. log() = 2.74 NH = 1.4x1023 cm-2  = 0.2c ( ) Cf  0.4 . .

23 Modelling PG1211+143 Thermal Comptonization continuum.
Power-law,   2.4 Accretion disk reflection. Lx/Ld  0.5 Min  0.2Medd Rinn  20Rs Two narrow, outflowing, absorption/emission systems. log()  2, 3.3 NH  1022, 1023 cm-2 Small Cf (<0.1 upper limit) Diskwind absorption/emission model. log() = 2.74 NH = 1.4x1023 cm-2  = 0.2c ( ) Cf  0.4 2 = 1013/948 d.o.f .

24 Even better… Log() = 2.66  3% NH = 1023 cm-2,  = 2,  = 0.2
When we vary the ionisation parameter, the spectral shape changes. RMS Variability has a VERY characteristic shape! Do we see this characteristic shape in the observed RMS variability spectra of AGN? Markowitz, Edelson & Vaughan 2003

25 Even better… Log() = 2.66  3% NH = 1023 cm-2,  = 2,  = 0.2
When we vary the ionisation parameter, the spectral shape changes. RMS Variability has a VERY characteristic shape! Do we see this characteristic shape in the observed RMS variability spectra of AGN? Markowitz, Edelson & Vaughan 2003

26 Does it really work? The Good: Very good fit to complex data.
Completely reproduces the soft excess without separate components, or unreasonably strong reflection. Smeared wind has a sensible(ish) range of velocities. (c.f km s-1 lines & km s-1 lines – PDS 456) Wind , NH also sensible. Including emission lines gives sensible Cf. The Bad: How can we reconcile the wind with the other absorption/emission systems?… outflowing at a single, slower, velocity & more ionised (vout=25000 km s-1 c.f km s-1 log()=3.3 c.f. 2.7) outflowing at a single, even slower, velocity & less ionised. (vout=12000 km s-1 c.f km s-1 log()=2.0 c.f. 2.7) Other material represents the wind as it slows down far from the point of acceleration? lower ionisation material = condensing phase? higher ionisation material = expanding phase? Maybe shocks can help us slow the wind down? The Ugly: Mwind1023 M X Mwind>Medd>Min X Mtotal >>MBLR X The current model doesn’t work… but the idea might be right! Could be telling us that.. R ~ R   constant v(R)  Gaussian .

27 The next step: Version 1. Run XSTAR on a thick slab.
Computationally intensive. Run XSTAR with constant pressure approximation. Bug in XSTAR 2.1kn3! More computationally intensive than  = constant. Use a more physical velocity field. Use equations for velocity along a streamline. – Murray et al 1995 Weight v(R) with (R). Smear using this profile. Fixed!

28 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad . 1, T1, 1, v1

29 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad , T,  + simple continuum  XSTAR 1, T1, 1, v1 Power-law

30 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad , T,  + simple continuum  XSTAR vgrad + XSTAR  smearing 1, T1, 1, v1 Power-law

31 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad , T,  + simple continuum  XSTAR vgrad + XSTAR  smearing Use this spectrum as the continuum for the next segment the l.o.s passes through. 2, T2, 2, v2

32 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad , T,  + simple continuum  XSTAR vgrad + XSTAR  smearing Use this spectrum as the continuum for the next segment the l.o.s passes through. Iterate over total l.o.s. i, Ti, i, vi

33 The next step: Version 2… with a little help
Use info from simulations of a ‘reasonable’ AGN diskwind! 108 M black hole. M = 2 M yr-1 Chop up simulation and choose l.o.s. Read out information for each segment , T, , vgrad , T,  + simple continuum  XSTAR vgrad + XSTAR  smearing Use this spectrum as the continuum for the next segment the l.o.s passes through. Iterate over total l.o.s. Instant disk wind spectrum with self consistent velocity smearing! i, Ti, i, vi

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