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LCav: Low Cost unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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Presentation on theme: "LCav: Low Cost unmanned Aerial Vehicle"— Presentation transcript:

1 LCav: Low Cost unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Status Report # 1 Ryan Morlino Chris Landeros Sylvester Meighan Stephen Verschoyle

2 LCav providing a low cost control platform for unmanned aerial vehicles.
Project Milestones 1.) Construction of Plane Completed 2.) Integrate Stability System into Plane 2/04/07 3.) Integrate GPS module into System 2/13/07 4.) Build Communication Base Station 2/23/07 5.) Testing 3/24/05

3 Completed Tasks Phase 1: Stability Control Phase 2: UAV Construction
Ordered Sensors (gyros, accelerometers) Tested Sensors PCB Stability System Phase 2: UAV Construction Constructed RC Plane Phase 3: Communication System Researched Modems Phase 4: GPS Navigation Ordered GPS modules

4 Ongoing Tasks Phase 1: Stability Control Phase 2: UAV Construction
Test and Modify PCB Design 2/01/07 Phase 2: UAV Construction Simulation/Practice Flying 2/03/07 Phase 3: Communication System Order Modems 1/31/07

5 Upcoming Tasks Phase 1: Stability Control Phase 2: UAV Construction
Program Servo Controller for 2/03/07 serial Communication Phase 2: UAV Construction Test Fly RC plane 2/04/07 Phase 3: Communication System Order set of Modems 1/30/07 Phase 4: GPS Navigation Test GPS Module 2/01/07


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