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COPY RIGHT QUEST Blog post on the copy right quest.

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Presentation on theme: "COPY RIGHT QUEST Blog post on the copy right quest."— Presentation transcript:

1 COPY RIGHT QUEST Blog post on the copy right quest.

2 THE COPY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT The beginning of the story starts with a 17 year old student who was sitting at home on a Tuesday evening alone. The teen decided to download music illegally. The teen downloaded 14 GB of illegally music, breaking copy right laws on music and trade marks of those artists.

3 THE BUST About 2 weeks later the teen and his family are eating dinner when a loud knock is heard throughout the house. The teens father excuses himself and opens the door. The police ask for the teen and explain that they have a search warrant. After the illegal music is found they arrest him explaining that he could be forced to pay millions in fines and years in prison.

4 AFTERMATH The teen being arrested and fined shows those who know him that copy right is serious and is enforced. They stop doing it and delete all illegal content.

5 IMPORTANT TERMS Patent Copy right Trademark Ip laws International court

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