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1 France 4 3 2 6 Belgium Luxembourg Monaco Liechtenstein Austria The Netherlands 5 9 7 8 Germany Switzerland 11 1010 1212 Greece Italy Vatican City.

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Presentation on theme: "1 France 4 3 2 6 Belgium Luxembourg Monaco Liechtenstein Austria The Netherlands 5 9 7 8 Germany Switzerland 11 1010 1212 Greece Italy Vatican City."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 France 4 3 2 6 Belgium Luxembourg Monaco Liechtenstein Austria The Netherlands 5 9 7 8 Germany Switzerland 11 1010 1212 Greece Italy Vatican City

2 Seine River 3 2 1 6 4 7 5 8 9 Bay of Biscay Physical Features English Channel Mediterranean Sea European Alps Danube River Rhine River Baltic Sea Pyrenees Mountains Po River 1 Tiber River 1010 1414 1212 1313 Iberian Peninsula Scandinavian Peninsula European Plain

3 France

4 Paris

5 Belgium

6 Brussels

7 Luxembourg

8 Luxembourg City

9 Monaco

10 Capital City of Monaco

11 Liechtenstein

12 Vaduz

13 The Netherlands

14 Amsterdam

15 Germany

16 Berlin

17 Austria

18 Vienna

19 Switzerland

20 Bern

21 Italy

22 Rome

23 Greece

24 Athens

25 Vatican City


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