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“Investigating Factors Which Influencing Plant Growth” This project will reinforce the idea of controlled experiments. In addition, it will introduce factors.

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Presentation on theme: "“Investigating Factors Which Influencing Plant Growth” This project will reinforce the idea of controlled experiments. In addition, it will introduce factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Investigating Factors Which Influencing Plant Growth” This project will reinforce the idea of controlled experiments. In addition, it will introduce factors that influence plant growth. It will also introduce some techniques of computational modeling using Excel and Stella.

2 Objectives Upon completion of this lesson the students will be able to:  Design a controlled experiment;  Explain the importance of dependent and independent variables in controlled experiments;  Describe factors which influence plant growth;  Analyze data using statistics  Evaluate the accuracy of student driven statistical data;  Develop a computational model for plant growth;  Import the data into a visualization tool and graph it;  Use critical thinking to form conclusions about the problem;  Communicate results to peers

3 Introduction Students will perform a controlled experiment to determine the effect of temperature on longevity of glow sticks Students will perform and analyze a chromatography lab to determine the kinds of pigments present in green leaves Students will perform and analyze a photosynthesis/respiration lab to determine how energy flows through plants Students will use Excel to visualize sample data from the internet

4 Classroom Procedures and Activities  Present background materials on photosynthesis and the problem: “How is plant growth stimulated?”;  Present background on accuracy of regression lines and data;  Guide students through Excel exercises with sample data; · Perform Glow Stick laboratory and graph results using Excel; · Perform Chromatography laboratory and discuss the results · Perform (photosynthesis/respiration) Combustion laboratory and visualize using Stella; · Discuss the requirements needed for plant growth and research on the internet to gather information about those requirements; · Discuss research project ideas and form teams with common research interests; · Design controlled experiments and write up proposals; · Begin experiments and run for two weeks · During the two week run, plants will be tended to and measured every weekday at the same time; · Gather data by measuring plant height, leaf length and width; · Discuss analysis of results; · Have students discuss conclusions; · Have students present experiments, results, and conclusions to class

5 Classtime required for the completion of this model: This model can be completed in class in approximately 3-4 weeks.

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