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COP4610/CGS5765 Operating Systems Syllabus. Instructor Xin Yuan Office: 168 LOV Office hours: W M F 9:10am – 10:00am, or by appointments.

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Presentation on theme: "COP4610/CGS5765 Operating Systems Syllabus. Instructor Xin Yuan Office: 168 LOV Office hours: W M F 9:10am – 10:00am, or by appointments."— Presentation transcript:

1 COP4610/CGS5765 Operating Systems Syllabus

2 Instructor Xin Yuan ( Office: 168 LOV Office hours: W M F 9:10am – 10:00am, or by appointments Class website:

3 Teaching Assistant Samidh Chatterjee ( Office: 267 Love Building Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:00pm-2:45pm

4 Course Objectives  Define and explain key operating system concepts  Operating system, process, process management, scheduling, synchronization, file systems, etc  Apply key operating system techniques  Many techniques in OS are also very useful in applications.  Develop system-level programs  Using OS API (system calls)  OS implementation (Kernel module, system call, synchronization primitives, etc)

5 Prerequisites  COP 4530  Data structures  CDA 3101  Computer organization

6 Required Skills  COP4530  Proficiency in UNIX programming and debugging environment  Proficiency in C

7 Course Material  Lecture notes (posted at the class website)  Textbooks:  Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 8 th Edition

8 Class Grading  Exams (55%)  Programming projects (30%)  Quizzes and homework assignments (15%)

9 Exams  Exam 1 (15%)  Exam 2 (15%)  Comprehensive final exam (25%)  There will be questions closely related to the programming assignments in the exams.

10 Programming Projects  Three or four projects, equally weighted  In teams of two people  Late project will be accepted for up to 2 days with 20% penalty per day.  All programs handed in will be checked by automatic plagiarism detection programs.  WRITE PERFECT PROGRAMS  First unknown bug of any kind: -15 points – points for the feature  First known bug/unimplemented feature: -10 points – points for the feature.

11 If both exam grades and project grades are more than the thresholds (70% for both), the letter grade will be assigned as follows  100 – 92 A  91.9 – 90 A-  89.9 – 88 B+  87.9 – 82 B  81.9 – 80B-  79.9 – 78C+  77.9 – 72C  71.9 – 70C-  69.9 – 68D+  67.9 – 62D  61.9 – 60D-  59.9 – 0F

12 If your score < the threshold on one component  The threshold is 70% of the total possible score (38 for the exams and 21 for the projects)  Say…  55% on exams  150% on projects and assignments  The highest grade is C-

13 Be aware: COP4610 is NOT a normal 3-credit hour course.  Recitation is an integrated part of the course.  Most theoretical components covered in lectures  Most practical components covered in recitations.  Course load would roughly equal to a 4- to 5- hour course.  OS involves many concepts. There is inter- dependence among some concepts.  To really understand OS (or the concepts in OS), you will need to read the book/lecture notes repeatedly.

14 Computer Accounts  Computer science account  Various tools  SSH, E-mail, text editor, g++, make  ACNS account (  Receiving class emails  Please communicate with the instructor and the TA using a fsu account (cs or garnet). Emails from outside fsu accounts (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc) will be ignored.

15 Your Responsibilities  Understand lecture and reading materials  Attend office hours for extra help, as needed  Uphold academic honesty  Turn in your assignments on time  Check class Web page and your email account and regularly

16 Dos and Don’ts  Do share debugging experiences  Do share knowledge of tools  Do acknowledge help from others  Do acknowledge sources of information from books and web pages

17 Dos and Don’ts  Don’t cheat  Don’t copy code from others  Don’t paraphrase code from others either  E.g., changing variable names & indentations  Don’t leak your code to any place  There is no difference in terms of penalty between copying and being copied.  All honor code violation will be reported to and resolved through the Office of the Dean and the Faculties.  Zero for the particular assignment/exam AND one letter grade deduction for the level 1 agreement (first violation).

18 Course Policies  Attendance mandatory  There are no make-up exams for missed exams unless one (1) has a really good excuse AND (2) notice the instructor before the exam.  Honor code: read your student handbook  Students with disabilities  Report to Student Disability Resource Center  Bring me a letter within the first week of class

19 To see or not to see me & TA  Student feedbacks of ANY KIND are always very welcome for a serious teacher.  We are not psychics  We know the materials, but we may not know the most effective way to pass the knowledge to you.  Please let us know if…  Class is too hard  You don’t have the background  Class can be improved in certain ways  When in doubt, email us…

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