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LCN by 2014 Five Year Strategic Plan A collaborative rolling plan for the future of the LCN Please find it in your binders 20102011201220132014.

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Presentation on theme: "LCN by 2014 Five Year Strategic Plan A collaborative rolling plan for the future of the LCN Please find it in your binders 20102011201220132014."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCN by 2014 Five Year Strategic Plan A collaborative rolling plan for the future of the LCN Please find it in your binders 20102011201220132014

2 LCN Officer Retreat Created May 23, 2009 Adopted by LCN June 24, 2009 Revisited annually at Convention & Retreat By June 1st of each of the following fiscal years, the Lebanese Collegiate Network will work to complete the listed milestones.

3 2010 Score Card 1.VP of Information Technology Amendment 2.Two professional events 3.Redefine Membership status 4.$200 for LCN logos on shirts 5.Appoint an “LCN Trust Committee Chair” 6.Organize a president’s workshop 7.Re-launch the student exchange program 8.Add one more company to infosessions Completed – On Track – Not Accomplished

4 By 2011 1.Young professional track at LCN11 2.4 professional events 4 different states 3.Increase student award to $2,000 4.10 Resume Workshops annually 5.Convention in a new state 6.20 Subscribing ULCs 7.100 Students at the convention Completed – On Track – Not Accomplished

5 By 2012 1.Allocate $500 for every subscribing ULC contingent upon an annual report and logos on LCN shirts. 2.Assist at least five LCN members find jobs. 3.Host convention in a new state. 4.Establish “Professional of the Year” award.

6 By 2013 1.Host convention in a new state. 2.Assist at least ten LCN members find jobs. 3.Reassess and reestablish a new five year plan.

7 By 2014 1.Host convention in a new state. 2.Establish the first trip to Lebanon, complimented by volunteering/interning at one of our affiliations or non profit organization in Lebanon. 3.Establish “LCN Trust” Fund.

8 Presidents’ Forum Date: March 26, 2010 Goals: - Review Strategic Plan - Overall input on LCN activities Attendees: LCN Board ULC Presidents & President Elects Executive Board Nominees

9 Presidents’ Forum Input 2011 - Positive feedback on Alumni Track - Increase number of student awards Vs. $ value of award 2012 - Assistance with Study Abroad programs in Lebanon - Define Metrics on success on career assistance 2013 - Assist schools with securing funding: direct involvement with school - Regional conventions / president retreats 2014 - Establish website communication link for students traveling back Other Feedback: - Clearly communicate amount of work involved with each position - Proactively include presidents in meetings through scheduled dates - Re-assess basis of student fly-in program and better communicate program

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