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Engaging Stakeholders: How to make your project, their project Jill Malleck HR & Organization Performance Consultant Epiphany at Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Stakeholders: How to make your project, their project Jill Malleck HR & Organization Performance Consultant Epiphany at Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Stakeholders: How to make your project, their project Jill Malleck HR & Organization Performance Consultant Epiphany at Work

2 Stakeholder Definitions Someone who has a share or an interest, as in an enterprise.

3 If you manage stakeholders along the way, the momentum builds for a successful launch. You rally support, enthusiasm and buy-in, and you lower your project risks.” Deanna S.

4 “In the early days I heard a lot of – oh, you systems people. The operations side is nervous of we “systems people” – they expect we’ll wreck havoc on the business in the interest of technology.” John H.

5 “Be aware that all this interaction – about 50% of your time – is a way to breed change. When you engage people they will tell you stuff – and ask you for stuff in return.” John H.

6 “No project runs smoothly. The bumps are usually around the people resources. You need the courage to discuss and solve these issues.” Maureen R.

7 “Building our credibility isn’t something we spend a lot of time thinking about. You’re saying “trust me”, sometimes with a lot of money. Have you done your homework? Lynn M.

8 “Each stakeholder will want to talk about these 3 items: quality, schedule and cost. Figure out which angle they are coming from. Remember, you have no power. You have to value every stakeholder.” Mary Ann M.

9 Pairs Activity

10 Collective Wisdom In this exercise, what did you re-learn about engaging others? At your table: In a project environment: What helps? What hinders? 2 important things about engaging stakeholders

11 What the Group said… Hidden agendas cause stress Engage early, and provide benefits Pay attention to culture clashes Talk in their language Know your stuff Understand why their work is important Identify cheerleaders and sponsors Identify competing priorities Clearly communicate goals Empathy Charismatic leadership Confidently address concerns Don’t lay blame on the previous PM Continuously communicate Identify decision-makers A good kickoff meeting brings people together Feedback mechanisms – dialogue Team chartering

12 Engaging Stakeholders 1. Identify Stakeholders 2. Alert Communications 3. Become Credible 4. Excite People 5. Engaging Ways 6. Courageous

13 Identify Stakeholders Decision- maker Influences decision Interested Won’t impact Some impact Most Impact

14 Trust and Stakeholders AGREEMENTGoal congruencyShared values & traditions POSITIVE PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Competence, Caring, Courage, Composure Low High Bedfellows Alliances Adversaries Opponents

15 Visual Tool: Traffic Light Two levels: Project Status Indicator Stakeholder Mood Indicator

16 Alert Communication Be adaptive Show and Tell or Build and Test Support leadership communication Watch for red flags: observe body and tone; Recognize disengagement Open space for concerns Healthy regard for pushback

17 Become Credible 2 nd important Influence factor Get references Do your homework Never over-promise Be trustworthy Show your commitment Ensure support after implementing

18 Excite People Relate it to what they care about Be personally passionate Give tangibles Remember the non-financial benefits Touch, taste, hear, to excite imagination Let Stakeholders sell it too!

19 Engaging Ways Presentations replaced by working sessions Wandering around Easy to talk to Listening with interest

20 Courageous Ask for authority and support Step in when you see it Be vulnerable and humble Escalate when necessary Be upfront and honest Declare how input is evaluated Declare risks and mitigation strategy Say “I don’t know”

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