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Information Literacy TECM 4250 Dr. Lam. Information Literacy Information literacy is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It involves recognizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Literacy TECM 4250 Dr. Lam. Information Literacy Information literacy is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It involves recognizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Literacy TECM 4250 Dr. Lam

2 Information Literacy Information literacy is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats

3 Two parts to the definition 1.Recognizing when information is needed 2.being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats

4 Efficiently Locate Information Where do you go for technical information? Where do you go for scholarly information?

5 Accurately Evaluate Is the information is accurate? How do you know? Is the information is credible? How do you know? Is the information is unbiased? How do you know?

6 Is Ebola Airborne? Examine at least 5 sources and determine which answer is most likely/credible

7 Clearly communicate This requires synthesis and not regurgitation I suggest reading and synthesizing at least 3 independent sources to ensure that your presentation is accurate Regardless of audience, use Reep’s model Introduction to provide context, definitions, principles Break the process into easily understood/digestible stages Conclude with a recap

8 Group Activity 1.You’ll be assigned to a topic 2.You have 20 minutes to research and put together a 2-5 minute presentation explaining the process. 3.The class will vote on a winning team who will receive an amazing prize

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