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Doha Development Round – the current challenges Liz Stuart, Oxfam, May 24 th 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Doha Development Round – the current challenges Liz Stuart, Oxfam, May 24 th 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doha Development Round – the current challenges Liz Stuart, Oxfam, May 24 th 2006

2 State of the round Long way from the developmental objectives US and EU still driven by mercantilism, ‘tit- for-tat’ Bad offers on the table in both market access and domestic support Time pressures. Oxfam still wants a good deal, but dcs shouldn’t sign a bad one

3 The answer…… US and EU need to improve their offers on agriculture….but not at the price of aggressive position in Nama

4 The policy solutions what developed countries must do Domestic support - Real cuts, not just water - Caps and product-specific caps - Ban on updating - Box-shifting needs to stop - Green Box review - No peace clause Market access - Real market access – not just overhang - Cutting tariff escalation - Sensitive products must not hurt dcs

5 What developing countries need 2/3ds cuts in agricultural tariffs Special products Operational SSM Aid for trade

6 And LDCs? 50 LDCs but only account for 1% of world trade Offensive interests - they benefit from elimination of trade-distorting support too (eg Zambia) And need additional market access - Dfqf 100% (looking at volumes) - Better Roos Defensive interests – SSM and special products … and cotton, food aid, IF, adjustment costs, trade facilitation

7 The politics US – won’t move until EU gives better market access EU – won’t more until US improves domestic support offer G20 – no move until they get what they want in ag G33 – SP/SSM deal breaker G90 – dfqf, cotton, food aid EU and US need to move. But if they don’t …..

8 ……. there’s always the legal route 11 new potential panel cases – $13bn dollars of illegal subsidies

9 Potential panel cases EU -tomatoes -canned peaches - canned pears - citrus fruit juice - wines and spirits - tobacco - butter - skim milk US - corn - rice - sorghum

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