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THIRD GRADE Science Week Two. What does the diagram above illustrate?

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Presentation on theme: "THIRD GRADE Science Week Two. What does the diagram above illustrate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THIRD GRADE Science Week Two

2 What does the diagram above illustrate?

3 the life cycle of a pine tree

4 What plant structure shown takes in nutrients and water from the habitat?

5 roots

6 Animals and plants go through different stages in their lives. What is this process called?

7 a life cycle

8 Giraffes live in a habitat where food is scarce. What adaptation does a giraffe have to help him get food from trees?

9 a long neck

10 In a dessert habitat why do most animals seek food at night?

11 The temperature is very hot during the day.

12 Why do animals hibernate?

13 It helps them survive the winter.

14 Geese fly south every year to get food that is scarce in the cold Canadian winters. What is this an example of?

15 migration

16 What adaptations does a porcupine have to protect himself?

17 quills

18 Why do the birds have different beaks?

19 They have different diets.

20 How does camouflage help animals?

21 It allows the animal to hide from predators.

22 Animals can only survive in a habitat that meets its basic needs of air, food, space, and ___________________.

23 water

24 Polar bears have thick white fur and fat that helps them survive in what kind of habitat?

25 arctic

26 How are Black bears able to hibernate all winter?

27 They store food in the form of fat.

28 Sharks have gills that allow them to survive in what habitat?

29 ocean

30 In order for plants and animals to survive in the desert they must have special adaptations that allow them to survive what kind of conditions?

31 hot and dry

32 If a fire destroys a forest habitat what will happen to the wildlife that lived there?

33 They will move to a new habitat.

34 When lots people moved to Mount Pleasant the raccoons began to eat food out of people’s trash can. Why did they do that?

35 They could not find enough food in their habitat.

36 What are producers?

37 Any green plant that uses sunlight to make food for energy.

38 Worms, mold and mushrooms are decomposers. How do they get their energy?

39 They feed on dead plants and animals.

40 What is this an example of? Grass Grasshopper Toad Snake Bacteria

41 food chain

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