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Powers of Congress. LEGISLATIVE POWERS Commerce Powers Article I Sec 8 Clause 3 – Commerce clause Allows Congress to regulate foreign and interstate.

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Presentation on theme: "Powers of Congress. LEGISLATIVE POWERS Commerce Powers Article I Sec 8 Clause 3 – Commerce clause Allows Congress to regulate foreign and interstate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powers of Congress


3 Commerce Powers Article I Sec 8 Clause 3 – Commerce clause Allows Congress to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. Supreme Court has ruled the meaning of commerce far exceeds the mere buying and selling of goods Gibbons v Ogden in 1824 set the precedent that gave Congress the right to control interstate commerce

4 Taxing and Spending Power One of the most important power to control funding – “called the power of the purse” All revenue bill begin in the House of Representatives Article I Sec 9 – No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury …made by law.” Two step process by Congress – First an Authorization bill (establishes what can be spent) then Appropriation bill Most requests come from the Executive Branch Congress uses this power to regulate the economy

5 Other Money Powers Selling Bonds (or notes) - it lends the government money Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to coin money and regulate its value Constitution does not restrict borrowing of but Congress tries to set a limit When the limit is reached, they must vote to raise the debt ceiling

6 Current debit of the United States $18,152,809,942,589 As of October 28, 2015

7 Foreign Policy Power Shared with the President Senate approves treaties Congress Declares War Congress can create and maintain an army and navy Regulate foreign commerce Make rules governing land and naval forces

8 Providing for National Growth Congress has the power over Naturalization Article IV Section 3 – Congress has power to admit new states and govern territories Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa and other islands like Wake Island Article I and IV give Congress the right to pass laws as to govern federal property National parks, army bases, public lands, Government building

9 Other Legislative Powers Copyright is the exclusive right to publish and sell a literacy, musical or artistic work for a specified period of time ( lifetime plus 70 years) Patent is the exclusive right of an inventor to manufacture, use, and sell his or her invention for a specific period ( most cases 20 years)

10 Non –Legislative Powers of Congress

11 Electoral College If no one candidate receives a majority (270) in the electoral college (the electoral college fails) House –picks the President Senate – picks the Vice President

12 Removal Power IMPEACHMENT House brings charges – like a grand jury Senate acts as a court – convict and remove

13 Amendment Power CONGRESS can propose an amendment to the constitution

14 Ratification Power Senate must ratify a treaty by a 2/3 vote Presidents can bypass this action by agreeing to an executive agreement that does not need the Senate approval

15 Confirmation Power Senate has the right to ratify all appointments Nominations for federal judges get the most scrutiny Ratify judges, cabinet members, ambassadors

16 IF a vacancy in the VICE PRESIDENT occurs Congress must approve of the nomination

17 Giving Advise and Consent Congress has the power to give advice and consent

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