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Presentation on theme: "Agenda October 12-16 UNIT 4: WRITING THE CONSTITUTION."— Presentation transcript:



3 Warm Up  Check the test results poster to see if you made a COLOR JUMP!!  If you did, grab an ‘American Revolution’ paper from the front and decorate/color it. Be sure your name is on it!!  Hold on to it and I will come around to pick them up  YOU DO NEED YOUR BINDER AND SOMETHING TO GRADE WITH!

4 Tuesday, October 13  We Will review our Revolution Era test  I Will list the steps I need to take to increase my performance on the next assessment PROJECT DUE THURSDAY !

5 ANSWERS 1. C 2. H 3. A 4. H 5. D 6. G 7. B 8. G 9. C 10. F 11. D 12. G 13. A 14. J 15. A 16. H 17. C 18. G 19. A 20. G 21. B 22. H 23. A

6 GRADE 1. 96 2. 91 3. 87 4. 83 5. 78 6. 74 7. 70 8. 65 9. 61 10. 57 11. 52 12. 48 13. 48 14. 39 15. 35 16. 30 17. 26 18. 22 19. 17 20. 13 21. 9 22. 4 23. 0


8 Tuesday, October 13  I Will list the steps I need to take to increase my performance on the next assessment PROJECT DUE THURSDAY !

9 Warm Up  1 st Great Awakening Video and Questions

10 Wednesday, October 14 We will REVIEW the lowest 2 TEKS from the first 2 assessments I will DEFEND why the colonists listed the Quartering Act as a grievance in the Declaration

11 ACTIVITY  Grievance/Bill of Rights Matching  With your partner, match the grievance to how it was addressed in the Bill of Rights  Complete the Illustration Chart

12 I will DEFEND why the colonists listed the Quartering Act as a grievance in the Declaration (on the back of your paper)

13 Thursday, October 15 WOD Confederation- “a league of friendship” AND a union of states in which each state retains some independent control of internal and external affairs Republic- Government where power is vested in the people who elect their reps. WARM UP IS ON THE NEXT SLIDE

14 WARM UP QUESTION  Why did the delegates to the 2 nd Continental Congress NEED to write the Articles of Confederation? To establish a government SEPARATE from Britain


16 Wednesday, October 15  We Will summarize the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES of the Articles of Confederation  I Will elaborate on the 4 weaknesses

17 ACTIVITY Discuss Articles of Confederation (AOC) Use textbook pages 152-155 AOC Strengths/Weaknesses Foldable AOC Nation/State Chart

18 Articles of Confederation AMERICA’S FIRST CONSTITUTION BOK PG. 27

19 Strengths SStates sent delegates to Congress EEach state had one vote CCreated the Northwest Ordinance TThe national government had the power to wage war, make peace, sign treaties, issue money, appoint ambassadors, and settle conflicts between states

20 Weaknesses  NO President (Executive)  NO Army  NO Courts (Judicial)  NO Taxing Power = $ problems  The national govt. could not force the states to obey it’s laws (regulate trade)  9/13 states agree to pass a law  13/13 states agree to amend (make changes)  Each state issued its own money  One vote per state, regardless of population  States were sovereign (governed themselves)

21 Effects/Results/Outcomes Northwest Ordinance of 1787 *Set up rules for statehood once 60,000 people *Outlawed slavery in new states (Northwest territories) *Free Education in new states

22 SGPT Why were the states afraid to give up too much power?

23 Articles of Confederation PowerNationState Executive Power to make laws Court system Taxation Settle conflicts between states Appoint ambassadors Raise armies Make war Make money Make treaties Regulate postal system

24 I Will elaborate on the 4 major weaknesses of the AOC


26 The Articles of Confederation allowed each state only one vote in Congress. Which question reflects a major concern states had about this arrangement? F. Should states attempt to resolve conflicting claims to territory? G. Should states change their procedure for selecting representatives? H. Should unanimous state approval for national laws be required? J. Should more populous states receive greater representation?

27 We Will IDENTIFY Shay’s Rebellion I Will CREATE 3 test questions over Shay’s Rebellion

28 ACTIVITY  Read pgs. 161-162 (Shay’s Rebellion)  Cornell Notes  BOK pg. 27-bottom  Quotes and Questions over Shay’s Rebellion

29 HIGH POINTS Shay’s Rebellion *It placed national attention on weaknesses of the government under the Articles. *It showed that the gov. could not keep order and that a stronger national gov. was needed. * It made it hard for the Confederation to ignore the weaknesses and called for meetings to “fix” the Articles which led to the Constitutional Convention.

30 SGPT WWho held most of the power under the AOC?

31 Troubles Facing the New Government PAGE 27-BOK (BOTTOM)

32 Shays’s Rebellion People Daniel Shays Farmers in Mass. Purpose 1786 revolt against raised taxes to pay for the Revolution Farms were being sold to pay debts Result Saw the Articles of Confederation did not work, a convention was called

33 Which side would you have supported during Shay’s Rebellion: the farmers or the officials who called out the militia? Explain why

34 I Will CREATE 3 test questions over Shay’s Rebellion

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