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WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? PAM MAEN NHW'N BWYSIG? Planning an activity for children Cynllunio gweithgaredd ar gyfer plant.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? PAM MAEN NHW'N BWYSIG? Planning an activity for children Cynllunio gweithgaredd ar gyfer plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? PAM MAEN NHW'N BWYSIG? Planning an activity for children Cynllunio gweithgaredd ar gyfer plant

2 Planning Cynllunio It requires all practitioner to plan carefully to met the individual need of all children. The needs are based on each child’s stage of growth and development. Remember two children are never the same. Appropriate activities help children learn and can be lots of fun. Source (accessed 15/1/13)

3 Planning - things you need to consider Cynllunio pethau angen i chi ystyried Are they age appropriate Do they take into account of the child’s ability Do they cover aspects of the Foundation Phase Is it differentiated Are there any health and safety issues and has it been risk assessed Do they encourage equal opportunities and diversity

4 Advantages to planning Manteision cynllunio You are prepared It is a requirement of your setting Aims and objectives are agreed before hand Children can help with planning and give ideas that have not been thought of Share findings

5 Disadvantages to planning Anfanteision I gynllunio People stick to them so don’t allow for any flexibility They may not allow for spontaneous learning A child might want to take you in another direction

6 Types of planning Mathau o gynllunio Long term Can be a whole year or term It meets the SDP Can plan trips and festivals way in advance

7 Medium term Usually covers a month or term Looks at policies and curriculum in detail Can be based on observations and assessments of children

8 Short term Focuses on a daily plan or one activity Very specific but allows for flexibility May target specific children Identifies which area of the Foundation Phase its focus is Its risk assessed

9 How do you plan? Sut ydych chi'n bwriadu? Teachers, and Teaching assistants get together once a week and have planning meetings Ideas are exchanged Resources are used (internet, curriculum books) Assessments done on the children are now used to set the next set of plans Courses staff have been on

10 What do activity plans need on them Beth mae cynlluniau gweithgaredd ei angen arnynt Identify the type of activity What is the aim How does it meets the child's needs Time allowed for the activity Where is it going to take place Resources needed Equipment needed

11 Continued Parhad Is it differentiated? Does it promote bilingualism Eco friendly Equal opportunities How does it fit into all areas of the curriculum? Plenary session Reflecting on activity

12 Planning cycle Cylch cynllunio Once you have assessed the children, practitioners should use the information gathered about the child’s progress to use in their planning If a child is having difficulty in a certain area of their development them extra activities are needed to support this. It is no point going further on with activities when they don’t understand the basic concept Can you think of an example of this

13 Planning cycle Cylch cynllunio Sometimes difficulties are expected if a child had an ALN or they have missed lesson as they have been ill for along time Language barriers An IEP may be in place You should also plan for the bright child who is finding the work easy

14 Activity Gweithgarwch The activity that you did for your communication ESW was all about promoting self esteem. Using that activity put it into the activity plan

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