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Theodore Roosevelt/Assumes Presidency After the McKinley Assassination 1901 CCame from a wealthy family in New York and was sickly as a child. NNicknamed.

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4 Theodore Roosevelt/Assumes Presidency After the McKinley Assassination 1901 CCame from a wealthy family in New York and was sickly as a child. NNicknamed the “Trustbuster” in 1902 he ordered his Attorney General to bring a lawsuit against the Northern Securities Company (J.P. Morgan) RRoosevelt later broke up Standard Oil and American Tobacco Company BBull Moose Party

5 Theodore Roosevelt/The Square Deal SSQUARE DEAL: PProgram that passed laws protecting consumers and prevent false advertising. RRegulated Transportation and Communication. CConserved the nation’s resources (national parks and forests). TTR believed in the “capitalistic system” but believed that the system must be regulated by US Govt.

6 Other Roosevelt Accomplishments  Meat Inspection Act (Passed After Roosevelt read the Jungle) Forced Meat packing Plants to open their doors to government inspectors  Pure Food and Drug Act required food and drug companies to list all ingredients on their package and monitored untrue claims  First CONSERVATIONIST President  Created 5 Natural Wilderness areas and Convinced Congress to ban lumbering in 150 million acres of Govt. land

7 Can you name these national parks?



10 They’re also right here in Texas!


12 William Howard Taft CChosen by TR to run for Republican nomination WWins the election of 1908 BBusted two times as many trusts as TR TTaft lacks TR’s political skill; loses Progressive support when he backs a high tariff bill

13 The Taft Tub

14 Woodrow Wilson/New Freedom LLowers Tariffs FFederal Trade Commission: Could investigate companies and order them to stop using unfair business practices FFederal Reserve Act – regulated and centralized banking NNational Park System 116 th Amendment – personal income tax (graduated)

15 Populists vs Progressives  Populists ---rural Progressives---cities Populists were poor and uneducated Progressives were middle-class and educated  Populists were too radical  Progressives stayed in the political mainstream.  Populists failed  Progressives succeeded

16 CONCLUSION: HHow did the “PROGRESSIVE PRESIDENTS” influence Government? UUsed the government as a means to reform & regulate big business/broke up unfair trusts GGovernment regulation/protection for consumers (pure food & drug act) RRegulated the money supply/attempted to add fairness to the tax system PProtected the environment/created the national parks system

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