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World History I. Day 1: September 2 nd – 3 rd Preview Where are you right now? Do you belong here? Did you pick up all the papers on the table as you.

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Presentation on theme: "World History I. Day 1: September 2 nd – 3 rd Preview Where are you right now? Do you belong here? Did you pick up all the papers on the table as you."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History I

2 Day 1: September 2 nd – 3 rd Preview Where are you right now? Do you belong here? Did you pick up all the papers on the table as you walked in? If you answered NO to any of these questions, please se me….Mr. Hotaling Warm Up What do you think you will learn about in World History I this year? How did you come up with your answer? Agenda Class Introduction Class Expectations Treasure Hunt! Class Expectations Review

3 Day 2: September 4 th – 5 th Review What is the quote found on the class web page? Warm Up If the Columbus “sailed the ocean blue” in the 15 th century and MC Hammer “couldn’t touch this” in the 20 th century, what century do we live in right now? Agenda Distribute Quizstar Login Info Begin working on Introductory Tasks on Write your answers to the questions in your Interactive Notebook. Write your answers to the PURPOSE PROMPTS on the BIG PAPER around the room. Discuss Introductory Tasks (Purpose Prompts)

4 Day 3: September 8 th – 9 th Review: What are some skills a history degree could help you develop in the 21 st century? Warm Up: “The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 1. Agree/Disagree? 2. What is your evidence? Agenda: Take WHI Pretest Watch Topic 1.1 Lecture and Set Up Notebooks Intro Topic 1.1 Classwork Exit Ticket: What fact will you take from today’s lecture?

5 Day 4: September 10 th – 11 th Review 1.1 What do BC and AD stand for? Warm Up How would you describe the time period we live in now to someone visiting from 3000 years in the future? Agenda Topic 1.1 Classwork Watch Topic 1.2 Lecture Topic 1.2 Classwork

6 Day 5: September 12 th – 15 th Review 1.2 What are the 5 major Eras historians use to organize time? Warm Up: Watch this video What “time” did humans first appear on Earth? How long has all of human civilization taken according to the 24hr clock in the vicdeo? Agenda Topic 1.3 Lecture Topic 1.3 Classwork (GRADED) When finished you can: Watch 1.4 Lecture (Lecture check on this information NEXT CLASS!) Take 1 st Quiz on Quizstar (QUIZ OPEN NOW UNTIL NEXT THURSDAY)

7 Day 6: September 16 th – 17 th Lecture Review 1.4 Where and when did Homo Sapiens first develop? Warm Up Look at the “Seeking Our Origins” poster and answer the following questions: How many years between Australopithecus and discovery of fire? Discovery of fire and 1 st cities? 1 st cities and now? Agenda Review Topic 1.1-1.3 Topic 1.4 Classwork in groups of 4 When finished: Take Unit 1 Quiz 1 online Watch Topic 1.5 lecture

8 Day 7: September 18 th – 19 th Lecture Review What tools do archaeologist use to determine the age of artifacts? Warm Up Trace the path of human migration. Agenda Which is more important?: controlling fire or the ability to farm? Topic 1.5 Classwork Part I: Individually Part II: Class Part III: Class Part IV: Individually When finished: Take Unit 1 Quiz 1 online Performance Task next class If you haven’t taken the quiz by next class, you must do remediation and then take the quiz

9 Sticky Note Reading - Who were the Nacarima? First reading: LISTEN AND READ ALONG… Red – place the red sticky note on the body ritual you think is most interesting. Blue – place the blue sticky note on the body ritual that is most unusual. Green – place the green sticky note on the body ritual that is most familiar. Part III Sketch what you think one of the body rituals looks like in your notebook. Second reading: work with a partner As you re-read the article using the “Key to Helping You Re-Read” write what the actual body ritual was for each color sticky note and put them in your notebook. Part IV Answer the question: Who were the Nacarima? Was your sketch of the body ritual in Part III accurate? How did the description in the article affect your perception?

10 Day 8:September 22 nd – 23 rd Review What type of material did humans make tools out of in both the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras? Warm Up: What could an archaeologist tell about the individuals who created these images? How? Agenda Catal Huyuk, Jericho, and Stonehenge Performance Task: Part 1 and 2 If you haven’t taken Quiz 1.1, you will do remediation, then take Quiz 1.1 NEXT CLASS Performance Task: Part 3 Writing Prompt

11 Day 9:September 24 th – 25 th Review What are 3 things you learned this unit? 2 vocabulary words? 1 question? Warm Up How do you construct a paragraph? Agenda Study notes (Hotaling will check) Writing Prompt (Test Grade) Take1.2 Quiz (Closed after today) Watch 2.1 Lecture

12 Day 10: September 26 th – 29 th Lecture Review 2.1 What is the definition of civilization? Warm Up Which would you choose, freedom or safety? Agenda Crash Course Civilization Classwork 2.1 Lecture 2.2

13 Day 11: September 30 th – October 1 st Lecture Review 2.2 Where is Mesopotamia? Warm Up Watch these videos and Write 3 facts from each video. What is different about these videos? Which is more reliable? Agenda L.A.R.G.E. Cities (help remembering characteristics of civilization) Classwork 2.2 (GRADED) Finished early Watch Lecture 2.3 Attempt Quiz 2.1

14 Day 12: October 2 nd – 3 rd Lecture Check 2.3 List 3 developments of Mesopotamian civilization. Warm Up Watch the video Which four Americans would you choose to put into a song like this about Northern Americans? Agenda How does the geography of Mesopotamia impact it’s development? Classwork 2.3 Finished Early Take Quiz 2.1 Watch Lecture 2.4

15 Day 13 – October 6 th – 7 th Lecture Check 2.4 Where is Egypt? Warm Up Watch this video Is this video a Primary or Secondary source? Identify 1 primary source shown in the video that an archaeologist would study and 1 primary source a historian would study. Agenda How does the geography of Egypt impact it’s development? Compare to Mesopotamia. Complete Classwork 2.4 Finished Early Watch Lecture 2.5 Take Quiz 2.1 (CLOSES TODAY!!)

16 Day 14 – October 8 th – 9 th Lecture Check 2.5 List 3 developments of Egyptian civilization. Warm Up Walk around the classroom and find a poster that includes primary sources to support the topic of the poster. Agenda Classwork 2.5 (Part I and II together, Part III and IV in groups) Check 2.4 classwork Finished early Take Quiz 2.2

17 Day 15 - October 10 th – 13 th Lecture Check 2.6 What type of religion did the Hebrews have? Warm Up: What mood are you in today? Pick a song that describes your mood. Draw a picture that describes your mood. Write a Tweet that describes your mood (with emoticons and hashtags). Which sends the clearest message? Which is more useful? Agenda Topic 2.6 Classwork Check 2.4 Classwork Watch 2.7 Lecture Take Quiz 2.2

18 Day 16 - October 14 th – 15 th Lecture Check 2.7 What were 3 major empires that developed in the Fertile Crescent? Warm Up: “Who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell (and Rage Against the Machine) What does this quote mean? How does it relate to historical bias? Agenda Topic 2.7 Classwork Take Quiz 2.2

19 Day 17 - October 16 th – 17 th Review List the 5 civilizations we’ve learned about in this unit. Warm Up List 3 facts about Persians and 1 fact about historical bias. Agenda Review Primary vs. Secondary sources Quiz 2.2 Performance Task Unit 2: “Cradles of Civilization”

20 Day 18 - October 20 th – 21 st Review What type of geographic feature do Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations rely on? Warm Up Draw a freehand map of the Middle East and label at least 3 locations we’ve learned this unit. Agenda Performance Task Unit 2: “Cradles of Civilization” Unit 2 Remediation (make up work) Watch lecture 3.1!

21 Day 19 – October 22 nd – 23 rd Lecture Check 3.1 Where is the Indian subcontinent? (modern countries) Warm Up: What were the 2 major cities in the Indus River Valley? Agenda Performance Task Unit 2: “Cradles of Civilization” Topic 3.1 Classwork Watch lecture 3.2

22 Day 20 – October 24 th – 27 th Lecture Check 3.2 What social system did the Aryans bring to India? Warm Up: What are the Indian parts of the Caste System? Agenda Topic 3.2 Classwork Watch lecture 3.3

23 Day 21 – October 28 th – 29 th Lecture Check 3.3 What Mauryan ruler spread Buddhism throughout Asia? Warm Up: Name a major religion practiced in the world today. Watch this video: Was it founded (started) Before the Common Era? Which religions were BCE? Agenda Topic 3.3 Classwork Finish Topic 3.1 and 3.2 classwork Take Quizzes 3.1 and 3.2 Finish “Make Up” Work from Unit 2

24 Day 21 – October 28 th – 29 th Review Was Buddhism monotheistic, polytheistic, or non-theistic? Warm Up: How did Buddhism change over time? Agenda Review: Development Finish Topic 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 classwork Take Quizzes 3.1 and 3.2 Finish “Make Up” Work from Unit 2

25 Day 22 – November 3 rd – 4 th Lecture Check 4.1 What were the trade routes called that connected China to the rest of the world? Warm Up How does a place’s culture impact its ability to be sustainable? How does a place’s geography impact its culture? Agenda 4.1 Classwork Watch 4.2 Lecture

26 Day 23 – November 6 th – 7 th Lecture Check 4.2 In Ancient China, how does a dynasty lose the right to rule? Warm Up: Were ALL Chinese dynasties founded by men? Was the Dynastic Cycle uninterrupted throughout ALL of Chinese history? How does John Green explain the Mandate of Heaven? Agenda 4.2 Classwork Watch 4.3 Lecture Take 4.1 Quiz (only quiz for this unit!)

27 Day 24 – November 10 th – 12 th Lecture Check 4.3 What is a philosophy? Warm Up: Confucius or Spongebob? I do not want a friend who smiles when I smile. Let go of what kills you, and hold on to what keeps you breathing. Learning without thinking is useless. Thinking without learning is dangerous. Agenda Work in Groups of 3-4 for Classwork 4.3 Parts 1, 2, and 3 Part 4 is individual work Complete Unit 4 Classwork 4.1 Part 2 4.2 Part 3 4.3 Part 4 Take 4.1 Quiz (only quiz for this unit!) until you get a 70 or higher!

28 Day 25 – November 13 th – 14 th Review List 2 religions from India and 3 philosophies from China. Warm Up: Creative Comparisons (think geographic AND cultural) How is India like a HOUSE? How is China like a SCHOOL? Agenda Complete PART ONE – Use the SOL Word Bank, at least one per question Complete PART TWO – Choose a prompt and complete task Take the Unit 4 Quiz Finish Classwork 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3

29 Day 26 – November 17 th and 18 th Review List the topics of the first 4 units. Warm Up How far can a dog run into the woods? Agenda Finish Unit 3 and 4 Performance Task Computer lab for 1 st Quarter Test

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