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Welcome to CS113-03 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Professor Carole Myers Attention! Write this down You need this information.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CS113-03 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Professor Carole Myers Attention! Write this down You need this information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CS113-03 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Professor Carole Myers Attention! Write this down You need this information often for your homework! Your course is CS113 Your section number is 03

2 So you think school is all there is…think again! You are here to get an education to enhance your quality of life, this is true! However, you are human and I do understand this!

3 Agenda for Seminar 1 Instructor Information Seminar time Kaplan classes How Seminars are Conducted Special Seminar Rules Syllabus Email Readings Submitting Homework Discussion Expectations Participation Expectations What is due in Week 1

4 Instructor Information Professor Carole Myers -Please feel free to call me Carole Professor Prof Whatever makes you most comfortable

5 Get your pen out!

6 Methods of Communication AIM-ProfessorCMyers Email- Phone: 502-381-1555 Contact me for all curriculum and class related issues. Look for Hint Below Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

7 Help Desk phone number 1-888-747-4710 Remember that your instructor is not equipped to help you with technological issues.

8 Office Hours Office Hours are held in AIM: Monday – Wednesday 6 PM to 8 PM EST (unless it’s a holiday) If you see me logged into AIM, please feel free to contact me at other times. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework Look for Hint Below

9 SEMINAR Every Wednesday 8 PM- 9 PM EST (please adjust to your time zone) Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

10 Kaplan Classes Classes are 10 weeks in length -the last week does not have a seminar and it is more for reflection and to say good-bye and exchange emails if desired. Each week comprises 1 unit. -Week 1=Unit 1 Units begin every Wednesday and end on the following Tuesday. -Today is day one of Unit one.

11 Kaplan classes continued Each Unit will include the following: -Seminar -Discussion -Participation -Homework (usually) Weeks might also include the following: -Quiz Week 4 only

12 How the Seminar is Conducted Seminar time is limited and goes by quickly Please adhere to the following policies to be sure that we can cover everything for the week!

13 How the Seminar is Conducted… First, when you respond to a comment someone made, preface it with their first name. For example, if their screen name is Mary Smith, say: Mary - What you say is correct. My perspective is ____”

14 How the Seminar is Conducted… Second, when you want to address the entire class, preface it with “To All”. For example, “To All - I would like to know ____” -Note - Everyone should use upper and lower case in responding. Please do not use all caps.

15 How the Seminar is Conducted… Third, when you want to address a question I asked or ask me a question, preface it with “Professor” or “Prof” For example: “Prof - I would ____”

16 How the Seminar is Conducted… Fourth, Please refrain from off-topic and sidebar conversation :-)

17 How the Seminar is Conducted… Fifth, although I may ask a specific question to a specific student you are all welcome to respond to it. -The seminar is a learning experience where you learn from each other. I act as the facilitator. Not everyone has the same view, so don’t take a fellow classmates post as a value judgment on yourself.

18 How the Seminar is Conducted… Sixth, Student responses should never be one or two words. Most responses like this do not help others to understand what you are saying. -Get into the habit of adding value to each and every response you make.

19 Make a point to attend Seminar We will be discussing and expanding on the readings. Seminars add to your understanding of the weekly material. In addition, it is a time when we can interact with each other.

20 We all have them… Sometimes it seems that an instructor is doing something you cannot find in the syllabus or that other instructors “never did.”


22 Special Seminar Rules The first 5 minutes are for greeting your classmates. Once I state that the seminar has started, please do not post any other greetings. This bears repeating…. Please do not greet each other at any other time.

23 Special Seminar Rules continued Please do not announce that you are late, that you are experiencing technical difficulties or that you are leaving the seminar early. Why?--It tends to take the class off-track because people feel rude if they do not acknowledge you. Think about this…. if you were late in a ground class, would you stop the class to announce when you arrived?

24 Please do not discuss off-topic issues. - For example, if your computer is not working or you are having trouble staying connected, instructors and classmates have no way to help you and the seminar needs to continue despite your issues. We have so much material to cover in the hour Meanwhile, you can call Tech Support to get the help you need.

25 Special Seminar rules As a review, conduct yourself as you would in a traditional class setting. Let’s save the last five minutes of the seminar for questions because chances are that any questions you come with will be covered during the seminar.

26 Course Expectations These are located in your Syllabus

27 Syllabus ~ Print it! Where do you find it? -Go to the left side of the classroom. -Under Course Home, click on Course Syllabus

28 Or download from Doc Sharing at the bottom of the list.

29 How to send Email Instructor and class members are listed here. Click on the names and then click Add. The chosen names will drop down to this box. Your subject line should begin with the course, section, and your user name. Then add the subject of your message. A sample subject line would be: CS113-01 jlee Question on Unit 1 Homework.

30 Submitting Homework To submit homework, click on the Dropbox tab. Select “Submit an Assignment” and then choose the correct “Submit to Basket.” Naming Conventions: When assignments are submitted, use the correct naming convention for your document. Username-project-unit#.doc jolee-homework-unit1.doc

31 Dropbox Drop Box is your key to homework submittal and to review returned work with instructor comments….. Note the little paper Icon that shows that the work was submitted correctly. Now, click on it to check it ~ be sure it is what you meant to send.

32 Homework Expectations Assignments are due by midnight on Tuesday. Try not to wait until the last minute to submit -Plan ahead! -You never know what will prevent you from meeting the deadline

33 Assignments/Projects You have an assignment due for every unit except unit Unit 7. Be sure your name and section number are on each document you submit. Be sure your name is on the label of the dropbox document. If the directions say write a minimum number of sentences, I consider that average and will award only 70% of the possible points. If you want the full complement of points you must write 2-3 sentences more than the minimum. Be sure to monitor your spelling, grammar and punctuation!

34 Back-up Plan We all experience computer issues from time-to-time -Print out materials at the beginning of the week. -Keep all Professor & Help Desk phone numbers on paper. -Do it now! Create a back-up plan. -Find local places where you can access a computer. - For example, I have a broadband card in case I lose internet access and also know where the local internet cafes are located. -Save your documents often! Buy a USB drive...

35 Expectations Discussion Questions & Participation

36 DISCUSSION RULES Requirements for Discussion Questions are in each Unit. -There is a 100-word count or roughly 7 to 10 sentences -Use the these as a guideline to be sure that you have included enough information. BEGIN on Wednesday! Your response to the discussion question is to be made no later than Saturday (the fourth day of each week). Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

37 Discussion Expectations Please do not wait until late Tuesday to submit your Discussion Question and respond to cohorts! We need something to talk about!

38 DISCUSSION Check –Did you answer the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off-track and forget to answer the question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

39 PARTICIPATION Respond to two classmates commenting on their response to the discussion question. Same rule applies pertai ning to substance as your initial post! There is a 100-word count or roughly 7 to 10 sentences. This must be completed no later than the following Monday of each week! Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

40 Discussion and Participation go hand-in-hand You must post to the discussion board on at least three (3) different days during the unit. To do this, make three or more postings during the week by posting your original post and then replying to 2 or more classmates showing *meaningful interaction. *Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and be 7 to 10 sentences or about 100 words in length. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

41 AGAIN--- meaningful interaction means Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and 7 to 10 sentences or about 100 words in length. Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

42 Sample feedback for discussion board Discussion Board (worth 50 pts): If you complete your initial response and do not respond to cohorts, you would see something in your grading criteria such as this: Content (Substance/Meaningfulness) 5/10, Writing (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) 10/10, Relevance (On Topic) 10/10, Timeliness of Participation (Deadlines met Friday- Initial; Monday-Peers) 0/10, Interaction Participation (Required response postings) 0/10 If you met all requirements to include substance (100 words or 7-10 sentences with initial and responses) then you would see something in your grading criteria such as this: Content (Substance/Meaningfulness) 10/10, Writing (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) 10/10, Relevance (On Topic) 10/10, Timeliness of Participation (Deadlines met Friday- Initial; No later than Monday-Peers; at least three different days) 10/10, Interaction Participation (Required response postings) 10/10

43 Sample feedback for Homework Each assignment has different expected outcomes therefore relatively speaking this example will provide you with insight: Unit 1 example: 60/60 All 20 items found. *NOTE: There is a 3 pt deduction for each missing element There is a 1 pt deduction for each misspelled word Unit 6 example: Evaluation paragraph (1) 30/60: Content 10/30, Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation 10/30, and Reflection 10/30. Evaluation paragraph (2) 30/60: Content 10/30, Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation 10/30, and Reflection 10/30.

44 Grading Criteria – the Rubric! Grade: Grading Criteria for Discussion Board 90-100% Responses are on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion. Responses make frequent, informed references to unit material. Responses are clearly written. Substantial original answers to the questions that furthers the work of the class. Typically in the 100 word range or responses meet length requirements as posted in the classroom. Two or more thoughtful responses per discussion question to classmates that advance the discussion. Student enters on 3 different dates of the unit with one response on each of those 3 dates being approximately 100 words in length. Find the rubric in your syllabus.

45 Point Distribution Unit12345678910total Discussion50 450 Assignment60 420 Plagiarism Quiz10 Final Project120 110 120110 501101701000 There are no extra credit possibilities in this course.

46 Unit 1 Deliverables So what is due in Week 1?

47 Week 1 Discussion and Participation Introduce yourself. Be sure to include the following… Part 1: Tell us briefly something about yourself and why you chose your major. Part 2: Share with us one of your "first time" experiences from this list: - first time in an online course (if this is your first time…chose something that you have already done). -first time sending an email -first time using instant message -first time buying something online -first time using a search engine such as Google Participation Post at least 2 other messages in response to your classmates’ postings. Don’t forget the class rules for responses to our discussion forum

48 Week 1 Reading Be sure to read everything. Click the arrows and make sure that you read every page

49 Discussion There are 2 parts to Week 1 discussion 1.Introduce yourself 2.2. Answer one or more of the questions listed. Click the Respond link to add your first discussion response.

50 Assignment On page THREE of the Assignment tab you will find the instructions for this week’s assignment. On page FOUR you will find instructions for how to submit (in case you forgot) =0) FIND PAGE #’S HERE

51 Where is the Academic Success Page? Hint: Needed for Unit 1 homework

52 SYLLABUS HOLDS ANSWERS TO : -Grading scale -Course Policies -Naming conventions -Acceptable Extenuating Circumstances -Early discussion Policy -Early Project Submission -Online Communication Guidelines -Some general discussion and participation Guidelines -Kaplan University Policies Hint: You will use the Syllabus for the Unit 1 homework

53 Kaplan University Polices The SYLLABUS HOLDS ANSWERS TO THESE POLICIES -Online Attendance/Tardiness -Late Work -Plagiarism -Including the sanctions for this type of offense

54 Syllabus continued DON’T FORGET THAT KAPLAN OFFERS TUTORING! See Syllabus for details

55 More Hints Don’t forget to rename the document as YourName-CS113 -Unit 1- Project -i.e. CaroleMyers-CS113-Unit1-Project BEFORE you begin to type in the information YOU MUST HAVE MICROSOFT WORD -.doc or.docx (.rtf is an alternative) Microsoft Word Works is NOT Microsoft WORD.wps

56 Free Trial Ultimate steal 91% off for students. $59.00 Word * Excel * PowerPoint *Outlook * One Note * Groove * Publisher * Access * Info Path * Accounting Express us/default.aspx

57 Don’t forget Your course is CS113 Your section number is 11AU You need this information for your homework!

58 Week 1 Seminar And finally, I like to have fun in learning! Join me and other Kaplan students from the present and past at

59 Okay, now it is your turn! Any questions regarding the material covered today? What do you think? Are you ready? Let’s Do It!!!

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