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Welcome to 3 rd Grade! Ms. Lee

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3 rd Grade! Ms. Lee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3 rd Grade! Ms. Lee jlee@skyviewacademy.k12.

2 Daily Schedule  Miss Lee’s Daily Schedule  8:30-9:15 Math  9:20-10:20 Science or Social Studies  10:20-11:15 Reading  11:15-11:35 Lunch  11:35-11:55 Recess  11:55-1:05 Writing  1:10-1:55 Specials (CAMP)  1:55-2:15 Read Aloud  2:15-2:45 Spanish  2:45-3:15 DEAR  3:15-3:30 Clean Up / Pack Up  3:30 Carpool Begins

3 Reminders  Nut-free snack  No birthday treats please  Weekly News sent out at the end of every week by email and also posted on website  View Parent Portal for update on your student’s grades

4 Core Knowledge Topics Science:Social Studies:  Animal Classifications  The Human Body (skeletal, muscular, nervous systems; hearing /sound and visual/light)  Astronomy  Ecology  World Geography: Maps, Countries, Important rivers of the world  Ancient Rome  The Vikings  Early Exploration of America  Colonial America  Native Americans

5 Writing  New writing process and program: Every Child a Writer (ECAW)  Big focus this coming year  Writing workbooks will stay at school all year  Instruction based on differentiated small groups

6 Homework Policy  Students will be assigned daily homework and track the assignments in his/her planner.  In third grade you can expect about 30 minutes of homework nightly.  Reading = 20 minutes a night. A reading log is stapled into the back of their planner for nightly tracking.

7 Homework  It is the student’s responsibility to complete their homework.  Please try to help answer questions if they have them, but if they are still confused, have them guess and ask the teacher to explain the next day.  If a student chooses not to turn in their homework, 10% of their grade is deducted for each day it is late. After five late days, the child will receive a 0.

8 Communication  Daily planners  Stoplight progression colored in each day  Thursday Folders  Website  Remember to check for Homeroom, Reading, and Math!  School to Home/ Home to School  Email is best way to connect with me

9 Classroom Website

10 Scholastic Book Orders  Great way to get quality books into your child’s hand at a cheaper price  Special offer for teachers for the month of September only, so this is the perfect chance for the class to earn bonus points to use on books to boost our classroom library  E-books are available too!

11 Thank you for coming! Ms. Lee jlee@skyviewacademy.k12.

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