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2 nd Grade Team Shivani Senthirajah – Room 26 *Ms. Tompkins is a teacher candidate who will be working in Ms. Senthirajah’s room this year. Tara Zurcher.

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2 2 nd Grade Team Shivani Senthirajah – Room 26 *Ms. Tompkins is a teacher candidate who will be working in Ms. Senthirajah’s room this year. Tara Zurcher – Room 27 Jason Adams – Room 28

3 Our Team Work closely together to plan curriculum and activities Walk to Language – 30 minutes daily language instruction at 3 levels Walk to Read – 60 minutes daily of small group reading instruction at a variety of levels


5 Common Core Academic Standards in Math and English/Language Arts that have been adopted by 46 out of 50 states across the country These standards provide consistency and clarity for students They are relevant to the real world and challenging to give students the skills and knowledge for success in college and careers

6 Curriculum David Douglas School District is in year 3 of a new curriculum for grades K-5 It is a web-based curriculum that can be updated and changed without purchasing new text books This curriculum is aligned to the Common Core standards Concepts can be integrated throughout the day in all subject areas It focuses on collaboration, creative thinking, critical thinking and academic success skills

7 Intervention * There are interventions set up for both reading and math if your child needs a little extra help. * Reading and math intervention groups occur everyday for 30 minutes. * Reading intervention is first priority if students need help

8 * Schools Uniting Neighborhoods * Fall SUN starts October 12th (forms will be sent home tomorrow-Sept.23 rd ) * This year, SUN school is a 4-day commitment (Monday-Thursday) after school * SUN also offers parent education classes throughout the year SUN School

9 SUN School (cont.) * First priority are kids who need math intervention but can’t attend during the day because of reading intervention * Some available classes include sign language, chess, computer club, cartooning, art, dance, and science * There is also a daily homework block built into their schedule

10 Grading & Report Cards The report card reflects Common Core State Standards. Please see the copy of skills we have provided for you. Grades are proficiency based. Students are given a score of 1-5 based on how well they can demonstrate a skill. Scores of 3 will reflect adequate progress toward proficiency. Students are working toward a score of 4 in all areas by the end of the year.

11 Grades 5 : Exemplary - above grade level 4: Proficient - at grade level 3: Approaching Proficient - occasionally meets grade level standards; beginning to grasp and apply key processes and skills for their grade level, but produces work that contains errors 2: Not Yet Proficient - not meeting grade level standards and is working one or more years below grade level 1: Insufficient Evidence Towards Standard - missing assignments, and/or length of time in school (frequent absences) X: Not yet assessed

12 Frequency of Report Cards This year, we will complete report cards twice. Parents will also be given a student data sheet twice during the year. November (Fall Conferences): data sheet February: Report Card #1 sent home March (Spring Conferences): data sheet June: Report Card #2 sent home *Please see handout for more details*

13 Homework Expectations Sent home on Wednesdays Due the following Wednesday Consists of reading log and math facts fluency practice Read 75 minutes per week We recommend 5-10 minutes per night for addition and subtraction practice

14 How to Support at Home Provide a common place and time to do homework Be involved in your child’s reading: read with them, have them read to you, have them tell about what they read, ask questions about their reading Math fact quizzing – Make a game out of it (memorize addition and subtraction facts)

15 Extra Practice Options at Home Reading: RAZ Kids – Practice at individual levels Listening, reading, quiz Math: IXL – Practice of skills taught at school Can do skills at other grade levels to review or challenge


17 Attendance Be on time - Class starts at 9:00 am (10:00 am on Wed.) Classroom doors are open 15 minutes before If your child has a fever or has been vomiting, they need to stay home

18 Absent Students It’s extremely important to be at school on time everyday! 2 nd grade is a very busy year so we don’t want our students missing days unless they’re really sick. Work missed will need to be completed upon a student’s return to school. This may be done at school or at home unless it is a test.

19 Behavior Management INCENTIVES: Friendship Bucks Charger Cards Charger Coins Student of the Month Golden Tray (cafeteria) Golden Whistle (recess) CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning or Redirection Loss of Friendship Bucks Time Out Loss of Recess Minutes Written Warning (Minor) Written Referral to Student Behavior Specialist

20 Friendship Club Meet together once a month Teaching Peace Song Teach and practice problem solving strategies Incentives for positive behaviors = Friendship Bucks Monthly goal = prize drawing Friendship Lunch

21 Special Events Spring field trip to the Oregon Children’s Theater to see a performance of “James and the Giant Peach” 2 nd grade music program at Cherry Park-will most likely be in the spring


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