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A transformative power. The best of both worlds. Evidence needed. Jordan Snyder.

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Presentation on theme: "A transformative power. The best of both worlds. Evidence needed. Jordan Snyder."— Presentation transcript:

1 A transformative power. The best of both worlds. Evidence needed. Jordan Snyder

2 A combination of face-to-face and online learning modalities Recognized in 2001 as all pervasive in the training industry

3 Has been around for a while Correspondence learning in the 1920’s and 1930’s Open universities since the 1970’s

4 Garrison & Kanuka (2004) Blended learning inevitable in higher education

5 Garrison & Kanuka (2004) Blended learning inevitable in higher education Learner centered

6 Garrison & Kanuka (2004) Blended learning inevitable in higher education Learner centered Fundamentally changes the teaching and learning dynamic

7 Garrison & Kanuka (2004) Blended learning inevitable in higher education Learner centered Fundamentally changes the teaching and learning dynamic Improved quality and quantity of interaction increases the learner’s sense of engagement in a community of inquiry

8 Chuck Dziuban (2005) Higher education transformed by blended learning Shift from “Knowledge is power” to “The ability to use knowledge effectively is power”


10 Ruiz, Mintzer, and Leipzig (2006) Medical education eLearning as standalone

11 Ruiz, Mintzer, and Leipzig (2006) Medical education eLearning as a complement to face-to-face

12 Osguthorpe and Graham (2003) Maximizing benefits of both modalities Six goals for instructors of blended courses Pedagogical richness Access to information Social interaction Personal agency Cost of effectiveness Ease of revision Oliver and Trigwell (2005)

13 Rovai and Jordan (2004) Comparisons of modalities Strongest sense of community in blended environments

14 Halverson (2012) Little conversation in distance learning journals Need for change

15 Halverson (2012) Seminal work not empirical Deeper More coherence

16 Halverson (2012) K-12 – 1.8% of top cited publications 41% of public schools utilizing blended learning

17 Does the combination of these delivery methods/learning modalities alter best practices? Does blended learning increase standardized test scores amongst K-12 students? With seat time remaining largely unaffected by blended learning in K-12, is there still an increase in sense of engagement in a community of inquiry in this setting? With students becoming increasingly tech savvy, should the balance percentage between online and face-to-face delivery shift?

18 1. In the discussion thread, describe a study that should be done on the topic of blended learning in the K-12 setting. Choose a study whose findings would be valuable and informative for districts implementing blended courses in K-12. 2. Optional: In the same thread, describe the engagement level of students (child or adult) in a blended learning opportunity you have conducted or participated in.

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