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BRAZIL Economy By Emma Hartke, Jack Schwarze, and Stephen Baxendale.

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Presentation on theme: "BRAZIL Economy By Emma Hartke, Jack Schwarze, and Stephen Baxendale."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRAZIL Economy By Emma Hartke, Jack Schwarze, and Stephen Baxendale

2 Brazil’s monetary unit is called the reais. Monetary Unit

3 Monetary Units and More Current Exchange Rate- 2.0322 (As of 2009) Comparison of Monetary Units- 1.00 USD =1.86450 BRL Per Capita Incomes- Brazil: $10,200 USA: $46,400

4 Comparing Prices Big Mac= United States- $3.54 Brazil- 8,02 Premium Gasoline= United States- $2.68 Brazil- 5,07 Whole Chicken= United States- $5.37Brazil- 10.64 Coffee= United States- $6.99Brazil- 13.20 _things_cost/image/bigmac.jpg content/uploads/2009/06/roast_chicken_w300.jpg

5 Exports Brazil’s main exports and produced products are iron ore, footwear, soybeans, coffee, and autos.

6 Citations "Brazil| Walmart wWatch." International| Brazil 2009: 1. Web. 29 Jan 2010.. “Universal Currency Converter." Universal Currency Converter January 2 2010: 1. Web. 1 Feb 2010.. What are Brazil's main imports and exports?." none. Wikipedia, 2010. Web.. UK Ranks better on Big Mac index." 2008. Web. 2 Feb 2010.. Gross National Income (per capita) (most recent) by country." 2010. Nationmaster, Web. 2 Feb 2010.. "Gasoline and Diesel Usage and Pricing." Wikipedia, 2010. Web.. "Pao de Acucar." Delivery 2010: n. pag. Web. 4 Feb 2010.. "CIA World Factbook." Brazil: CIA, Unknown. Web..

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