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1 CEPS_thinktank Thinking ahead for Europe Crowdsourcing and Contests: A new digital working class. The Case of CoContest INGRID Winter School.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CEPS_thinktank Thinking ahead for Europe Crowdsourcing and Contests: A new digital working class. The Case of CoContest INGRID Winter School."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CEPS_thinktank Thinking ahead for Europe Crowdsourcing and Contests: A new digital working class. The Case of CoContest INGRID Winter School 24-11-2015, Brussels ILARIA MASELLI & BRIAN FABO

2 2 What is CoContest The Uber of designers 516 designers registered (Sept. 2015) with at least 2 contests

3 3 Why analyzing CoContest? Crowdsourcing of a high-skilled task Both highly technical and creative Typical non-tradable sector

4 4 What is interesting? The demand for design work The supply The earnings on the platform The international competition

5 5 The demand side: Contests by country * 267 contests launched

6 6 The supply side: Designers by country * 516 designers with 2 contests submitted

7 7 Designers by country (2) 47€

8 8 Is that enough to make a living? Italy Vs Serbia Average monthly net salary (Numbeo) ItalySerbia 1,477334 Average earnings per submission ItalySerbia 3669 N. of contests needed to earn a living, per month/week ItalySerbia 41 / 10.24.8 / 1.2 …A crowdsourced global database

9 9 The trade pattern in the digital labour market A north-employer / south-contractor system? NO! But designers from developing economies more likely to be more experienced Why supply work from a developed economy If no other possibility If no experience and high entry barriers If need for low fixed costs and high flexibility in work organization

10 10 So what? It’s complicated – both the demand and the supply Webcrawling can be a source of info Policymakers should not draft legislation before we understand better => crowdsource more research work!

11 11 @IlariaInBxl @CEPS_thinktank Thank you for the attention

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