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Are there more than 2 sexes/genders? Sex - biologically based; genetically determined; genitals and chromosomes Gender - socially/culturally constructed;

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Presentation on theme: "Are there more than 2 sexes/genders? Sex - biologically based; genetically determined; genitals and chromosomes Gender - socially/culturally constructed;"— Presentation transcript:


2 Are there more than 2 sexes/genders?

3 Sex - biologically based; genetically determined; genitals and chromosomes Gender - socially/culturally constructed; masculinity vs. femininity

4 ANDROGYNY (Pat on SNL): intersection between masculine and feminine ?v=VwT1kp0C3Ss ?v=VwT1kp0C3Ss It’s how one feels about one’s own sex

5 Gender typing: ascribing to yourself traits, behaviors, and roles that are common of people of your sex in your culture Gender roles: norms for acceptable behavior for males and females (i.e. females cry)

6 Gender stereotypes: characteristics you apply to a group of people but they are over-simplified

7 Sex chromosomes: 1 from egg (only gives X) and sperm gives X or Y XX=girl and XY=boy Fetus sexually bi-potential until 8 weeks

8 Default is female When it’s XY, at 8 weeks a message is sent to mom to produce ANDROGEN (hormone) to masculinize  testes form, brain changes, penis forms

9 In absence of ANDROGEN, the baby becomes female

10 1. Andrenogenital Syndrome (AGS) - too much androgen is released to the fetus. Not a problem if fetus is male but a female is made more masculine (genitalia masculinizes) More likely to be a TOMBOY

11 2. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) - baby doesn’t detect androgen and male babies don’t masculinize; develop as female but genetically XY; no internal sex organs; at puberty grow breasts but don’t menstruate (XY females)

12 3. Alpha Reductase Deficiency (DHT) -partial androgen insensitivity; internally male but externally female. If not detected before puberty, testes will produce sperm and male secondary characteristics will develop

13 Ann Fausto-Sterling believes that 2 sexes are not enough A spectrum of sexuality exists ( HE SHE ) Surgery can be done to change to one sex Within the first year of intersex baby, doctors operate to assign a sex

14 1. XO=Turner’s Syndrome (sperm contributes nothing); baby develops female but can’t reproduce because doesn’t have reproductive organs; usually short 2. XXX (sperm contributes too much); looks female, tends to be normal

15 3. XXY=Klinefelter’s Syndrome - live as men, looks and raised as male, but small penis & testes, low androgen secretion & possible female breasts develop; a feminizing male 4. XYY - Hyper aggressive male

16 article-2053852/Bobby-Montoya- Colorado-Girl-Scouts-say-yes- BOY-wants-join-them.html article-2053852/Bobby-Montoya- Colorado-Girl-Scouts-say-yes- BOY-wants-join-them.html

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