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DEWG CAP 9/30/00 DEWG CAP 9/30/00 NAT NPX138N VHF-FM Radio Part II Advanced User Training on the use of Scanning, Priority, and Direct Frequency / Channel.

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2 DEWG CAP 9/30/00 DEWG CAP 9/30/00 NAT NPX138N VHF-FM Radio Part II Advanced User Training on the use of Scanning, Priority, and Direct Frequency / Channel Editing DAFB Air Mobility Command Museum Dover, Delaware

3 [Page Up] or NEXT This is the Advanced Training for use of the NPX-138 from Northern Airborne Technology It is assumed for the purposes of this advanced training that the operator/student has at least some experience with frequency agile radios Examples of such are aviation band comm radios or certain VHF-FM applications Remember, this means you may press any key to continue Specific assumptions are made that the student understands the purpose of certain VHF-FM specific matters [such as CTCSS tones], and is comfortable with prior instruction on general use as covered under Part I of this user training series [Page Up] or NEXT

4 Proceed further if you desire information on Channel Scanning, Priority Scanning, and in-the-field frequency entry. Do so only if you feel entirely confident with the preceding material under Part I, the Basic NPX-138N User Training. [[Page Up] or NEXT

5 Many radios will arrive with the default screen shown here. Your radio can be re-programmed to come on and go directly to the channel position of your choice. For now, let’s assume this is what you see…. [Page Up] or NEXT Review One makes display selections by means of 4 toggle switches. Most references to adjustments will be with respect to one or more of these switches. [Page Up] or NEXT

6 “NEXT” IF your radio does power up with this screen, simply move the “NEXT” {Brightness} toggle to the left or right Review [Page Up] or NEXT We now see the normal operating screen [Page Up] or NEXT

7 The EDIT switch is normally centered so that important settings don’t get messed up You can, however, make corrections to TONE, POWER, SIMPLEX/DUPLEX, SCAN & PRIORITY choices by this means XX X Review [Page Up] or NEXT “And how, exactly, do I do that?”, you ask. [Page Up] or NEXT

8 The important mode selections are STEPPED through, one at a time, by moving the EDIT switch to the right -- to the STep position Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT

9 The important selections are STEPPED through, one at a time, by moving the EDIT switch to the right -- to the STep position The EDIT switch in this position changes the mode of these other two switches to NEXT and SELECT, as labeled below them Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT

10 Toggling the switch labeled NEXT takes you through the different modes or settings which can be adjusted, such as Power, Tones, Scan, etc These settings are “global” - They affect all channels, not just the one displayed at the time Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT

11 The SELECT toggle makes the desired change, such as (selection) On, (selection) Off, or setting High or Low, etc The key is knowing what it is you want or need Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT

12 So we know now that we can change various parameters by running thru them one at a time with the NEXT switch Setting Options So we know now that we can change various parameters by running thru them one at a time with the NEXT switch “NEXT” “SELECT” And we know we can execute the change by toggling the SELECT switch. [Page Up] or NEXT

13 The first variable which comes up is the Simplex/Duplex selection One usually thinks of Simplex operation as direct, radio-to-radio contact, while Duplex is most often associated with repeater use Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT The Transmit mode should be left in DUPLEX, so that repeater channels will work. Duplex channels use one frequency for transmit and another for receive [Page Up] or NEXT Channels meant to be “Simplex”, such as 1 thru 4, have been programmed with TX and RX the same so they will act as simplex channels just fine [Page Up] or NEXT The next variable in this sequence is the POWER OUTPUT with a choice of HI, which is 10 Watts of power (max allowed in CAP air service), or LO, which is 1 Watt [Page Up] or NEXT

14 The TONES selection is the next variable You recall from ROA training that a “channel” is comprised of 1) a radio frequency, and, 2) a sub- audible note, or tone, which rides underneath the voice audio and opens up other radios’ receivers The choices for the TONES setting are: ON, OFF, or TX ONLY. Leave “ON” for most general use Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT IF you need to hear a channel without your receiver tone filter on, “TX ONLY” does this. Don’t ever set to “TONES=OFF”. This cuts TX tones as well & you’ll forget, leaving it unusable for future air crews.

15 [Page Up] or NEXT Setting Options The next changeable option is the TONE DISPlay. In order to explain it’s significance, take a look at the main screen again, in this DISPlay mode Assume you’re now in the RX Display mode [Page Up] or NEXT The TONE DISPlay mode determines how that tone is labeled, for programming or reference purposes Choices are the audio frequency itself, such as 100.0, or the EIA# such as “12”, or other nomenclatures used by the Motorola or Wulfsberg companies [Page Up] or NEXT

16 Setting Options We refer to tone types in both simplex and repeater service by their frequency - 156.7 Hz, 203.5 Hz, etc [Page Up] or NEXT This will become important if you should need to install other users’ channels in the field [Page Up] or NEXT

17 So, “TONE DISPlay” is simply a choice of ways to refer to the CTCSS tones you may need to enter in the field Let’s go back to the STep SELECTion we just left, showing the TONE DISP option and continue from there…... Setting Options The next selectable options are the SCAN bank designator and the PRIORITY selector These two functions and their set-up are related, so we’ll cover them together in just a moment [Page Up] or NEXT

18 Another selection along in the Step process lets you choose the channel you see when you POWER-UP the radio Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT

19 Once all of the STepped variables have been set, return the EDIT switch to the center position. Setting Options [Page Up] or NEXT Consider leaving all settings as show above: DISPlay Switch = ID [Page Up] or NEXT SCAN Switch = Normal [Page Up] or NEXT Guard1/Guard2 = G1 or as directed by local command [Page Up] or NEXT Channel = Air to Ground or as directed by your local command [Page Up] or NEXT Verify that you left : POWER = HI [Page Up] or NEXT TONES = ON [Page Up] or NEXT EDIT Switch = [Page Up] or NEXT We didn’t go through all selections possible within each variable option category Most people won’t need to change any of these aforementioned selections, but it’s good to know how to do so in the field or on a mission [Page Up] or NEXT

20 Advanced User Training OK, let’s cover Channel Scan and Priority Scanning is the process of allowing the radio to listen to many channels in a repeating sequence The receiver stops on a channel if it’s in use, so you can hear if there’s traffic of interest to you [Page Up] or NEXT

21 Advanced User Training S C The display, in ID DISPlay mode, will show “S C “ to the right of the Channel Name if it’s on the Scan List [Page Up] or NEXT If you choose to use the SCAN feature, first put your radio on the primary Channel you’re going to be working [Page Up] or NEXT Then, move the SCAN/NORM switch upwards and the radio will begin scanning channels [Page Up] or NEXT

22 Advanced User Training If the “home channel” becomes busy, the receiver will revert back there for you S C [Page Up] or NEXT If a channel becomes a nuisance, toggle the CHANnel switch to “ - ” to make the radio ignore that channel [Page Up] or NEXT This temporary bypass request is reset once you leave the SCAN mode, or if you power off the radio [Page Up] or NEXT

23 Advanced User Training In addition to being on the normal Scan list, certain channels can be designated as Priority channels S C P I [Page Up] or NEXT You’ll see a P I or P 2 to the right of the Channel Name if this channel was programmed as a Priority channel [Page Up] or NEXT If a Priority channel becomes active while you’re scanning, the radio will go to the priority channel [Page Up] or NEXT

24 Advanced User Training S C P I This is NOT the same as a guard channel. A scanned channel is monitored in sequence; A Guard channel is monitored simultaneously regardless of other activities [Page Up] or NEXT A channel is made a Priority channel at the time of programming; This can be changed in the field by persons who know how to edit or enter channels in the field [Page Up] or NEXT = = This is NOT the same as a guard channel. A scanned channel is monitored in sequence; A Guard channel is monitored simultaneously regardless of other activities

25 We now know that there is a batch of channels listed in a main Scan group, and that there are certain ones among this group which are Priority selections How do we decide if we want to simply scan those in the Scan group batch, or if we want to be interrupted by Priority channels as well? Advanced User Training 1 1 2 2 S C P I [Page Up] or NEXT 1. Move the EDIT/STep switch to the right [Page Up] or NEXT 2. Use the NEXT toggle to find the SCAN options (Note that at present, only the normal scan list is chosen) [Page Up] or NEXT 3. SELECT whether to scan just the LIST of scan-channels, or if you want the scan-LIST and the PRIority feature to be engaged [Page Up] or NEXT “NEXT” 3 3

26 Advanced User Training The use of scanning is a subject best covered in detail under self-study in front of the radio with the manual S C P I Please avail yourself of this time-honored training technique [Page Up] or NEXT

27 BREAK Please take a 15 Minute recess before continuing with this program Please load the file NPX138 2of2 Advanced Training.ppt for the rest of this training session.


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