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December 2009 – January 2010 Kissimmee River Restoration Features Photographs by Brent Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "December 2009 – January 2010 Kissimmee River Restoration Features Photographs by Brent Anderson."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 2009 – January 2010 Kissimmee River Restoration Features Photographs by Brent Anderson

2 Looking north at the mid-section of the recently-completed Phase IVB backfill. December 22, 2009 N

3 Looking south along the recarved river channel at the south end of the completed Phase IVB backfill. December 22, 2009 S

4 Looking north from the south end of Phase IVB backfill where it meets Phase IVA backfill. Phase IVA backfill was completed in August 2007 and Phase IVB backfill was completed in December of 2009. December 22, 2009 N Phase IVB Phase IVA Flow

5 Looking north along the Phase IVA backfill. December 22, 2009 N

6 Wood storks and other wading birds are observed foraging in drying pools in lower Pool B in the Phase I restoration area floodplain. December 22, 2009 E

7 Large numbers of wood storks have been observed foraging along the river channel and floodplain this winter. December 22, 2009 E

8 Looking north at drying pools in the north end of Oak Creek floodplain (Phase I restoration area). December 22, 2009 N

9 Looking west at north end of Micco Bluff Run just south of Oxbow 13-Micco connector (Phase I restoration area). December 22, 2009 W

10 Large numbers of wood storks are observed along the restored sections of the river. This shot was taken along Micco Run in the Phase I restoration area. December 15, 2009 W

11 Wood storks are observed perching in dead standing oak trees along the banks of the Phase I restoration area. December 15, 2009

12 Wood stork takes flight over the Kissimmee River. December 15, 2009

13 Drying Pools along Micco Run in the Phase I restoration area December 22, 2009 N

14 Sub-freezing temperatures in early January in the Kissimmee Basin rapidly turned the landscape from green to brown. Photo is in the Phase I restoration area. January 11, 2010

15 Sub-freezing temperatures in early January in the Kissimmee Basin rapidly turned the landscape from green to brown. Photo is in the Phase I restoration area. January 11, 2010

16 Large numbers of foraging wading birds are observed scattered across the landscape in the MacArthur Impoundment Phase I restoration floodplain. January 11, 2010

17 Looking north along the MacArthur Impoundment floodplain in the Phase I restoration area. January 11, 2010

18 Large numbers of wading birds continue to forage in the drying pools in the floodplain. This image is looking north along the MacArthur Impoundment floodplain in the Phase I restoration area. January 11, 2010

19 Looking northeast at the MacArthur Impoundment floodplain in the Phase I area. January 11, 2010

20 Looking east across the Oak Creek floodplain in the Phase I restoration area at groups of multi- species foraging flocks of wading birds. Species include wood stork, glossy ibis, white ibis, great egret, snowy egret, great blue heron, little blue heron, and tri-colored heron. January 11, 2010

21 Micco Bluff Run in the Phase I area. January 11, 2010

22 Drying pools near the Phase I restoration area river channel. January 11, 2010

23 Drying pools along the Phase I restoration area river channel. January 11, 2010

24 Wood storks line the banks of the Kissiimmee River along Micco Bluff Run. January 11, 2010

25 Large multi-species flocks of wading birds were observed foraging in the wetland shrub habitat in the lower west side of the Phase I restored floodplain (south of MacArthur Impoundment). Species include wood stork, roseate spoonbill, and egret and heron species. Can you find the deer? January 11, 2010

26 Glossy Ibis take flight over the Kissimmee River floodplain, while white ibises, egrets and sandhill cranes forage in the drying pools. January 11, 2010

27 Large flocks of waterfowl were also observed foraging in the MacArthur Impoundment floodplain. Both images show the same flock of blue-winged teal at different flight patterns. A rare sighting of hooded mergansers were also observed foraging. January 11, 2010

28 Mottled ducks observed foraging in MacArthur Impoundment floodplain in the Phase I area. January 11, 2010

29 Unrestored Riverwoods Run and cattle pastures. C-38 can be seen in background just below the horizon. This section of the river/floodplain system is scheduled for backfilling and restoration in Phase II/III of construction between 2013-2015. January 11, 2010

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