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Understanding vital signs, height, and weight measurement skills. Unit B Resident Care Skills Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA4.00 Understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding vital signs, height, and weight measurement skills. Unit B Resident Care Skills Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA4.00 Understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding vital signs, height, and weight measurement skills. Unit B Resident Care Skills Resident Care Skills Essential Standard NA4.00 Understand nurse aide skills related to the residents’ vital function and movement Understand nurse aide skills related to the residents’ vital function and movement Indicator 4.01 Understand vital signs, height, and weight skills. Understand vital signs, height, and weight skills. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72431

2 F Y I - Intentional Repeat There is intentional repeat of some HSII course content in Nursing Fundamentals. Repeating course content distributes learning over time and increases long term memory. Academic and skill competence must be maintained at a very high level for direct resident care. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72432

3 Introduction Indicator 4.01 introduces skills the nurse aide will need to measure and record the resident’s vital signs, height and weight. Indicator 4.01 introduces skills the nurse aide will need to measure and record the resident’s vital signs, height and weight. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72433

4 provide information about changes in normal body function and the resident’s response to treatment. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72434 Vital Signs

5 Often the FIRST sign that there is a problem! 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72435 Vital Signs

6 TPR+BP = Vital Signs 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72436

7 TPR+BP = Vital Signs Reflect the function of three body processes that are essential for life. –Regulation of body temperature –Heart function –Breathing 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72437

8 TPR+BP = Vital Signs Abbreviations: –Temperature – T –Pulse – P –Respirations – R –Blood Pressure – BP –Vital signs - TPR and BP 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72438

9 TPR+BP = Vital Signs Purpose –Measured to detect any changes in normal body function –Used to determine response to treatment 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 72439

10 T PR+BP = Vital Signs Temperature 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724310

11 T PR+BP = Vital Signs Temperature Heat production –muscles –glands –oxidation of food Heat loss –respiration –perspiration –excretion 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724311

12 T PR+BP = Vital Signs Temperature temperature Balance between heat production and heat loss is body temperature 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724312

13 Factors Affecting Temperature Exercise Illness Age Time of day Medications Infection Emotions Hydration Clothing Environmental temperature/air movement 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724313

14 Equipment - Thermometer Instrument used to measure body temperature Types –Non-mercury glass oral rectal 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724314

15 Equipment - Thermometer Types (continued) –chemically treated paper – disposable –plastic – disposable –electronic - probe covered with disposable shield –tympanic - electronic probe used in the ear 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724315

16 Electronic Thermometers Electronic Can be used for oral, rectal, or axillary Blue probe for oral Red probe for rectal Disposable probe covers prevent cross- contamination 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724316

17 Aural/Tympanic Temperature - taken in the ear - measures the thermal infrared energy radiating from the blood vessels in the eardrum - position and ear wax can affect readings -left in until it beeps -temperature is calculated into an equivalent by mode 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724317

18 Positioning the Patients Ear for Tympanic temperature Infants under 1 year –Pull ear pinna straight back Infants over 1 year and adults –Pull ear pinna straight back and down Positioning the pinna correctly straightens the auditory canal so the probe will point directly at the tympanic membrane –Pull ear pinna straight back and down 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724318

19 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724319

20 Placement of the Oral Thermometer Put the bulb tip of the thermometer in the “hot pocket” under the tongue. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724320

21 Normal Temperature Range For Adults Oral - 97.6  - 99.6  F (Fahrenheit) or 36.5  - 37.5  C (Celsius) Rectal - 98.6  - 100.6  F or 37.0  - 38.1  C Axillary - 96.6  - 98.6  F or 36.0  - 37.0  C 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724321

22 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature FREE SPACE 98.6°F is the FREE SPACE 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724322

23 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL98.6°F 98.6°F is the average oral temperature for adults and it falls in the middle of the normal range. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724323

24 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL98.6°F99.6°F Add one degree to 98.6°F then place the results in the oral space to the right 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724324

25 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.698.699.6 Subtract one degree from 98.6 then place the results in the oral space to the left 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724325

26 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.6°98.699.6 The average adult temperature taken orally is 98.6° F and the RANGE is 97.6° F to 99.6° F. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724326

27 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL99.6°F Body heat REGISTERS one degree warmer when the temperature is taken RECTALLY ®. Add one degree to 98.6°F then place the results in the space below 98.6°F 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724327

28 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL99.6°F100.6°F Add one degree to 99.6°F then place the results in the rectal space to the right. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724328

29 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F Subtract one degree from 99.6°F then place the results in the rectal space to the left. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724329

30 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F The average adult temperature taken RECTALLY is 99.6° F and the RANGE is 98.6° F to 100.6° F. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724330

31 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature AXILLARY or GROIN 97.6 ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F Body heat REGISTERS one degree COOLER when the temperature is taken AXILLARY (Ax) or in the GROIN. Subtract one degree from 98.6°F then place the results in the space above 98.6°F 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724331

32 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature AXILLARY or GROIN 97.6°F98.6 ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F Add one degree to 97.6°F then place the results to the right of 97.6°F 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724332

33 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature AXILLARY or GROIN 96.7°97.6°F98.6 ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F Subtract one degree from 97.6°F then place the results to the left of 97.6°F 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724333

34 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature AXILLARY or GROIN 96.7°97.6°F98.6 ORAL97.6°F98.6°F99.6°F RECTAL98.699.6°F100.6°F YOU MUST RECORD THE LOCATION WHERE THE TEMPERATURE WAS TAKEN IN ORDER TO INTERPRET NORMAL FROM ABNORMAL ! 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724334

35 “Tic-Tac-Know” Normal Range For Adult Temperature AXILLARY or GROIN (Ax) or Groin ORALO If no location is indicated, the oral route is assumed RECTAL(R) YOU MUST RECORD THE LOCATION WHERE THE TEMPERATURE WAS TAKEN IN ORDER TO INTERPRET NORMAL FROM ABNORMAL ! 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724335

36 To Read A Non-mercury Glass Thermometer Hold eye level Locate solid column of liquid in the glass Observe lines on scale at upper side of column of liquid in the glass 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724336

37 To Read A Non-mercury Glass Thermometer (continued) Read at point where liquid ends If liquid falls between two lines, read it to closest line –long line represents degree –short line represents 0.2 of a degree Fahrenheit 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724337

38 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724338

39 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724339

40 Sites To Take A Temperature Oral – most common Rectal – registers one degree Fahrenheit higher than oral Axillary – least accurate; registers one degree Fahrenheit lower than oral Tympanic – probe inserted into the ear canal 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724340

41 Sites To Take A Temperature (continued) Condition of resident determines which is the best site for measuring body temperature 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724341

42 Temperature: Safety Precautions Hold rectal and axillary thermometers in place Stay with resident when taking temperature Check glass thermometers for chips Prior to use, shake liquid in glass down Shake thermometer away from resident and hard objects 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724342

43 Temperature: Safety Precautions (continued) Wipe from “handle” end toward bulb tip of thermometer prior to reading Delay taking oral temperature for 10 - 15 minutes if resident has been smoking, eating or drinking hot/cold liquids. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724343

44 Temperature Conditions HyperthermiaHyperthermia –Increased body temp –Body temp >104ºF –>106 ºF will cause convulsions and death FeverFever -temp over 101 ºF R -Due to illness or injury 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724344

45 Temperature Conditions HypothermiaHypothermia –Body temp below – 96 ºF –due to exposure to cold temperatures –Depends on core temperature, age and length of exposure 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724345

46 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724346 SKILL 4.01A SKILL 4.01A Oral temperature using a non-mercury glass thermometer Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

47 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724347 SKILL 4.01B SKILL 4.01B Axillary temperature using a non-mercury glass thermometer Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

48 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724348 SKILL 4.01C SKILL 4.01C Rectal Temperature using a non-mercury glass thermometer Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

49 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724349 SKILL 4.01Dto SKILL 4.01Dto Measure Temperature with Electronic Thermometer Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

50 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724350 SKILL 4.01E SKILL 4.01E Measure Temperature with Tympanic Thermometer Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

51 T P R+BP = Vital Signs PULSE 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724351

52 PULSE 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724352 Measuring the pulse is one way of checking on the circulatory system

53 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724353 Circulatory System

54 Nursing Fundamentals 724354 Circulatory System Circulation is continuous movement of blood throughout body 4.01

55 Nursing Fundamentals 724355 Circulatory System (continued) Functions of circulatory system –Arteries carry blood with oxygen and nutrients away from heart and to cells –Veins carry waste products away from cells and to heart 4.01

56 Nursing Fundamentals 724356 Blood Adult has 5 to 6 quarts (liters) Consists of –water - 90% (plasma) –blood cells –carbon dioxide and oxygen –nutrients, hormones and enzymes –waste products 4.01

57 Nursing Fundamentals 724357 Blood (continued) Types of blood cells –Red blood cells - erythrocytes carry oxygen from blood to cells –White blood cells - leukocytes fight infection –Platelets - thrombocytes required for clotting to stop bleeding 4.01

58 Nursing Fundamentals 724358 Blood Vessels Arteries - carry blood away from heart Veins – carry blood to heart 4.01

59 Nursing Fundamentals 724359 Heart Tissue (three layers) –endocardium - smooth, inner layer –myocardium – thick, muscular middle layer –pericardium – double- walled membrane that covers outside of heart 4.01

60 Nursing Fundamentals 724360 Heart Chambers Heart divided into right and left side Atria – upper chambers – receive blood Ventricles – lower chambers – pump blood to lungs and body 4.01

61 Nursing Fundamentals 724361 Heart Chambers Four chambers –right atrium (1) - receives blood from two large veins: superior vena cava inferior vena cava –right ventricle (2) - receives blood from right atrium and pumps it to lungs through pulmonary artery 4.01

62 Nursing Fundamentals 724362 Heart Chambers (continued) Four chambers –left atrium (3) - receives oxygenated blood from left and right pulmonary veins –left ventricle (4) - pumps blood to aorta, which delivers blood to all body parts (except lungs) 4.01

63 Nursing Fundamentals 724363 Heart Valves Located at entrance and exit of each ventricle Four heart valves 4.01

64 Nursing Fundamentals 724364 Heartbeat Systole - contraction of heart muscle Diastole - relaxation of heart muscle Blood pressure – highest and lowest pressure against walls of blood vessels as heart contracts and relaxes Pulse - expansion and contraction of artery 4.01

65 Nursing Fundamentals 724365 Common Disorders of the Circulatory System Arteriosclerosis - walls of arteries become thick and harden Hypertension - high blood pressure Peripheral vascular disease - decrease in flow of blood to extremities and brain Angina pectoris - chest pain 4.01

66 Nursing Fundamentals 724366 Common Disorders of the Circulatory System (continued) Varicose veins - enlarged, twisted veins usually in legs Congestive heart failure - circulatory congestion caused by weak pumping of heart muscle Myocardial infarction (MI) - heart attack due to blockage in coronary arteries 4.01

67 Nursing Fundamentals 724367 Common Disorders of the Circulatory System (continued) Anemia – low red blood cell counts Thrombus – blood clot Phlebitis – inflammation of vein Atherosclerosis - fatty deposits on walls of arteries that reduce blood flow 4.01

68 Nursing Fundamentals 724368 Changes of the Circulatory System Due To Aging Heart muscle less efficient Blood pumped with less force Arteries lose elasticity and become narrow Blood pressure increases Blood chemistry less efficient Capillaries become more fragile 4.01

69 Nursing Fundamentals 724369 Observations of the Circulatory System Changes in pulse rate and blood pressure Changes in skin color Changes in skin temperature – coldness 4.01

70 Nursing Fundamentals 724370 Observations of the Circulatory System (continued) Complaint of dizziness and headaches Complaint of pain in chest and/or indigestion Edema in feet and legs Shortness of breath 4.01

71 Nursing Fundamentals 724371 Observations of the Circulatory System (continued) Sweating Blue color to lips and/or nail beds Complaint of tingling sensations Memory lapses Lack of energy Irregular respirations Anxiety Staring and lack of responsiveness 4.01

72 T P R+BP = Vital Signs PULSE Pulse is pressure of blood pushing against wall of artery as heart beats and rests Pulse easier to locate in arteries close to skin that can be pressed against bone 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724372

73 Sites For Taking Pulse Radial – base of thumb Temporal – side of forehead Carotid – side of neck Brachial – inner aspect of elbow Femoral – inner aspect of upper thigh 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724373

74 Sites For Taking Pulse (continued) Popliteal - behind knee Dorsalis pedis – top of foot Apical pulse – over apex of heart –taken with stethoscope –left side of chest 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724374

75 Factors Affecting Pulse Age Sex Position Drugs Illness Emotions Activity level Temperature Physical training 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724375

76 Measurement of Pulse Normal pulse range/characteristics: 60 -100 beats per minute and regular Documenting pulse rate –Noted as number of beats per minute –Rhythm - regular or irregular –Volume - strong, weak, thready, bounding 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724376

77 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724377 SKILL 4.01F SKILL 4.01F Count and Record Radial Pulse Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

78 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724378 SKILL 4.01G SKILL 4.01G Measure and Record Apical Pulse Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

79 TP R +BP = Vital Signs RESPIRATIONS 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724379

80 RESPIRATIONS Measuring respirations is one way of checking on the respiratory system 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724380

81 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724381 Respiratory System Respiratory System

82 Nursing Fundamentals 724382 The Respiratory System Respiration means to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide necessary for life 4.01

83 Nursing Fundamentals 724383 The Respiratory System (continued) Process –External respiration - oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged between lungs and blood –Internal respiration - oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged between blood stream and cells 4.01

84 Nursing Fundamentals 724384 The Respiratory System Structure Oral cavity – mouth Pharynx – throat Larynx - voice box Trachea – windpipe Bronchi - right and left Bronchioles - smallest branches of bronchi Alveoli - air sacs covered with capillaries 4.01

85 Nursing Fundamentals 724385 The Respiratory System Structure (continued) Nose - lined with mucous membrane –air filtered by cilia –mucous membrane warms and moistens air 4.01

86 Nursing Fundamentals 724386 The Respiratory System Structure (continued) Lungs –right - 3 lobes –left - 2 lobes 4.01

87 Nursing Fundamentals 724387 The Respiratory System Structure (continued) Pleura – membrane that encloses lungs Diaphragm - muscle that separates the chest and abdomen –contraction - draws air into lungs –relaxation - forces air out of lungs 4.01

88 Nursing Fundamentals 724388 Common Disorders of Respiratory System URI – Upper Respiratory Infection - infection of nose, throat, larynx, trachea Pneumonia - inflammation or infection of the lungs 4.01

89 Nursing Fundamentals 724389 Common Disorders of Respiratory System (continued) Emphysema (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD) – alveoli become stretched and stiff preventing adequate exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Asthma – spasms of bronchial tube walls causing narrowing of air passages usually due to allergies 4.01

90 Nursing Fundamentals 724390 Common Disorders of Respiratory System (continued) Allergy – reaction to substances that leads to slight or severe response by body. Influenza – highly contagious URI Pleurisy – inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs 4.01

91 Nursing Fundamentals 724391 Common Disorders of Respiratory System (continued) Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi Lung cancer - malignant tumors in the lungs that destroy tissue 4.01

92 Nursing Fundamentals 724392 Changes in Respiratory System Due To Aging Lung tissue becomes less elastic Respiratory muscles weaken Number of alveoli decrease Respirations increase Voice pitched higher and weaker due to changes in larynx Chest wall and structures become more rigid 4.01

93 Nursing Fundamentals 724393 Observations Of Respiratory System Rate and rhythm of respirations Respiratory secretions – character Character of cough Changes in skin color - pale or bluish gray Temperature changes Difficulty breathing 4.01

94 Nursing Fundamentals 724394 Observations Of Respiratory System (continued) Color of sputum Complaint of pain in chest, back, sides Shortness of breath Noisy respirations Sneezing Gasping for breath Anxiety 4.01

95 Measuring Respirations Respiration – process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide from lungs and respiratory tract 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724395

96 Measuring Respirations (continued) Age Activity level Position Drugs Sex Illness Emotions Temperature Factors Affecting Rate 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724396

97 Measuring Respirations (continued) Qualities of normal respirations –12-20 respirations per minute –Quiet –Effortless –Regular 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724397

98 Measuring Respirations (continued) Documenting respiratory rate –Noted as number of inhalations and exhalations per minute (one inhalation and one exhalation equals one respiration) –Rhythm – regular or irregular –Character: shallow, deep, labored 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724398

99 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 724399 SKILL 4.01H SKILL 4.01H Count and Record Respiration Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

100 TPR+ BP = Vital Signs BLOOD PRESSURE 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243100

101 Blood Pressure 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243101 Measuring the pulse is one way of checking on the circulatory system

102 Measuring Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against walls of arteries –Systolic pressure: greatest force exerted when heart contracting –Diastolic pressure: least force exerted as heart relaxes 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243102

103 Factors Influencing Blood Pressure Weight Sleep Age Emotions Sex Heredity Viscosity of blood Illness/Disease 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243103

104 Blood Pressure: Equipment Sphygmomanometer (manual) –cuff - different sizes –pressure control bulb –pressure gauge – marked with numbers aneroid mercury 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243104

105 Blood Pressure: Equipment (continued) Stethoscope –magnifies sound –has diaphragm 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243105

106 Measuring Blood Pressure Blood PressureSystolic (top#) Diastolic (bottom #) Normal ≤ 120 <80 Pre Hypertension 120-13980-89 Hypertension Stage (1) 140-15990-99 Hypertension Stage (2) ≥160≥100 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243106

107 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurements Measure on upper arm Have correct size cuff Identify brachial artery for correct placement of stethoscope 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243107

108 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243108 = Positioning of stethoscope diaphragm directly over the brachial artery increases ability to hear the systolic and diastolic sounds

109 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243109 Positioning of stethoscope diaphragm directly over the brachial artery increases ability to hear the systolic and diastolic

110 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurements (continued) First sound heard – systolic pressure Last sound heard or change - diastolic pressure 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243110

111 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243111 Systolic – Start hearing a Sound – Heart Muscle is Squeezing Diastolic – Don’t hear sound anymore – Heart muscle does not work during diastolic. This number is written down under the systolic number. 12080

112 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurements (continued) Record - systolic/diastolic Resident in relaxed position, sitting or lying down Blood pressure usually taken in left arm 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243112

113 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurements (continued) Do not measure blood pressure in arm with IV, A-V shunt (dialysis), cast, wound, or sore 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243113

114 Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurements (continued) Apply cuff to bare upper arm, not over clothing Room quiet so blood pressure can be heard Sphygmomanometer must be clearly visible 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243114

115 Blood Pressure: Reading Gauge Large lines are at increments of 10 mmHg Shorter lines at 2 mm intervals Take reading at closest line 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243115

116 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243116 SKILL 4.01I SKILL 4.01I Measure Blood Pressure Manual Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

117 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243117 SKILL 4.01J SKILL 4.01J Combined Vital Signs Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

118 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243118 Measuring Height and Weight

119 The resident’s weight, compared with the height, gives information about his/her nutritional status and changes in the medical condition. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243119

120 Measuring Height And Weight Baseline measurement obtained on admission and must be accurate. Other measurements obtained as ordered. 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243120

121 Measuring Height And Weight (continued) Height measurements –Feet –Inches –Centimeters Weight measurements –Pounds –Ounces –Kilograms 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243121

122 Measuring Height and Weight (continued) Reasons for obtaining height and weight –Indicator of nutritional status –Indicator of change in medical condition –Used by doctor to order medications 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243122

123 Special Case for Height Measurement Residents who are contractured or Residents who cannot stand Must be measured using a tape measure 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243123

124 Measuring Height and Weight (continued) –Use same scale each time –Have resident void, remove shoes and outer clothing –Weigh at same time each day Guidelines for weighing residents 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243124

125 Measuring Height and Weight (continued) Scales –Remain more accurate if moved as little as possible. –Various types of scales bathroom scale standing scale scales attached to hydraulic lifts wheelchair scales bed scales 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243125

126 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243126 SKILL 4.01K SKILL 4.01K Measure Height & Weight & Weight Training Lab Assignment Engage in the Skill Acquisition Process for:

127 Understand vital signs, height, and weight measurement skills. 127  END  4.01 4.01Nursing Fundamentals 7243

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