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Velocity Vectors Conceptual Physics Text Correlation: Section 3.2 4.

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1 Velocity Vectors Conceptual Physics Text Correlation: Section 3.2 4



4 Question 1 When an airplane flies directly into the wind, is the speed of the airplane across the ground more, less, or unaffected? Answer: Less speed. In fact, if the airplane's speed matches wind speed, the airplane would stay in one place (like a bird often does when it faces the wind).

5 Question 2 When an airplane flies directly with the wind, so the wind comes from behind, is the speed of the airplane across the ground more, less, or unaffected? Answer: It is more.

6 Question 3 When an airplane flies in a cross wind, so its nose is pointing at right angles to the wind, is the speed of the airplane across the ground more, less, or unaffected? Answer: It is more! How much more and in what direction is found by vectors!

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