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In trouble with the logics: data recording in performance management Signe Groth Andersson, Socialt Udviklingscenter SUS, Köpenhamn; Verner.

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Presentation on theme: "In trouble with the logics: data recording in performance management Signe Groth Andersson, Socialt Udviklingscenter SUS, Köpenhamn; Verner."— Presentation transcript:

1 In trouble with the logics: data recording in performance management Signe Groth Andersson, Socialt Udviklingscenter SUS, Köpenhamn; Verner Denvall, Linnéuniversitetet, Sverige;


3 Vad säger forskning om performance management? Bas i TQM och New public management Från varuproduktion till mer komplexa tjänstesystem ”Man kan inte leda utan att mäta” Finns ett otal varianter Ofta omskrivet och kritiserat – men anses nödvändigt Beroende av korrekta data Shit in – shit out Professionslogik kontra organisationslogik Olika slags logiker i spel samtidigt; hur påverkas mätningen? Kan man tjäna något på att luras och rapportera fel till chefen?

4 Kvalitetsstjärnan – Oucome star Case i en dansk kommun bland institutioner för hemlösa

5 Det store spørgsmål: Hvordan fungerer performance measurement i praksis? Det afhænger af karakteren af og samspillet mellem forskellige logikker i organisationen Det korte svar:

6 Styring Monitorering, Systemer Kontrol, Ensretning Læring og selvledelse Organizational professionalism Autonomy Peer authority Trust Relations Professional values Occupational professionalism  Organisationens interesser  Professionens eller klientens interesser

7 Organizational professionalismOccupational professionalism "For me it is about making something happen that the client can benefit from - on his own terms. So it does not necessarily have to do with some centrally outlined guidelines" "By looking at the progress of several clients from one social service center or within one specific area, central management can assess whether the efforts and interventions are leading to good overall results or whether they may need adjustment”

8 Monitorering, kontrol, ensretning Læring og selvledelse Ledelses/management logikker Professional InstrumentalStrategic Recording logics Logikker i vort studie

9 3 recording logics: Strategic Professional Instrumental Rationale Rationale Assumptions, attitudes, motives Recording behavior

10 Recording logic RationaleAttitude/assumptionMotiveRecording behavior Strategic Pragmatic and calculating Lack of confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Lack of confidence in managers’ ability to interpret data Distrust of managers’ intentions Consideration for the units‘ position Consideration for the professionals’ own position Consideration for the client’s well- being/position Calculating recording: Intentionally higher or lower scores than the guidelines prescribe, if it is believed to accommodate a beneficial communication strategy, “cheating” and “gaming” Professional Occupational professionalism Lack of confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Resistance to the values of the PM system Indifference to the PM system Consideration for the relation and the client’ well being Loyalty to occupational, principles and values Symbolic recording: Purposely indifferent, higher or lower scores than the guidelines prescribe if it is believed to accommodate the well-being of the client or the values of the profession Instrumental Organizational professionalism Confidence in the PM system and managements overall intentions with implementing it Confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Consideration for the organization Consideration for the large population of clients A desire to comply with the given guidelines and procedures Instrumental recording: Records in the PM system reflect a professional assessment that strives to give a score that accommodates the recording guidelines provided by management

11 Recording logic Rationale Attitude/assumptio n MotiveRecording behavior ProfessionalOccupational professionalism Lack of confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Resistance to the values of the PM system Indifference to the PM system Consideration for the relation and the client’ well being Loyalty to occupational, principles and values Symbolic recording: Purposely indifferent, higher or lower scores than the guidelines prescribe if it is believed to accommodate the well- being of the client or the values of the profession The professional recording logic

12 SSsss Lower Professional recording logic Occupational professionalism Autonomy Peer authority Trust Relations Professional values Occupational professionalism Autonomy Peer authority Trust Relations Professional values Higher Lower Loyalty to occupational, principles and values Resistance to the values of the PM system Considerati on for the relation and the client’ well being Influencing factors Rationale Recording behavior

13 It would be a shame to spend time discussing numbers. When we deal with people we do not discuss simple dimensions. These are complex problems where you cannot separate one dimension from the other Professional recording logic We have resigned a bit when it comes to these recordings… we do the recordings in five minutes – because we have to. If I can see that I exceed a clear line where the client just doesn’t agree with the score or feels really uncomfortable with it, I make the score higher. I do this for the simple reason that I value the relation to the client highly.

14 Recording logic RationaleAttitude/assumptionMotiveRecording behavior Strategic Pragmatic and calculating Lack of confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Lack of confidence in managers’ ability to interpret data Distrust of managers’ intentions Consideration for the units‘ position Consideration for the professionals’ own position Consideration for the client’s well- being/position Calculating recording: Intentionally higher or lower scores than the guidelines prescribe, if it is believed to accommodate a beneficial communication strategy, “cheating” and “gaming” The strategic recording logic

15 We asked many, many times, "what will it be used for?" We never got an answer!... And then you sit back and say, well, has it got something to do with financial resources or something? Strategic recording logic We have agreed to keep the scorings low. We experience ongoing problems with staffing cuts, so if we score everyone high then it may well be that management continue to cut staff because “the clients are doing okay”

16 Recording logic Rationale Attitude/assumptio n MotiveRecording behavior InstrumentalOrganizational professionalism Confidence in the PM system and managements overall intentions with implementing it Confidence in the PM systems ability to convey meaningful data Consideration for the organization Consideration for the large population of clients A desire to comply with the given guidelines and procedures Instrumental recording: Records in the PM system reflect a professional assessment that strives to give a score that accommodates the recording guidelines provided by management The instrumental recording logic

17 There were many such conspiracy theories. But I really do not think about it. I think about making the recording as accurate as possible and avoiding major fluctuations over time Instrumental recording logic Let's say that you score 9 for one client, because you want yourself and your work to look good, and then the client is granted less or no support on that basis; that would be pretty bad!

18 Slutsatser Validiteten af de performance data som produceres afhænger af de forskellige logikker som eksisterer i organisationen De recording logics som tages i anvendelse (og udfaldet af dem i form af recording behavior) påvirkes af flere forskellige faktorer og kan skifte fra én situation til en anden Et bestemt rationale giver ikke altid den samme recording behavior ”Irrationelle” faktorer som følelse tillid, oplevelsen af forskellige værdier, og det at føle sig forstået har betydning for opkomsten af alternative logikker. Succesfuld PM beror ikke bare på gode strukturer, men også på gode relationer

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