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On your index card … First and last name Address Phone number

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Presentation on theme: "On your index card … First and last name Address Phone number"— Presentation transcript:

1 On your index card … First and last name Address Phone number
Parent/Guardian name(s) Your Parent/Guardian Your birthday

2 Summer Reading Test…? Friday-LOTF Discussion Monday-LOTF Discussion
Tuesday-Malcolm X Discussion Wednesday-Malcolm X Discussion Thursday-Great Expectations Day— Shortened Hour Friday-Review Essays/Writing about Literature Monday-MC Tuesday-Essay

3 Selfie Challenge Introduce yourself to your group members. Tell them your name, where you went to elementary school and something interesting about yourself. After all group members have introduced themselves, try to find something everyone in the group has in common. Write that on one whiteboard with a hashtag (example #cavalierpride). On the second whiteboard, write the names of all group members Hold up the signs and have someone from another group take a picture of your group. the picture to Ms. Hamadeh

4 Use your syllabus to complete the scavenger hunt
Scavenger Hunt—Due tomorrow Have a notebook and binder in class as soon as possible Sign up with Remind 101 Accel English 11 to 81010 English 9 to 81010 English 11 to 81010 “Like” Room 118 on Facebook

5 Wednesday Put signed syllabus in box “Like” Room 118 on Facebook
Hold on to Scavenger Hunt Sign up with Remind 101 Accel English 11 to 81010 English 9 to 81010 English 11 to 81010

6 Journal Writing What it is What it is not
About you and your experiences A chance for your to express yourself An opportunity to take chances in your writing As descriptive and powerful as you can be Possibly private Your best work What it is not A list or bullet points Trying to give the “right answers” Something you rush through so you can get your math homework that is due next hour done Boring Busy work

7 Journal: Best Class/Worst Class September 9, 2014
Think about the best class you ever had. Maybe it was the teacher that made the class special. Maybe it was a special group of students in that class. Maybe you learned an important lesson in that class, about life or about academics. Write about this class and what made it special. Think about the worst class you ever had. Maybe the teacher was evil. Maybe a certain person in your class drove you crazy. Maybe you felt like the class was a waste of time because you didn’t learn anything. Write about this class and what made it horrible.

8 Thursday As You Enter Class
Start to fill out your questionnaire Be ready to share at least one item from the list (besides your name) If you have your signed syllabus or scavenger hunt paper, turn that in

9 Ms. Hamadeh Born—December 13, 1979 in Flint
Moved to Owosso when I was 3

10 Ms. Hamadeh’s Family 2 brothers, 33 and 13 2 sisters, 30 and 21

11 Very Strange Childhood
No movie theaters, dances, pierced ears No cable TV No movies unless PG or G Got in trouble for secretly renting Titanic No computer—typewriter is fine Church about 4 times a week on a regular basis (this does not count special events, guest speakers, etc.) Junior Bible Quiz In advanced classes in elementary school It was Owosso …

12 College University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Eastern Michigan University

13 Life Now… At CAHS since 2002

14 Life Now … Salim (5 years old), Navid (3 years old), Georgina (due January 17th)

15 More Pictures …

16 Random Stuff Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad , Mad Men, Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black Favorite movies: The Godfather movies, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, Old School, Anchorman, Favorite Music: So many, so random … Fitz and the Tantrums, Diane Birch, Miguel, Alabama Shakes, Kings of Leon, Motown/70s soul

17 Good Letters Start with a salutation Thinks about the audience
Has a purpose Invites a response (asks the reader questions) Is legible

18 Letter September 10, 2015 In order for a classroom to function and for you to learn as much as you can, it is important for me, as a teacher, to know who you are and for you, as a student, to know your teacher. You have read my letter to all of you as students. Now, write a letter to me letting me know anything you think I should know about you. You may want to consider telling me about: Your background, history and experiences that have shaped you as a person Your family Your learning strengths and weaknesses What you like about school, don’t like about school Questions you have about me, about this class, or about junior year/CAHS Anything else you think would be important for me to know about you

19 Best and Worst September 11, 2015
What has been the best part of your first week of high school? Is there any particular memory you will never be able to forget? What has been the worst part of your first week of high school? How are you dealing (or going to deal) with it?

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