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Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Equality and Diversity update Gemma Bradley (Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Equality and Diversity update Gemma Bradley (Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Equality and Diversity update Gemma Bradley (Standards and Innovation Manager)

2 E&D Update Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Next Steps E&D Group update The Story So Far… Equalities Act Initial Observations

3 E&D: The Story So Far… E&D Strategy developed in 2010 EIAs of Equity’s services E&D working group set up May 2010 E&D Board / Exec champions established Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

4 E&D: Why do we care? 1.We want to Provider of choice Best Companies Equity’s values 2.We have to Equalities Act 2010 TSA (HCA) Regulation Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

5 E&D and regulation TSA Standard – Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Expectation that providers treat people in a fair manner irrespective of their background Annual reports should demonstrate how we are meeting the needs of diverse communities Equalities Act - Public sector duty (general) Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

6 Equalities Act 2010 Brings together race, gender and disability equality duties Proportionate approach according to size Protected characteristics –Gender –Race / ethnicity –Disability –Age –Religion or belief –Sexual orientation –Marriage and civil partnership –Gender reassignment –Pregnancy and maternity Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

7 Are we a public body? Current case law – functions of a public nature (the tests) Is the body subsidised by the State? Does the body have special intrusive powers by law, such as the power to apply for an anti-social behaviour order? Does the body work closely with local government to help the local authority achieve its duties under the law? Is the body providing a public service of a type which only the Government would normally provide, such as housing at below market rents? Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

8 Public Sector Duty General duty and specific duties Indication that general duty applies to HAs General duty Requires public bodies to have due regard to the: 1.Need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation 2.Need to advance equality of opportunity 3.Need to foster good relations In the course of developing policies and delivering services Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

9 Observations Single Equalities Scheme Strategy / Action Plan alignment Actions actions everywhere! Positive progress – all staff trained E&D Group needing focus and revamp Culture not there yet Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

10 E&D Group update What we want for Equity: Provider of choice / employer of choice / growth Legal and regulatory compliance A strong reputation Trained and knowledgeable staff E&D culture and staff champions High customer satisfaction – whoever the customer Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

11 E&D Group update E&D Group responsibilities: Developing framework Ensuring adequate policies in place Scrutinising action plan delivery Information sharing with teams Championing E&D Challenging inappropriate behaviour Points of contact for staff Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

12 Next Steps Combine action plans Work on key priorities Support the E&D Group Social Housing Equalities Framework E&D Strategy Review Policy Reviews Service Reviews E&D a project for now. Later: business as usual Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

13 And finally… Board diversity monitoring Protected characteristics Sheets to fill in – will be posted tomorrow Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

14 Thank you for listening Any further comments, please contact: Gemma Bradley 0161 486 7610 Vision : Provider of Choice Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations

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